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a urca sau pe care nu mai trebuie sæ ne-o reamintim, ci pe care trebuie<br />

s-o adoptæm, s-o folosim, sæ ne-o însuøim, întotdeauna pe<br />

bucæflele, fragmentar, imperfect. Accesorii de Supraumanitate. Supraomul<br />

în accesorii. Omul-accesoriu.<br />

Dupæ modernitate, am scæpat ræmînînd de cæruflæ, într-un fericit, salvator<br />

anacronism faflæ de Sinele industrial-politic. Doar o secundæ<br />

istoricæ a durat senzaflia de uøurare. Acum sîntem iar mînafli, dar nu<br />

macroistoric øi politic, ci microistoric øi economico-tehnologic: zilnic,<br />

clipæ de clipæ – pastoral-economic, prin invidie. Politicul s-a retras.<br />


Cu tranziflia noastræ de la comunism la capitalism, flærile, popoarele,<br />

societæflile, statele, oamenii din Estul Europei, noi am nimerit nu într-un<br />

capitalism aøezat, sigur de sine, aflat într-un stadiu de puræ funcflionare<br />

sau într-o evoluflie internæ, de „reaøezare“, ci într-o macrotranziflie a<br />

capitalismului însuøi, într-un capitalism în acelaøi timp exacerbat øi diluat,<br />

„victimæ“ a propriilor tendinfle de fond, hiperbolizate øi devenite<br />

irepresibile, un capitalism „ieøit din flîflîni“ øi, deopotrivæ, „cæzut“ irecuperabil<br />

sub el însuøi, funcflionînd prin emfazæ, printr-o perpetuæ „stare<br />

de excepflie“.<br />

De aici, spaima øi graba de a da nume, de a proclama Globalizarea:<br />

gest per<strong>format</strong>iv pur, clasicæ disimulare a per<strong>format</strong>ivului în constatativ<br />

(descriptiv). Autohipnozæ.<br />

Nu de realitate e vorba, ci de un mod (grilæ) de lecturæ, de interpretare<br />

prin numire.<br />

Cînd „referentul“ lipseøte sau este haotic, adicæ întotdeauna, deci cu<br />

atît mai mult cînd aceastæ crizæ de substanflæ este, ca acum, hiperbolizatæ<br />

de starea noastræ postmodern/posttraumaticæ, spaima de anomie<br />

øi de a-numire ne împinge la incantaflii liniøtitor consensuale, fæcîndu-ne<br />

sæ ne øoptim des, tot timpul, unii la urechea celorlalfli øi pe toate<br />

canalele: „Avem lume! Lumea existæ! Globalizare! Mondializare!<br />

Globalizare! Mondializare! Sînt sigure! Este cert!“.<br />

Øtirile media sînt, clipæ de clipæ, Bunævestirea: „Avem nume! Træim (sîntem)<br />

Epocæ!“.<br />



„Actanfli“ tot mai mici, mereu individuali øi chiar subindividualizafli, infraindividualizafli,<br />

microindividualizafli, omul descompus în „træsæturi minimale“,<br />

ca dorinfle øi interese (dupæ ce au reformulat øi eliminat<br />

dorinflele, ca „iraflionale“, interesele sînt incitate sæ redevinæ din nou dorinfle,<br />

pofte: de piaflæ) – scufundafli într-o „Lume a Binelui“, ca piaflæcîmp<br />

globalæ.<br />

Ideologia „filosoficæ“ anglo-saxonæ a individualismului metodologic øi a<br />

economiei neoclasice presupune præpastia, abisul de netrecut din sînul<br />

unui individ redus la el însuøi, flinut între propriile limite, acflionînd<br />

direct în oceanul de piaflæ.<br />

Nivelurile intermediare, altfel spus, identitæflile „tradiflionale“ de control<br />

øi de standardizare, precum „popoarele“, „nafliunile“ sau „partidele“,<br />

sînt înlocuite øi reformulate. Cele vechi øi-au jucat, gata, rolul „modernizator“.<br />

Acum, microcolectiv, trebuie sæ fim altceva: sexe, etnii, organizaflii,<br />

asociaflii – consumatori de Bine, nu doar de bunuri. Binele oferit<br />

politically but micro-historically and economically-technologically: everyday, moment<br />

by moment – pastorally-economically goaded by envy. The political has stepped aside.<br />


With our transition from communism to capitalism, the countries, the peoples, the<br />

societies, the states, the men in Eastern Europe, we did not hit upon an established,<br />

self-confident capitalism at a stage of pure functioning or that of internal evolution,<br />

of “resetting”, but we stepped into a macro-transition of capitalism itself, into a capitalism<br />

at the same time exacerbated and diluted, “victim” of its own substantial,<br />

hyperbolized tendencies which have become irrepressible, into an “unhinged” capitalism<br />

which has simultaneously irreclaimably “fallen” under itself, thus functioning<br />

through emphasis, through a perpetual “state of exception”.<br />

This brings forth the fear and the haste to give name to, to proclaim the Globalization:<br />

purely per<strong>format</strong>ive gesture, classic disguise of per<strong>format</strong>iveness under the certifiableness<br />

(descriptiveness). Self-hypnosis.<br />

This does not involve reality, but a way of reading (a reading grid), a way of interpreting<br />

through naming.<br />

When the “referent” is missing or is chaotic – that would be always – so even more<br />

when this substance crisis is, as now, hyperbolized by our postmodern/post-traumatic<br />

state, the fear of anomy and no-name-ness pushes us toward relievingly consensual<br />

incantations, making us whisper one another, on all the channels, often, all the<br />

time: “We have world! The world exists! Globalization! Mondialization! Globalization!<br />

Mondialization! They are certain! It is for sure!”<br />

The media news are in every moment the Annunciation 3 : “We have name! We live<br />

(are) an Epoch!“<br />



Ever smaller „actants”, always individual and even under-individualized, infra-individualized,<br />

micro-individualized actants – the man decomposed into “minimal traits”,<br />

into desires and interests (after having reformulated and eliminated desires as “irrational”,<br />

the interests are incited to change into market desires, cravings) – submerged<br />

into a “World of Good”, a global market-field.<br />

The Anglo-Saxon “philosophical” ideology of methodological individualism and neoclassical<br />

economics is based on the uncrossable chasm, abyss between individualities<br />

reduced to themselves, kept between their own limits, acting directly on the market<br />

ocean.<br />

The intermediary levels, or otherwise put, the “traditional” controlling and standardizing<br />

identities, such as the “peoples”, the “nations” or the Parties” are replaced, they are<br />

reformulated. The old ones have played their “modernizing” role, it is all over. Now we<br />

must micro-collectively be something else: sexes, ethnic groups, organisations, associations<br />

– consumers of Good, not only of goods. The Good offered cannot be but consumed;<br />

the vital, existential relation with Good and Truth cannot be other than that of<br />

consumption, which is palely, barely sensibly related to the full-bodied Eucharist.<br />

We do not have access to the production of goods, of Good as world-market, we do<br />

not feel that we participate to it, other than insensibly, mediately, collectively.<br />

Technology, the world-technology produces them (and self-reproduces) automatically.<br />

There is no “mass” self-individualisation other than by the consumption of goods.<br />

The production of good is immanently, immediately, contiguously inaccessible<br />

(no one can appropriate it individually). It does not offer itself except to consumption,<br />

it can be only consumed, lived and “embodied” through consumption, “ingurgitated”.<br />

Essentially, consumption must be somatized, which means that by the<br />


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