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galerie 2<br />

Acest insert pentru <strong>revista</strong> IDEA artæ + societate vizeazæ un moment cînd, în secolul al nouæsprezecelea, evoluflia tiparului ofset a avut un impact<br />

direct asupra modului în care înflelegem aspectele fundamentale ale evolufliei în naturæ. Archaeopteryx Lithographica, o serie de øase reproduceri<br />

litografice color editate la Copenhagen Editions, în Danemarca, în decembrie 2008, îøi ia numele de la una din cele mai importante descoperiri<br />

de fosile din lume.<br />

Descoperirea unei vechi pene fosilizate la Solnhofen, în Germania, a fost urmarea directæ a activitæflilor de exploatare rezultate din inventarea<br />

øi succesul rapid al tipæriturii litografice. Litografia a fost inventatæ în 1796 de cætre – cine s-ar fi gândit – un actor øi un dramaturg næscut în Austria,<br />

Johann Alois Senefelder (1771–1834). Senefelder ajunsese datornic din pricina problemelor avute cu tipærirea celei de-a doua piese a sa,<br />

Mathilde von Altenstein, øi ca atare n-a reuøit sæ mai publice nicio altæ lucrare. El a început sæ experimenteze o nouæ tehnicæ de gravare folosind<br />

o cernealæ grasæ rezistentæ la acid pe o bucatæ de calcar din Solnhofen – proces care s-a trans<strong>format</strong> în prima imprimare planograficæ. Iniflial cunoscutæ<br />

ca „imprimarea pe piatræ“, litografia a fost patentatæ în 1818, iar în 1819 Senefelder a publicat Un curs complet de litografie care a<br />

continuat sæ se tipæreascæ pînæ la începutul secolului al douæzecilea.<br />

Pana fosilizatæ reprezentatæ de Archaeopteryx Lithographica a fost descoperitæ de cætre Herman von Meyer în 1861, la numai doi ani de la publicarea<br />

de cætre Charles Darwin a Originii speciilor prin selecflie naturalæ, iar descoperirea a dat o greutate substanflialæ tezei lui Darwin. Aceastæ panæ<br />

aparent nesemnificativæ aparflinuse, cu aproximativ 150 de milioane de ani înainte de-a fi descoperitæ, unei pæsæri primitive înrudite vag cu<br />

dinozaurii, Urvöge. Pasærea, al cærei întreg schelet a fost gæsit, a fost numitæ ulterior Archaeopteryx Lithographica graflie faptului cæ a fost descoperitæ<br />

în acelaøi calcar moale, neted øi fin din jurasic care era exploatat în sudul Germaniei în scopul producerii de pietre destinate imprimærii litografice.<br />

În timpul jurasicului tîrziu, aceastæ zonæ, situatæ acum în Bavaria, era un arhipelag aflat la marginea Mærii Tetis øi care cuprindea lagune særate,<br />

condiflii perfecte pentru crearea unor fosile excepflionale øi a unor pietre litografice.<br />

Cînd von Meyer øi-a publicat descoperirile într-un articol din 1861, textul era ilustrat în mod adecvat cu o reproducere litograficæ a penei copiate<br />

dupæ fosila de la Solnhofen. Aceastæ litografie øi o imagine fotograficæ a fosilei, datînd din secolul al nouæsprezecelea, produsæ de Muzeul Humboldt<br />

(în cele din urmæ, casa ei), au devenit sursa celor cinci litografii Archaeopteryx Lithographica care retrimit imaginile la originea lor – înapoi<br />

pe o placæ de calcar veche de 150 de milioane de ani. (Simon Starling, traducere de Alex Moldovan)<br />

Simon Starling: Archaeopteryx Lithographica<br />

This insert for IDEA Magazine explores a moment when in the 19th century the evolution of offset printing directly impacted on our understanding of the fundamentals<br />

of evolution in nature. Archaeopteryx Lithographica, a series of 6 single colour lithographic prints produced at Copenhagen Editions, Denmark in December 2008, takes<br />

its name from one of the most important fossil finds in history.<br />

The discovery of an ancient fossilized feather in Solnhofen, Germany was the direct result of the quarrying activities that resulted from the invention and rapid success<br />

of lithographic printing. Lithography was invented in 1796 by, of all people, an actor and playwright – the Austrian born Johann Alois Senefelder (1771–1834). Senefelder<br />

