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Pentru o artæ alienantæ<br />

Vlad Morariu<br />

Cînd mi s-a solicitat o formulæ textualæ care sæ abordeze tema prezenflei/<br />

prezentærii artei, am apreciat platforma IDEA drept locul potrivit unde aø<br />

putea avansa o reacflie la un fapt devenit deja evident, procesul de estetizare<br />

a cîmpurilor social øi politic românesc, care influenfleazæ în mod direct<br />

schimbærile recente de pe scena artisticæ localæ. Aceastæ preocupare a apærut<br />

pe mæsuræ ce eu însumi eram legat de o instituflie noncomercialæ de<br />

artæ, care cu greu reuøea sæ supraviefluiascæ, iar simptomele acestui fenomen<br />

– dispariflia lentæ a spafliilor-proiect øi a galeriilor independente, însoflitæ<br />

de creøterea numærului galeriilor comerciale, care au epurat, treptat,<br />

orice conflinut politic din spafliile lor de expunere – puteau fi citite peste<br />

tot. Totul a culminat cu ceea ce s-a întîmplat în primævara lui 2008 la Galeria<br />

Nouæ, unde, næscut deja mort, protestul împotriva închiderii galeriei,<br />

în a cærui eficacitate politicæ nici mæcar curatoarea spafliului nu credea, s-a<br />

trans<strong>format</strong> în simulacrul estetic al unui protest, ca øi cum chiar øi acest<br />

film færæ happy-end trebuia sæ producæ emoflionarea noastræ. Astfel, ne<br />

cheltuim timpul priveghind critica, sperînd sæ avem de-a face doar cu o<br />

moarte clinicæ, dupæ ce amanflii ei temporari au pæræsit-o pentru a îmbræfliøa<br />

un lifestyle – fie el øi de stînga – al compromisului burghez.<br />

Cæ artiøtii din Est nu mai sînt interesafli de chestionarea condifliilor de producflie<br />

a lucrærilor lor este un lucru deja arætat de Boris Buden într-un text<br />

apærut, recent, øi în limba românæ, în <strong>revista</strong> IDEA, într-un dosar dedicat<br />

platformei critice a European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies (e.i.p.<br />

c.p.). 1 Filosoful croat explica fenomenul prin aceea cæ o relaflie fundamental<br />

proprie modernitæflii, aceea dintre crizæ øi criticæ, survenind nemijlocit<br />

din reflecflia de sine a iluminismului de secol XVIII (dialectica iluminismului),<br />

øi care a reuøit sæ impunæ conøtiinfla contradicfliei dintre „vechi“ øi „modern“,<br />

deschizînd apetitul pentru acfliunea revoluflionaræ, este astæzi<br />

fracturatæ, noi fiind incapabili, spune Buden, de a mai exersa experienfla<br />

timpului prezent drept cea a unei crize. Dacæ experienfla crizei a presupus<br />

pentru moderni experienfla unei rupturi, critica reprezentînd ruptura<br />

însæøi, astæzi sîntem incapabili de a mai survola spafliul acestei scindæri. Percepflia<br />

interacfliunii dintre criticæ øi crizæ a fost anulatæ, iar rezultatul este,<br />

potrivit lui Buden, o criticæ permanentæ, oarbæ faflæ de crizæ, øi o crizæ permanentæ,<br />

surdæ faflæ de criticæ.<br />

Întrebærii despre motivafliile artiøtilor pentru alegerile proprii sau, mai ales,<br />

ce anume ar putea justifica proiectul de artæ criticæ îi poate ræspunde cel<br />

mai bine, din multe puncte de vedere, un demers în acelaøi timp sociologic<br />

øi psihologic concentrat asupra locuitorilor lumii artei. Nu e locul aici<br />

pentru a ræspunde unei astfel de întrebæri. Am putea totuøi sæ observæm<br />

cæ provenim dintr-un spafliu care a experimentat cele douæ valuri de criticæ<br />

instituflionalæ doar prin medierea volumelor de istoria artei øi a cataloage-<br />


Vlad Morariu<br />

Being asked for a text formula on the subject of art’s presence/presentation,<br />

I reckoned that the IDEA platform would fit my reaction to an already obvious<br />

fact, namely, the aesthetization of the Romanian social and political field, which<br />

directly affects the recent changes on the local art scene. This disquietude<br />

occurred as I myself had had ties with a non-commercial art institution which<br />

barely managed to survive and one could have read everywhere about the<br />

symptoms of the phenomenon – the gradual extinction of project-spaces and<br />

independent galleries, along with the growing number of commercial galleries,<br />

which progressively purged all political content from their exhibition spaces.<br />

Everything culminated in what happened in the spring of 2008 at the Galeria<br />

Nouæ [New Gallery] in Bucharest, where the protest, already born dead, against<br />

the closing down of the gallery, in whose political efficiency the curator herself<br />

did not believe, turned into an aesthetic simulacrum of a protest, as if even this<br />

movie, which lacked a happy-ending, had to touch us. Thus, we spend the time<br />

we live mourning the critic, hoping that we’re only dealing with a clinical death,<br />

after its temporary lovers have left her for a lifestyle – be it a left-wing one –<br />

of bourgeois compromise.<br />

That the Eastern artists are no longer interested in questioning the production<br />

conditions of their works has already been shown by Boris Buden in a text recently<br />

translated into Romanian for the IDEA magazine, in a brief dedicated to the<br />

critical platform of the European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies<br />

(e.i.p.c.p.). 1 The Croatian philosopher explained this phenomenon through the<br />

fact that a fundamental relation specific to modernity, that between crisis and<br />

criticism, occurring directly from the self-reflection of the 18th century Enlightenment<br />

(the dialectics of the Enlightenment) and which managed to assert the<br />

acknowledgement of the contradiction between “old” and “modern”, whetting<br />

the appetite for revolutionary action, is fractured today, since we are incapable,<br />

as Buden says, of exercising the experience of the present time as the experience<br />

of a crisis. If for the moderns the experience of the crises equaled the experience<br />

of a break, as the criticism represented the break itself, today we are incapable<br />

to access the area of this cleavage. The perception of the interaction between<br />

criticism and crisis was annihilated, which resulted, according to Buden, in a permanent<br />

criticism, blind to the crisis, and a permanent crisis, blind to criticism.<br />

The question of the artists’ motivation for their own choices, or especially of<br />

what motivation could justify the critical art project, could best be answered,<br />

from several points of view, by both a sociological and psychological approach<br />

focused on the art world inhabitants. This is not the place to answer such<br />

a question. We may, however, note that the space we come from has only expe-<br />

VLAD MORARIU urmeazæ în prezent studii aprofundate în cadrul unui program de masterat în<br />

filosofie la universitæflile „Humboldt“ din Berlin øi „Al. I. Cuza“ din Iaøi. Este membru al asociafliei<br />

Vector, Iaøi, organizatoare a Bienalei de Artæ Contemporanæ Periferic.<br />

VLAD MORARIU currently pursues a master degree programme in philosophy at the<br />

Humboldt University from Berlin and A. I. Cuza University Iaøi. He is a member of<br />

the Vector Association from Iaøi, the organizer of the Periferic Biennial for Contemporary<br />

Art.<br />


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