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fit speculativ nelimitat imediat a capitalismului, care acum „modificæ<br />

genetic“ arta însæøi, manipulînd propria genæ de artificialitate a acesteia,<br />

artificialitatea capitalismului, altfel spus, este deosebitæ de artificialitatea<br />

artei.<br />


⇒<br />

ARTA<br />

=<br />


Integratæ, pentru inepuizabilele ei resurse de creaflie, cu scopul de a<br />

salva, „virtualizîndu-l“, „imaterializîndu-l“, capitalismul, arta poate øi trebuie<br />

sæ devinæ adeværatul postcapitalism al omului: un capitalism în sfîrøit<br />

al producfliei, nu doar al consumului (de resurse) øi bazat pe consumatori.<br />

Prin arta-postcapitalism, omul poate deveni, din consumator, în sfîrøit<br />

producætor de sine ca formæ nouæ de viaflæ.<br />

Pe fondul de sacrificare final-capitalistæ a calitæflii, de falsificare øi de<br />

artificializare radicalizatæ a calitæflii mærfurilor, bunurilor, produselor<br />

de cætre capitalism (cæutarea imediatæ a profitului nelimitat, în condifliile<br />

scæderii generalizate, obiective, a ratei profitului, ajungînd sæ înlocuiascæ<br />

în totalitate exigenflele de calitate, profitul fiind direct proporflional cu<br />

lipsa de calitate, cu produsul speculativ pur: bunuri „virtuale“), arta poate<br />

readuce calitatea solufliilor „capitaliste“ de viaflæ, reinstalînd omul în poziflia<br />

de producætor-emiflætor.<br />

Arta are de luptat, ca nouæ posturæ criticæ, cu „arta“ integratæ capitalist.<br />


Capitalism, se øtie, egal pragmatism. Ce fel de pragmatism?<br />

Inventatorul conceptului de pragmatism, americanul Charles Sanders<br />

Peirce, s-a væzut nevoit, imediat dupæ ce lansase, cîndva, în secolul<br />

al XIX-lea, apelul la pragmatism, sæ renunfle la acest concept øi sæ reia<br />

exigenfla sub un alt, nou nume: pragmaticism.<br />

De ce? Pentru cæ, asemenea tuturor proiectelor revoluflionare, øi pragmatismul<br />

fusese imediat deturnat, falsificat „pe înflelesul oamenilor“<br />

(aceasta este deficienfla øi periculozitatea de fond a oricærui proiect de<br />

revoluflie: de aceea trebuie evitate revolufliile programatice, pentru cæ<br />

sînt obligatoriu „deturnate“, fiind intrinsec „deturnabile“), trans<strong>format</strong><br />

în altceva, aproape în opusul lui.<br />


Adeværatul pragmatism este condamnat sæ ræmînæ, astfel, pe vecie færæ<br />

nume, principala propunere (nu proiect) de împlinire armonioasæ a<br />

omului-producætor de sine fiind permanent deturnatæ øi falsificatæ.<br />

În momentul în care omul a fost ghetoizat ca exclusiv consumator, fiindu-i<br />

interzisæ (dupæ ce i-a fost exploatatæ øi falsificatæ prin hiperbolizare)<br />

dimensiunea producfliei, singura øansæ, singura „politicæ“ de redresare<br />

nu prin salt, nu prin revoluflie, ci pe baza termenilor înøiøi în care este<br />

formulatæ problema, o constituie<br />


Capitalism, it is known, equals pragmatism. What kind of pragmatism?<br />

Immediately after having launched the appeal to pragmatism, somewhere in the<br />

19th century, the founder of the concept of pragmatism, the American Charles<br />

Sanders Peirce, came under the necessity of giving up this concept and of resuming<br />

the thread of the request under another name, a new one: that of pragmaticism.<br />

Why is that? Because, like all the revolutionary projects, pragmatism too has been<br />

immediately deflected, falsified so as to “be every man’s meat” (this is the deficiency<br />

and the fundamental danger of any project of revolution: that is why the programmatic<br />

revolutions must be avoided: because they are obligatorily “deflected”, since<br />

they are intrinsically “deflectable”), transformed into something else, almost its<br />

opposite.<br />


True pragmatism is thus condemned to remain eternally unnamed, and the main<br />

proposal (not project) of harmonious bloom for man-the self-producer is permanently<br />

deflected and falsified.<br />

At the moment when man was ghettoized as exclusively consumer, after being<br />

deprived of the productive dimension (previously exploited and falsified through<br />

hyperbolization), the only chance, the only “politics” of restoration based not on a<br />

leap or revolution but on the very terms in which the problem is articulated is given<br />

by the<br />



Pragmatism, in other words the wiseness of art.<br />

Wearied, exhausted in so many respects, maybe people will begin to also feel tired<br />

out by the roundabouts of history, by history as roundabout and postponement, as<br />

blockage of all “solutions”, each of which is fatally anticipated to be the “final” one,<br />

by the presumably comfortable unpredictability of suffering while waiting for some<br />

miracle. The suffering which keeps returning, as a “principle of reality”, is actually<br />

the unpleasant surprise of the lack of the surprise which was hoped for, which contradicts<br />

their dreaming, their fundamental lack of realism, the illusion, the “narrative”.<br />

“The hero of pragmatism is not the successful businessman, it is Bartleby, and it is<br />

Daisy Miller, it is Pierre and Isabelle.” 4 “Pragmatism is misunderstood when it is seen<br />

as a summary philosophical theory fabricated by Americans. On the other hand, we<br />

understand the novelty of American thought when we see pragmatism as an attempt<br />

to transform the world, to think a new world or new man insofar as they create themselves.”<br />

5<br />


Bartleby pre-fers for he fore-sees the consequences of his acts, the consequences<br />

of any act, of any action. He is the perfect, the accomplished pragmatic individual:<br />

“ZEN”. He has interiorized the whole history, out of a pragmatic prudence whose<br />

nuances of warning and even menace we must clearly perceive, he remains secluded,<br />

“inactive”, a non-revolutionary “parasite”, he pre-fers to remain un-manifested.<br />

“NO BETTER”<br />


Bartleby’s lesson: PRE-DECONSTRUCTION.<br />

Since pragmatism has been given many deflecting and falsifying uses, deconstruction<br />

too should be given ethical uses which transform it from analytical post-action<br />


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