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13. Vezi Online Etymology Dictionary. la http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?<br />

term=hypocrisy.<br />

14. Umberto Eco, „Rhetoric and Ideology in Sue’s Les Mysthères de Paris“, in The Role of<br />

the Reade:. Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts, Indiana University Press, 1979, p. 140.<br />

15. Louis Althusser, „The «Piccolo Teatro»: Bertolazzi and Brecht“, in For Marx, trans. Ben<br />

Brewster, The Penguin Press, 1969, prepared for the Internet by David J. Romagnolo,<br />

http://www.marx2mao.com/Other/FM65.html, p. 139.<br />

16. Ibid.<br />

17. Ibid, p. 142.<br />

18. Brecht on Theatre, trans. John Willett, Londra, Methuen, 1964, p. 37.<br />

19. Bertolt Brecht, A Short Organum for the Theatre, http://www.dur.ac.uk/m.p.thompson/<br />

brecht.htm.<br />

20. Althusser, p. 144.<br />

21. Brecht, A Short Organum for the Theatre.<br />

22. Ibid.<br />

23. Althusser, p. 151.<br />

24. Prefaflînd o discuflie între Teresa Margolles øi Santiago Sierra, editorii revistei Bomb descriu<br />

lucrærile celui de-al doilea ca „demascînd (!) relafliile de putere care genereazæ invizibilitatea<br />

muncitorilor în capitalism“. Vezi discuflia dintre Margolles øi Sierra in Bomb, nr. 86,<br />

iarna 2004, http://www.bombsite.com/issues/86/articles/2606.<br />

25. Vezi „The 50th Venice Biennale“, in Frieze, nr. 77, http://www.frieze.com/issue/review/<br />

charles_labelle.<br />

26. Un text foarte bun în aceastæ privinflæ este cel al lui Cosmin Costinaø, Apocalipsa dupæ<br />

Santiago, in IDEA artæ + societate, #22, 2005.<br />

27. Vezi Hito Steyerl, „Instituflia criticii“, text inclus în acelaøi dosar cu textul lui Boris Buden,<br />

apærut în numærul 28 al revistei IDEA artæ + societate.<br />

23. Althusser, p. 152.<br />

24. Introducing a discussion between Teresa Margolles and Santiago Sierra, the editors<br />

of Bomb magazine present the works of the latter as “exposing (!) the power<br />

relations that keep workers invisible under capitalism”. See the discussion<br />

between Margolles and Sierra in Bomb, no. 86, winter 2004, http://www.bombsite.com/issues/86/articles/2606<br />

25. See “The 50th Venice Biennale“, in Frieze, no. 77, http://www.frieze.com/issue/<br />

review/charles_labelle<br />

26. A very good text on this is that of Cosmin Costinaø, The Apocalypse of Santiago,<br />

in IDEA arts + society, #22, 2005.<br />

27. See Hito Steyerl, “The Institution of Critique“, a text included in the same brief<br />

as Boris Buden’s text in the IDEA arts + society, #28.<br />


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