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+ (presences of art)<br />

Estul postcomunist: consumatori puri, esenfla marginalizatæ a capitalismului.<br />

Se aflæ exact în situaflia „noilor særaci“ descriøi de Bauman, care<br />

nu mai pot figura ca „proletari“ misionari, dar realizeazæ øi împlinesc<br />

practic capitalismul, salvîndu-l. „Noii særaci“ nu reprezintæ o resursæ<br />

directæ, nu sînt exploatafli, fug nu de, ci dupæ exploatare, cæutînd integrarea<br />

øi segregarea internæ, aspirînd sæ devinæ „mai consumiøti<br />

decît consumul“.<br />

Exact ceea ce se întîmplæ acum în România, în Est, ceea ce aratæ, dar<br />

nu øtie (øi nu vrea) sæ descrie mass-media. Adevær marginal, adevær<br />

esenflial.<br />



Pentru a nu mai produce în continuare artificial øi fals, adicæ pentru a<br />

nu mai acredita iluzia unei posibile „redresæri“ voluntarist radicale, „moderniste“,<br />

a omului, „fæcînd jocul“ capitalului însuøi, øi pentru a deveni<br />

în sfîrøit aøa cum i s-a cerut dintotdeauna sæ devinæ, constructivæ, critica<br />

trebuie sæ nu mai califice, sæ nu mai judece negativ fenomenele de<br />

negativitate a omului. Omul, sau mæcar percepflia asupra lui, nu poate<br />

fi deblocat(æ) decît prin acceptarea øi recunoaøterea negativitæflii<br />

esenfliale, de fond, a omului øi prin pozitivarea ei creatoare.<br />

Capitalismul a integrat ceea ce voia sæ i se opunæ øi sæ i se sustragæ –<br />

arta, creaflia –, tocmai din asta, vorace, hrænindu-se, critica capitalismului<br />

(cacofonic) trebuie sæ se apropie øi ea de artæ, propunînd alternative<br />

øi ieøind din jocul, întotdeauna perdant pentru ea øi profitabil<br />

pentru adversar, al creafliei.<br />

Critica, exacerbatæ de cætre intelectualii finalului apoteotic-monstruos,<br />

profetic, al modernitæflii, nu mai este practicabilæ decît ca puræ<br />

inerflie, ca pur joc scolastic, închis, rupt de societate.<br />

Critica nu mai existæ. I-a dispærut locul, a dispærut din „nomenclatorul“<br />

prezentului.<br />

Situaflia este cel puflin inconfortabilæ. E greu sæ fii transparent, sæ nu mai<br />

exiøti.<br />

Critica nu mai trebuie sæ respingæ, trebuie sæ atragæ, propunînd alternative,<br />

creînd.<br />

Omul contemporan cautæ, ca tot omul, împlinire, dezvoltare, ameliorare.<br />

Dar continuæ sæ o facæ dupæ modelul modernitæflii, prin creøtere,<br />

conform logicii „suplementaritæflii“, a protezei organice: adæugîndu-øi<br />

capacitæfli, extinzîndu-se.<br />

Critica nu mai are de criticat <strong>idea</strong>lurile imediate, practice ale oamenilor,<br />

în sine, ci are de discriminat între solufliile øi mijloacele propuse ei<br />

pentru atingerea acestor <strong>idea</strong>luri banale.<br />

Critica are de criticat hiperfalsificarea solufliilor øi a expedientelor, fæcînd-o<br />

însæ pe fondul acceptat øi recunoscut, de-negativizat, pozitivat,<br />

normalizat, de negativitate øi artificialitate al omului însuøi.<br />

Falsul, artificialul presupun ARTA însæøi.<br />

Capitalismul actual a integrat arta, expropriind-o, exploatîndu-i pînæ<br />

la devitalizare tocmai capacitatea de fals, de a crea artificial atrægætor,<br />

ajungînd sæ falsifice complet arta însæøi.<br />

În miezul societæflii actuale, al capitalismului actual se aflæ problema artei.<br />

Capitalismul nu doar a integrat, dar a øi monopolizat arta, „artisticul“.<br />

Tendinfla hiperbolicæ spre producerea de fals øi artificialitate pentru promodernity,<br />

the critique cannot be practiced otherwise than as pure inertia, as pure,<br />

closed scholastic game, insulated from society.<br />

The critique does no longer exist. Its place has disappeared; it disappeared from the<br />

“nomenclature” of the present.<br />

The situation is at least uncomfortable. It is hard to be transparent, to cease to<br />

exist.<br />

The critique should not any longer reject, it must attract by proposing alternatives,<br />

by creating.<br />

Like every Tom, Dick and Harry, the contemporary man seeks to accomplish, to<br />

develop, to improve. But it continues to do it following the model of modernity,<br />

by accretion, according to the logic of “supplementarity”, of the organic prosthesis:<br />

by adding up capacities, by extension.<br />

The critique should not criticize men’s immediate, practical <strong>idea</strong>ls themselves; on the<br />

contrary, it should discriminate between the solutions and the means proposed to it<br />

so as to reach these banal <strong>idea</strong>ls.<br />

The critique should criticize the hyper-falsification of solutions and expedients, but<br />

without disregarding the accepted and acknowledged, de-negativized, pozitivized,<br />

normalized man’s inherent substance of negativity and artificiality.<br />

Falseness, artificialness presuppose ART itself.<br />

Current capitalism has integrated art, by expropriating it, by exploiting up to<br />

devitalisation its capacity to falsify, to create attractive artificialness, and it has thus<br />

reached the point where it has completely falsified art itself.<br />

The problem of art lies at the heart of contemporary society, of current capitalism.<br />

Capitalism has not only integrated, it has also monopolized art, the “artistry”.<br />

The hyperbolic drive that pushes capitalism – which now “genetically modifies” art<br />

itself by manipulating its own artificiality gene – toward the production of falseness<br />

and artificiality in the search of immediate, unlimited, speculative profit, in other<br />

words, the artificiality of capitalism is different from the artificiality of art.<br />


⇒<br />

ART<br />

=<br />

TRUE<br />


Integrated for its inexhaustible creative resources, with the purpose of saving capitalism<br />

by “virtualizing” it, by “immaterializing” it, art can and must become man’s<br />

true post-capitalism: a capitalism of production, finally, not just one of (resource)<br />

consumption and consumer-based.<br />

Through postcapitalism-art, man can finally transform from consumer into producer<br />

of self as [producer of ] new life forms.<br />

Against the final-capitalist sacrifice of quality, against the capitalist radicalized falsification<br />

and artificialization of the quality of commodities, goods and products (in the<br />

conditions of the generalized, objective decrease of the profit rate, the immediate<br />

search for unlimited profit has come to the point where the quality requirements<br />

have been totally replaced and the profit increases in direct ratio with the lack of<br />

quality, with the purely speculative product: “virtual” goods), art can bring back the<br />

quality of „capitalist” life solutions, thus re-establishing man as producer-emitter.<br />

As new critical stance, art has to fight against capitalistically integrated “art”.<br />


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