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Banalitate (ocultatæ): capitalismul nu urmæreøte sæ producæ decît profit<br />

nelimitat. Bunurile øi mærfurile sînt instrumentele, cæile spre acest<br />

profit, ca flel final al capitalismului øi al logicii capitalului.<br />

Raport deci oblic, între profit øi artificialitate.<br />

Profitul în principiu nelimitat este artificial, nu poate fi produs decît în<br />

mod artificial øi produce mereu mai multæ artificialitate, deci fals.<br />

Capitalismul falsificæ.<br />

Partea tehnologicæ de fals creøte inevitabil odatæ cu profitul.<br />


=<br />


Atenflie! Repet: acestea nu sînt, cum ar putea sæ paræ, judecæfli de valoare,<br />

ci revelaflii „apocaliptice“, adicæ tîrzii, „finale“, ale artificialitæflii omului,<br />

creator de proteze.<br />

De-a lungul istoriei, protezele umane au fost simbolice, „spirituale“.<br />

Abia acum devin masiv materiale, omul „virtualizîndu-se“, „spiritualizîndu-se“.<br />

Capitalismul falsificæ øi artificializeazæ, deci este în logica lucrurilor sæ<br />

mintæ, sæ nu recunoascæ.<br />

În Estul nostru, întîlnire øi întrunire istoricæ de condiflii terminale ca „parousie“<br />

a OMULUI CONSUMATOR, de evacuare a modernitæflii, de<br />

delapidare a modernitæflii, judecatæ øi condamnatæ færæ proces (nu ca<br />

în Occident).<br />

Se evidenfliazæ ca esenfliale pentru capitalismul omului, sub condiflia<br />

de consum øi consumatoare, fals, artificial producætoare, a omului<br />



CORUPfiIA<br />

Acestea nu sînt accidentale, ci se dovedesc, abia acum øi aici, în Est<br />

øi, în general, în zonele pe care le-am numit integrat-marginale, ca fiind<br />

esenfliale. În Est ca situaflie exemplaræ de tranziflie în tranziflie.<br />

Sîntem exemplari! Ar trebui sæ facem øcoalæ!<br />

Træim în øi din delapidarea øi deturnarea de fonduri a modernitæflii.<br />

Deturnare de fonduri, consumare de fonduri ca deturnare de capital,<br />

a capitalului de la mæøtile sale istorice. Træim în denudarea capitalismului,<br />

nu într-o abatere de la capitalism. Abia aici træim în capitalismul<br />

împlinit, nu într-un capitalism neajuns, „eøuat“.<br />

Procesul esenflial al capitalismului aici, în Est (øi, încæ o datæ, în zonele<br />

marginal-integrate), se reveleazæ a fi CORUPfiIA.<br />

Corupflia nu este un accident, o defecfliune care ar trebui øi ar putea<br />

fi remediatæ – altfel decît fals, artificial.<br />

Integratæ marginal, ca posibilitate de delocalizare (dintotdeauna, capitalismul<br />

s-a aflat în delocalizare: capitalism nomad, capitalism în derivæ<br />

øi în bejenie, cæutînd resurse noi øi piefle noi: Lume Nouæ, ceva de consumat<br />

prin producflie øi consumatori pentru aceastæ producflie consumatoare,<br />

disimulat sacrificialæ),<br />


care poate continua sæ-øi oculteze dezvæluirile „sectar“ marginale în<br />

zonele cu dezvoltare organicæ densæ, suprapopulatæ.<br />

Revelaflia se produce întotdeauna la margini. De ce n-am ajuta-o sæ<br />

ocupe, sæ „cîøtige“ centrul, miezul?<br />

These three stand out as essential, for the capitalism of man, under the consumption<br />

and consuming, falsely, artificially productive condition of man:<br />




All this is not accidental, but proves – only now and here, in the East and generally in<br />

the regions that I called “integrated-marginal” – to be essential. The East, the exemplar<br />

case of frame-transition.<br />

We are exemplar! We should keep a school!<br />

We live in and on the embezzlement and malversation of modernity.<br />

Embezzlement, consumption of funds as deflection of capital, as deflection of capital<br />

from its historical masks. We live in the denudation of capitalism, not in a deviation<br />

from capitalism. It is only here that we live in an accomplished capitalism, not in an<br />

undeveloped, “stranded” capitalism.<br />

Here, in the East, and, once again, in the marginal-integrated regions, CORRUPTION<br />

proves to be the essential process of capitalism.<br />

Corruption is not an accident, a failure that could and should be remedied – otherwise<br />

than falsely, artificially.<br />

Marginally-integrated, as relocation possibility (capitalism has forever been relocating:<br />

nomad capitalism, adrift and fleeing capitalism, looking for new resources and<br />

new markets: the New World, something to consume by production and consumers<br />

for this consuming, disimulatedly sacrificial production),<br />


which can continue to occult its “sectary”-marginal disclosures in the over-populated,<br />

densely organically developed regions.<br />

The revelation always takes place in the margins. Why shouldn’t we help it seize,<br />

“gain ground” on the centre, on the core?<br />

The postcommunist East: pure consumers, the marginalized essence of capitalism.<br />

They share precisely the condition of the “new poor” described by Bauman, who cannot<br />

any longer figure as missionary “proletarians”, but who realize and practically<br />

accomplish capitalism, thus saving it. “The new poor” do not represent a direct<br />

resource, they are not exploited, they do not run from but after exploitation, seeking<br />

integration and internal segregation, aspiring to become “even more consumer than<br />

consumption itself”.<br />

It is exactly what happens now in Romania, in the East, what the mass media are showing<br />

but do not know how (and do not want to) describe. Marginal truth, essential truth.<br />



In order stop producing artificialness and falseness, that is to say in order to stop<br />

accrediting the illusion of a possible voluntaristically radical, “modernist” “restoration”<br />

of man – which is nothing else than “playing the game” of the capital itself –<br />

and in order to finally become constructive, as it has been always asked to become,<br />

the critique should not any longer negatively qualify or negatively appraise man’s<br />

negativity phenomena. Man, or at least the perception of man, cannot be unlocked<br />

unless man’s essential, inherent negativity is accepted, acknowledged and creatively<br />

pozitivized.<br />

Capitalism has integrated and voraciously feeds itself on what wanted to oppose it<br />

and elude it – the art, the creation. The critique of (cacophonic) capitalism must then<br />

come closer to art, too, must propose alternatives and quit the game of creation<br />

in which it always comes out on the wrong side and which profits the adversary.<br />

Exacerbated by the intellectuals of the apotheotic-monstrous, prophetic end of<br />


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