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¬ Daria Ghiu: How did you end up working for Manifesta?<br />

√ Francesco Silvino: I had no job back then. I found out about<br />

this position as guardian of the exhibition space in Ex-Peterlini<br />

through the Office for Work.<br />

¬ What did you think about Daniel’s work? How did you perceive<br />

it? Did it sound crazy to you, or, at least, unusual?<br />

√ My first thought was that all the artists exhibiting in Ex-Peterlini<br />

are a bit crazy. Contemporary art is not something I am familiar with.<br />

Let’s say that among all the works I see everyday in Ex-Peterlini, the<br />

only one I’ve understood since the beginning was the Audiolounge.<br />

If it were smaller and didn’t have the music inside, I could put it in<br />

my house, as a decorative object. It is the only work an artist could<br />

sell to me and I could exhibit in my home. In return, regarding<br />

Daniel, I can’t see what he could sell to me … He would probably<br />

leave my house with no doors...<br />

¬ How do you relate to photography?<br />

√ Photography is a hobby, taking photos is a passion I have, I am<br />

not a professional. For example, in my holidays, I take one or two<br />

thousand photos. I take photos every time something looks interesting<br />

to me or when I think it would make an interesting picture.<br />

The same happened with Ex-Peterlini. When Daniel came, I was<br />

already taking pictures there. I’ve done it even more often after<br />

I discussed with him.<br />

¬ How did this project begin for you?<br />

√ Unfortunately, when we were hired, we have been told that we<br />

have to watch the space and… that was it. The same as we do in<br />

Manifattura Tabacchi. Daniel Knorr is the first person who explained<br />

to us that we are dealing with an open space where people could do<br />

whatever they want. In return, the Manifesta people held us a long<br />

discourse about the fact that we have to pay much attention, so that<br />

nobody ruins the works exhibited. Nobody gave us special instructions<br />

regarding Ex-Peterlini, or even took us on a tour as it happened<br />

with the Manifattura.<br />

¬ Throughout these months, you have witnessed to what the materialization<br />

of Ex-Privato means, the theft of the DVD, or even the<br />

people passing through. How did all these change your perception<br />

about the space and about Knorr’s work?<br />

√ I don’t think that my perception has changed very much.<br />

Anyway, I realized that this is a space that needs to be explained.<br />

Besides the passengers using Ex-Peterlini as a shortcut, the people<br />

coming with their bikes or the children bringing their mothers every<br />

three or four days in Janek Simon’s Volkswagen, there are many visitors<br />

of Manifesta, familiar with contemporary art exhibitions. These<br />

people have a certain manner to see the space, a conventional eye,<br />

I could say, as they come to see the objects exhibited. They would<br />

get inside, stop at every work, spend maybe a quarter of an hour<br />

or even more (I have calculated that one needs approximately two<br />

hours in order to see the entire exhibition) but would see only what<br />

is visible, Knut Åsdam’s film or the pictures of Bernadette Corporation.<br />

As I said, they have a conventional manner to see an exhibition.<br />

We tell to these people that the person who makes the Ex-Peterlini<br />

space possible is Daniel Knorr, who hasn’t built a touchable object<br />

but, by removing the gates of this place, has transformed it in an<br />

open space. To the very same people we explain that they could<br />

come at two o’clock in the morning if they wanted, exactly because<br />

this is a public space. When they hear all these, they remain speechless,<br />

as they didn’t imagine the things in this manner. Even if the<br />

gates miss entirely, it is difficult to observe something with no existence,<br />

as we are used to see only what there is, only what exists.<br />

Translated by Vlad Morariu<br />


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