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erotism criptic în care sælæøluieøte o dorinflæ indescifrabilæ, izvor al tuturor<br />

potenflialitæflilor umane. Cu aceøti doi mari artiøti, sculptura clasicæ îøi încheie<br />

goana spre eliminarea tuturor asperitæflilor decorative, în cæutarea<br />

austeritæflii ca intensificare øi apoteozæ a esenflei; dar øi ca antitezæ a supraîncærcærii<br />

baroce sau a fadelor referinfle greceøti, a avatarurilor academiste<br />

ce næzuiau sæ mascheze un gol înspæimîntætor. Mai apoi, se vor suda<br />

øine de cale feratæ, fierærie recuperatæ, se vor comprima carcase de automobile<br />

aruncate în cimitir; se vor reconstrui obiecte din deøeuri casnice,<br />

din resturi militare, din materiale aruncate în læzile de gunoi, pe plajele<br />

poluate, în parcuri uitate, pe drumuri forestiere etc. Aventura va sfîrøi astfel<br />

în vitrinele muzeelor, cu o cutie de conservæ a cærei etichetæ desemneazæ<br />

conflinutul operei øi ceea ce poate face artistul în devenirea<br />

modernitæflii tîrzii. Rahatul artistului, de Piero Manzoni, e emblema vremurilor<br />

noastre, ce væd triumful Occidentului nesæflios, al unei Europe pline<br />

de pofte, îmbuibatæ cu de toate øi defecîndu-øi preaplinul asupra restului<br />

lumii pentru a face bani din excrementele sale. Duchamp e adus astfel<br />

la niøte limite pe care n-a îndræznit nici el sæ øi le închipuie. Gurul din<br />

Philadelphia a deschis drumul prin ready-made, aøa încît nu mai ræmînea<br />

decît de exploatat filonul la scara posibilitæflilor infinite ale societæflii industriale.<br />

Øtia el oare în ce mæsuræ negînditul din arta lui exprima gîndirea<br />

secolului, care leagæ munca, producflia, consumul øi deøeurile acestora<br />

în valoarea-monedæ?<br />

De la Renaøtere øi referinfla greacæ, generafliile succesive de artiøti øi-au<br />

ræspuns, ca într-un ecou, øi s-au chemat unele pe altele. Operele extreme<br />

øi artiøtii pe care i-am citat apar, aøadar, ca formele øi figurile emblematice<br />

ale unei frontiere ce marcheazæ sfîrøitul unei epoci øi zorii alteia, noi. Aceste<br />

opere aratæ, în intenfliile øi în felul lor de a dezvælui, ruptura dintre arta<br />

modernæ (ce-øi gæseøte împlinirea în criza reprezentærii obiectului) øi dispariflia<br />

oricærui canon estetic; dintre sfîrøitul avangardelor øi promiscuitatea<br />

actualæ a lui „totul e posibil“; dintre inovaflia ca revoltæ øi noutatea cu orice<br />

prefl ca plecæciune în fafla conformismului; dintre artistul-demiurg øi artistul-mare<br />

preot al cultului noutæflii; dintre creaflia ca tragedie øi lucrarea frivolæ<br />

– dar cît de rentabilæ – a publicitæflii.<br />

Putem stabili o paralelæ între evoluflia politicii øi cea a artei, færæ a face totuøi<br />

din asta un simplu joc de oglinzi. Unii, asemenea lui Lyotard, înfleleg øi<br />

definesc acest sfîrøit de veac ca „sfîrøit al marilor discursuri“: sfîrøit al marilor<br />

utopii moderne care, de la anabaptism la revoluflia boløevicæ, cea fascistæ<br />

ori nazistæ, i-au împins mereu pe oameni sæ facæ din Pæmînt un iad în<br />

numele fericirii viitoare, dar în care, printre ruine, oraøe øi sate pustiite øi<br />

nenumærate græmezi de cadavre, s-au înælflat uneori, ca printr-o minune<br />

dumnezeiascæ, splendide bijuterii ale imaginafliei umane. Sfîrøitul utopiilor<br />