had fallen into debt as a result of problems with the printing of his second play Mathilde von Altenstein and as a result was unable to publish any further work. He began<br />

experimenting with a novel etching technique using a greasy acid resistant ink on a piece of Solnhofen limestone – this process evolved into the first planographic printing<br />

process. Originally known as “stone printing”, lithography was patented in 1818 and in 1819 Senefelder published A Complete Course of Lithography that remained<br />

in print until the early 20th century.<br />

The feather fossil depicted in Archaeopteryx Lithographica was discovered by Hermann von Meyer in 1861, just two years after Charles Darwin published On the Origins<br />

of Species by Means of Natural Selection and its discovery lent great weight to Darwin’s thesis. This seemingly humble feather had, some 150 million years prior to its discovery,<br />

belonged to an Urvögel, a primitive bird and distant cousin to the dinosaurs. The bird, of which an entire skeleton was also found, was later named Archaeopteryx<br />

Lithographica on account of its discovery in the same soft, smooth, fine grained Jurassic limestone that was being quarried in southern Germany to produce lithographic<br />

printing stones. During the late Jurassic period, this area, now in Bavaria, was an archipelago at the edge of the Tethys Sea that included salty lagoons, perfect conditions<br />

for the creation of both exceptional fossils and lithographic stones.<br />

When von Meyer published his findings in an article in 1861 the text was fittingly illustrated by a lithographic print of the feather copied from the Solnhofen fossil.<br />

This lithograph and a 19th century photographic image of the fossil made by the Humboldt Museum (its eventual home), became the source images for the six lithographs<br />

Archaeopteryx Lithographica that return the images to their source – back once more on a slab of 150 million year old limestone. (Simon Starling)<br />

SIMON STARLING was born in Epsom, GB, in 1967. Education: College of Art, Maidstone, Polytechnic, Nottingham, School of Art, Glasgow. Lives and work in Copenhagen and Berlin.<br />

Selected exhibitions: 2008 Cutting (Supplement), Power Plant, Toronto; Three Birds, Seven Stories, Interpolation and Bifurcations, Galleria Franco Noero, Turin; Project for a public<br />

sculpture (after Thomas Annan), The Modern Institute, Glasgow; 2007 Simon Starling – Kintsugi, Appenzell biennale, Schaukasten, Herisau (CH); Simon Starling – Nachbau, Museum<br />

Folkwang, Essen; László Moholy-Nagy & Simon Starling, Presentation House Gallery, Vancouver; Particle Projection (Loop) Wiels, Brussels, Casey Kaplan, New York; 2006 Heidelberger<br />

Kunstverein, Heidelberg; Wilhelm Noack oHG, neugerriemschneider, Berlin; 24 hr. Tangenziale, Galleria Franco Noero, Turin; 2005 C.A.M., World, Derry (IRE); Cuttings, Museum für<br />

Gegenwartskunst, Basel; 2004 Tabernas Desert Run, The Modern Institute, Glasgow; Exposition, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona; One Ton: neugerriemschneider, Berlin; Casey Kaplan,<br />

New York; 2003 Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Rome; Djungel, South London Gallery, London; Carbon, Städtische Ausstellungshalle am Hawerkamp Münster; Villa Arson, Nice;<br />

2002 Museum of Contemporary Art (with Mathew Jones), Sydney, UCLA Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Kakteenhaus, Portikus, Frankfurt am Main; Djungel, Dundee Contemporary<br />

Arts, Dundee (GB); Flaga (1972–2000), Galleria Franco Noero, Turin; Inverted Retrograde Theme, USA, Casey Kaplan, New York; 2001 Poul Henningsen – Simon Starling, Cooper<br />

Gallery, University of Dundee; Burn-Time/Reading Room, Galerie für Gegenwartskunst, Barbara Claassen-Schmal, Bremen; Burn-Time, Lichthaus plus neue Kunst, Bremen; Work,<br />

made ready, Les Beaux de Provence, Kunstverein Hamburg, Hamburg; CMYK/RGB, Frac, Languedoc-Roussillon, Montpellier; Inverted Retrograde Theme, Rescued Rhododendron<br />

Seccession, Wien and neugerriemschneider, Berlin; John Hansard Gallery, University of Southhampton.<br />


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