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+ (presences of art)<br />

Øi atunci numai arta va mai putea sæ refacæ amintirea realitæflii. Sarcina<br />

artei este, deja, realitatea pur øi simplu, vetusta, depæøita realitate.<br />

Viitorul rol al artei va fi enorm, monstruos: arta va trebui sæ re-creeze<br />

nu numai o lume, ci realitatea însæøi. Totul va sta pe umerii artei.<br />

În viitor, arta va trece, cu totul, în locul realitæflii, va trebui sæ o suplineascæ,<br />

protezæ ontologicæ totalæ, pentru a re-crea senzaflia de realitate,<br />

ne-plæcerea „istoricæ“, istorizatæ, depæøitæ a faptului de a fi prin<br />

altul, cu celælalt, pe el øi contra lui.<br />

Arta va fi contratehnica „Ne-Plæcutului“, a „rezistenflei materialelor“.<br />

Numai arta va mai putea sæ ne creeze senzaflia „neplæcutæ“ de istorie,<br />

de întîrziere, de amînare, de închidere, de ne-ajuns, de neputinflæ,<br />

de finitudine, de ne-realizare a Visului, cînd toate acestea vor fi fost,<br />

inginereøte, depæøite, øi cînd Umanul însuøi va fi devenit suprema Saltea<br />

a Omului, Omul-Saltea.<br />

Din pæcate, viitorul este al artei. Sîntem condamnafli sæ devenim, cu<br />

toflii, artiøti, dacæ vom vrea sæ mai simflim, sæ mai re-simflim, în genere,<br />

ceva.<br />


VIAfiA CU ARTÆ<br />


Nu e evoluflie, nu e revoluflie: e hiperevoluflie. Ne facem/ne dæm trupuri<br />

noi. (Spinoza: „Noi nici nu øtim ce poate un corp“ – sæ se facæ altul!)<br />

Evoluflie græbitæ, acceleratæ, fugæ înainte, spre Marea Rezolvare, cu<br />

impacienflæ: nu mai suportæm întîrzierea, imperfecfliunile, comparaflia<br />

cu Supraomul diseminat, cu cæile/ instrumentele omniprezente de realizare<br />

ca Supraoameni puse nouæ la dispoziflie, øi apæsæm pe pedalæ.<br />

Omul trebuie læsat sæ ræmînæ permanent în urmæ, în întîrziere, în anacronism<br />

faflæ de el însuøi (aøa cum øi este), ca sæ alerge, gîfîind, trudind,<br />

sæ prindæ, sæ recupereze progresul automatizat, Progresul în sine ca<br />

Istorie distinctæ, paralelæ, care-l depæøeøte zilnic tachinîndu-l, în sfîrøit<br />

emancipatæ de om, dupæ ce omul se emancipase, o clipæ, de „teroarea<br />

istoriei“ (Eliade). Omul este forflat sæ evolueze, sæ-øi ocupe viafla alergînd<br />

înnebunit ca sæ poatæ prinde progresul din urmæ. Cu sentimentul<br />

vinovæfliei øi al ratærii Marii Ocazii în suflet, mereu torturat, obsedat,<br />

nemulflumit, crispat.<br />

Orizontul de øanse øi de posibilitæfli nemaivæzute, dar imediat tangibile,<br />

de a se realiza, la care el nu poate ajunge, care-i scapæ în permanenflæ<br />

øi în care se simte închis. Progresul nu mai cheamæ din frunte<br />

øi nu mai mînæ din urmæ. Træim într-o lume-mediu mai realizatæ<br />

decît noi, fiinfle inferiorizate într-o (de o) lume imanent, nu transcendent,<br />

superioaræ, cu atît mai chinuitoare, cu cît mai tangibilæ, imediatæ:<br />

o lume care ne depæøeøte la îndemînæ, care se produce-reproduce<br />

parcæ de la sine, singuræ, færæ noi, dar pentru noi, un Mediu al Binelui<br />

realizat în afara noastræ øi de jur împrejurul nostru, la care nu mai avem<br />

The future role of the art will be enormous, monstrous: art will have to re-create not<br />

only a world but reality itself. Art will shoulder everything.<br />

In the future, art will completely replace reality, it will have to substitute it, as total<br />

ontological prosthesis, so as to re-create the sensation of reality, the “historical”, historicized,<br />

outmoded dis-pleasure of being through the other, with, on and against<br />

the other.<br />

Art will be the counter-technique of the “Un-pleasantness”, of the “resistance of<br />

materials”. Only art will still be able to create the “unpleasant” sensation of history,<br />

tardiness, postponement, closure, non-fulfillment, helplessness, finitude, non-realization<br />

of the Dream, at a time when engineering will have gone beyond the bounds of<br />

all these and when the Human itself will have become the supreme Mattress of Man,<br />

the Mattress-Man.<br />

Unfortunately, future belongs to art. We are condemned to become all artists if we<br />

want to keep sensing, to keep feeling something, whatever.<br />




This is not evolution, nor is it revolution: it is hiperevolution. We become/give ourselves<br />

new bodies. (Spinoza: “No one has thus far determined . . . what the body can<br />

do”– become another!) Hasty, accelerated evolution, impatient rush ahead, toward<br />

the Great Solution: we cannot any longer tolerate tardiness, imperfections, the comparison<br />

with the disseminated Superhuman, with the ubiquitous ways/instruments<br />

of self-realization as Superhumans available to us. So we step on it.<br />

Man must be allowed to permanently lag behind, to be late, persisting in anachrony<br />

to himself (as he really is); this will push him to run, gasping for breath, striving to<br />

catch (up with) the automatized progress, the progress itself as distinct, parallel history<br />

which, finally emancipated from man after man had emancipated, for a moment,<br />

from the “terror of history” (Eliade), teasingly outruns man everyday. Bearing in his<br />

soul the guilt and loss of the Great Opportunity, forever tortured, obsessed, unsatisfied,<br />

uptight, man is forced to evolve, to fill his life with the despair of running to<br />

make up for progress.<br />

The horizon of unseen but immediately tangible chances and possibilities of self-realization<br />

which he/she can no longer seize, which are permanently escaping man and<br />

which keep him feeling enclosed. Progress does not any longer bring up the rear nor<br />

does it ride the fore-horse. We live in a world-environment more realized than we<br />

are, we, inferiorized beings in an (by an) immanently, not transcendently superior<br />

world, the more tangible, immediate, the more tormenting: a world which easily outruns<br />

us, which seems to self-produce and reproduce all alone, without us but for us,<br />

in an Environment of Good realized outside of us and all around us, where climbing<br />

up or remembering is no longer necessary. We just have to adopt it, to use it, to<br />

make it forever piecemeal, fragmentarily, imperfectly our own. Accessories of Superhumanity.<br />

The Superhuman in accessories. Accessory-man.<br />

After modernity, we escaped by being played at our own game, saved by a fortunate<br />

anachrony to the political-industrial Self. It is only for a historical second that the<br />

feeling of relief lasted. And now we are goaded again, but not macro-historically and<br />


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