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eading the catalogue and in the weeks since is that, if Revolutions<br />

– Forms that Turn presents a database approach to curatorship, then<br />

it is a database with its “safe search” fully switched on. This is due<br />

less to the high degree of canonical works on display than to whose<br />

canon is displayed. I find it curious, for example, that there are precious<br />

few works from Asia, from Africa, from South and Latin America,<br />

let alone the Pacific. I find it intriguing that the main essayists for<br />

the catalogue are safely ensconced in London, New York and Rome.<br />

I find it surprising that, among all the revolutions thrown into the<br />

biennale’s heady mix, there is no reference to some of the most<br />

pressing revolutions of the past sixty years and their lingering effects<br />

today: to Iran in 1979, to Rhodesia in 1980, to China in 1949 or the<br />

Cultural Revolution after 1966. Which brings me to the final few<br />

questions in an essay brimming with doubt and giving the benefit<br />

of it: Whose revolutions does Christov-Bakargiev think provide the<br />

history of the early twenty-first century? What does this say about<br />

an Australasian biennale in 2008? And finally, most importantly,<br />

does she really believe that the “coming community” is still to be<br />

European?<br />

Notes:<br />

Mike Parr<br />

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi, 2003, performance at Artspace, Sydney, courtesy: the artist and Anna Schwartz<br />

Gallery: Sydney and Melbourne<br />

Capul se roteøte încet, se opreøte, gîtul pulseazæ de anticipare, înainte ca trupul sæ<br />

i se înalfle în miøcare. La Pier 2/3, pictura fluidæ a lui Doreen Reid Nakamarra e mai<br />

degrabæ aruncatæ pe podea decît fixatæ de zid. Nu doar cæ expunerea orizontalæ<br />

se potriveøte cu modul de creare a lucrærii, dar strælucirea ei formalæ øi spiritualæ<br />

are posibilitatea de a vorbi într-o manieræ la care expunerea pe zid a lucrærilor indigenilor<br />

australieni aspiræ adesea, dar care, la fel de frecvent, eøueazæ. Sæ speræm<br />

cæ acest mod de prezentare va fi folosit øi în cazul altor expoziflii de picturi indigene.<br />

(Regretabila reducere la tæcere a ansamblului Intonarumori al lui Luigi Russolo, a sculpturilor<br />

trans<strong>format</strong>e în relicve øi private de potenflialul de care dispuneau odatæ, nu<br />

e totuøi un precedent demn de a fi urmat.)<br />

Ceea ce susflin eu, aøadar, este o metaforæ mixtæ de genul: bienala va fi fiind revoluflionaræ<br />

ca temæ, dar e inegalæ ca efect. Multe dintre lucrærile prezentate sînt într-adevær<br />

remarcabile; maniera în care sînt prezentate poate fi extrem de reuøitæ<br />

– øi, în acelaøi timp, deosebit de ciudatæ. De ce ar fi instalate, de pildæ, proiecfliile<br />

lui William Kentridge în camera de deasupra videourilor lui Shaun Gladwell øi Qiu<br />

Anxiong, douæ dintre cele mai contemplative lucræri ale bienalei, a cæror atmosferæ<br />

e tulburatæ de peisajul sonor de vodevil care urlæ sus? Sæ fie asta o formæ de sadism<br />

curatorial? O testare intenflionatæ a singularitæflii øi autonomiei fiecærei opere în parte?<br />

Sæ fie vorba de neatenflie? Dupæ cum sugereazæ aceste întrebæri, cîteva revoluflii<br />

se petrec totuøi. Sînt revolufliile din mintea privitorului (sau cel puflin a acestui privitor),<br />

cæutînd sæ înfleleagæ mai mult din maniera de expunere decît ceea ce se relevæ<br />

la prima vedere, urmærind încontinuu îndoielile øi ræspunsurile inifliale cu alte întrebæri<br />

øi alte posibile ræspunsuri, înlæturate la rîndul lor de alte întrebæri øi de noi îndoieli.<br />

E o revoluflie a învîrtitului în jurul cozii øi poate fi în egalæ mæsuræ frustrantæ øi temporaræ.<br />

În acelaøi timp, acest gen de dezechilibrare a spectatorului e parte a intenfliei<br />

lui Christov-Bakargiev, ea privind „revoluflia“, în ultimæ instanflæ, mai degrabæ ca<br />

pe o cæutare individualæ decît una strict socialæ sau formalæ. 8<br />

1. Christov-Bakargiev makes this point herself in an interview (conducted<br />

together with artist Michael Rakowitz) in one of Australia’s foremost art<br />

journals, Broadsheet: see Zanny Begg, “Confusion, A Trip to the Dentist<br />

and the Biennale of Sydney: In Conversation with Carolyn Christov-<br />

Bakargiev and Michael Rakowitz”, in Broadsheet, 37/2, pp. 90–97<br />

(also available at http://www.cacsa.org.au/cvapsa/2008/4_bs_37_2/37-<br />

2%20Begg.pdf).<br />

2. Two further questions: To what extent is Manzoni’s work included as<br />

a reference to Australia’s position at the “base of the world” as well?<br />

And is this yet another stereotypical reflection of the world being<br />

“upside-down”, upended by the antipodes, revolved, for the curator?<br />

3. Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, “Revolutions – Forms that Turn: The Impulse<br />

to Revolt”, in Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev (Artistic Director), 2008<br />

Biennale of Sydney: Revolutions – Forms that Turn, exh. cat., Fishermans<br />

Bend, Thames & Hudson, 2008, p. 30.<br />

4. See, for example, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev (ed.), Arte Povera,<br />

London, Phaidon, 1999; Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev et al, William<br />

Kentridge, exh. cat., Milan–London, Skira, Thames & Hudson, 2004;<br />

Francesco Bonami and Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev (curators and eds.),<br />

T1: The Pantagruel Syndrome, exh. cat., Milan, Skira, 2006.<br />

5. Giorgio Agamben, The Coming Community, trans. Michael Hardt,<br />

Minneapolis–London, University of Minnesota Press, 1993, p. 1. For<br />

Christov-Bakargiev’s reference to this text, see Christov-Bakargiev,<br />

“Revolutions – Forms that Turn”, p. 33.<br />

6. Agamben, ibid.<br />

7. This is not the first time that Christov-Bakargiev has presented a miniretrospective<br />

within a large-scale group exhibition. In the first Turin<br />

Triennale, she and Bonami staged similar shows of the work of Takashi<br />

Murakami and Doris Salcedo.<br />

8. Christov-Bakargiev, “Revolutions – Forms that Turn”, p. 33.<br />


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