øi cel al avangardelor merg mînæ în mînæ, ultimele precedîndu-le cu puflin<br />

pe primele. A væzut cineva vreo Guernica inspiratæ de nesfîrøitele ræzboaie<br />

de dupæ cea de-a doua conflagraflie mondialæ? Într-un trist happening, iatæ-ne<br />

mulflumifli prin expunerea fotografiilor de la My Lai în fafla pînzei lui<br />

Picasso, la Metropolitan Museum! 8 Dupæ ultimele dansuri macabre europene<br />

ale secolului al XX-lea, lagærele sale de concentrare, mijloacele sale<br />

de ucidere la scaræ industrialæ – lucruri de neconceput pentru o civilizaflie<br />

(fie ea din Est sau din Vest) care pretindea cæ întemeiazæ progresul tehnic<br />

øi social pe folosirea rafliunii practice, supuse transcendenflei imperativului<br />

categoric etic, în domeniul rafliunii pure –, unii gînditori descifreazæ sensurile<br />

vremurilor noastre ca pe o epocæ a sfîrøitului oricærei metafizici øi, mai<br />

welded together, automobile carcases from the scrap yard shall be compressed;<br />

objects shall be recovered from domestic garbage, from military residues, from<br />

materials thrown to the trashcans, on the polluted beaches, in neglected parks,<br />

on sand roads, etc. The adventure will thus reach the museum display cases,<br />

with the label of a can as the work and what can the artist do in the becoming<br />

of late modernity. Artist’s shit, by Piero Manzoni, is an emblem of our times witnesing<br />

the triumph of the insatiable West, of a greedy Europe, stuffed with<br />

everything and defecating its excess on the rest of the world in order to make<br />

money out of excrements. Duchamp reaches levels which he himself wouldn’t<br />

have dreamt of. The Philadelphia guru opened the way, so the only thing left<br />

was to exploit this lode at the scale of the infinite possibilities provided by the<br />

industrial society. Was he aware of the measure in which the unthought in his<br />

art was expressing the thought of the century which ties and transforms labour,<br />

production, consumption and their waste into the money-value?<br />

From the Renaissance and the Greek reference, the successive generations of<br />

artists answered their predecessors like an echo and called one other. The special<br />

works and the artists cited occur thus as emblematic forms and figures<br />

of a frontier marking the end of an era and the dawn of a new one; in their<br />

intentions and manner of revealing themselves, these works reveal the break<br />

occurred between modern art (which finds its completion in the crisis of the representation<br />

of the objects) and the extinction of any aesthetic canon, between<br />

the end of the avant-gardes and the present promiscuity of the formula “everything’s<br />

possible”, between the innovation of the revolt and the novelty at any<br />

price as a bow to conformism, between the demiurge-artist and the artist as<br />

a great priest of the cult of novelty, between creation as tragedy and the frivolous<br />

– but how profitable – work of advertising.<br />

We can draw a parallel between the evolution of politics and that of art, without<br />

creating a play of mirrors. Some people, like Lyotard, understand and define<br />

this end of the century as the “end of the great narratives”, the end of the great<br />

modern utopias which, from Anabaptism to the Bolshevik, fascist and Nazi revolutions<br />

have always lead people to turn Earth into hell in the name of future happiness<br />

but where, among ruins, wiped out cities and villages and countless piles<br />

of dead bodies, splendid jewels of human imagination have sometimes rose as<br />

if through a godly miracle. The end of utopias and that of the avant-gardes go<br />

together, as the latter slightly preceded the former. Has anyone seen a Guernica<br />

inspired by the endless wars after the Second World War? In a sad happening,<br />

here we are content to see the My Lai photos facing Picasso’s painting at the<br />

Metropolitan Museum! 8 After the last European macabre dances of our century,<br />

the concentration camps, the killing methods at industrial scale – unconceivable<br />

things for a civilization (be it Eastern or Western) claiming to found social and<br />

technical progress on the use of practical reason (subjected to the transcendence<br />

of the categorical imperative, the pendant of pure reason) – some thinkers decipher<br />

the meaning of our times as the era of the end of any metaphysics and,<br />

more generally, of philosophy. Tired by so many wars, exhausted by so many disasters<br />

and miseries, Western man threw himself in the vertigo of the new consumerism<br />

tornado and ended by relinquishing the ethical values imposed by the<br />

classical concept of progress, which implied the moral education, the meticulous<br />

striving, a balance between the technical functional, the financial and commercial<br />

utilitarianism and Beauty as non-utilitarian universal value.<br />

Contemporary mass democracy, realised under the sign of the society of consumption<br />

– something the ventriloquists of the liberal thinking call the end<br />

of history – puts together and equals social ethics and the frantic search of the<br />


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