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scena<br />

horror øi sci-fi al filmelor-distopii, ultima piesæ a genului, Children of Men [Copii ai<br />

oamenilor], se terminæ cu speranfla unui nou început. Manifesta îøi asumæ mai mult<br />

decît atît: ea e pentru supraviefluire øi cautæ locul artei în lumea nouæ, conøtientæ<br />

cæ ea nu poate avea vreun loc færæ sæ ne amintim de trecut, færæ iluzii mærefle øi pierderi<br />

reale. Lamentaflia øi doliul ascund forfle pozitive, care ajutæ prelucrarea trecutului øi<br />

uitarea, respectiv concentrarea de noi energii, care este o fazæ necesaræ cætre un<br />

nou pas, cætre supraviefluire. În lumea postpoliticului, Manifesta a propus principiul<br />

speranflei împotriva aceluia al Distopiei.<br />

Traducere de Alexandru Polgár<br />

Note:<br />

1. Expresia e utilizatæ de Adam Budak în descrierea concepfliei sale curatoriale, vezi:<br />

http://www.manifesta7.it/locations/show/<br />

2. Roee Rosen, „Confessions: A Conversation with Vi Pitchon“, in Manifesta 7 Companion, Milano, SilvanaEditorale,<br />

2008, pp. 220–224.<br />

3. Adam Budak, „Venturing Beyond“, in Manifesta 7 Companion, p. 272.<br />

4. T. J. Demos, „Europe of Camps“, in Manifesta 7 Companion, pp. 385–391.<br />

5. Dario Gamboni, The Destruction of Art: Iconoclasm and Vandalism Since the French Revolution, London,<br />

Reaction Books, 2007, p. 27.<br />

6. Vezi Adam Budak, „Venturing Beyond“, pp. 270–274.<br />

gotten stuck up there. And this is only because she simply had no<br />

time to die while busily gathering in the apples. In time, the village<br />

officials come asking her to let death get down of the tree, to let it<br />

work, because everything’s upside down without it. Beating the fear<br />

of death is a daily practice, respectively the taming and the acceptance<br />

of death, which is a part of life.<br />

Manifesta dreams; one of its guiding lines is (following Ernst Bloch)<br />

the principle of hope. 6 If the preceding era was ruled by theory, by<br />

intellectualism and verbalism in art, Manifesta announces a shift to<br />

the mental sphere, towards the imaginary, towards perception and<br />

the visual. It does not imply the lack of thought, a lack of desire to<br />

communicate or to take a stand towards things in the world. In fact,<br />

the works don’t have any other object except these; but the means,<br />

the forms of manifestation and the goals have changed. If political<br />

and artistic resistance also seems to disappear, this only applies to<br />

the direct effort. Among the works that not only document chaos,<br />

a somber life feeling or the apocalyptic climate, but also want to<br />

actively interfere with these, trying to find a “handhold“ onto a<br />

changed world, the most moving are Guido van de Werve’s video<br />

works. These are poetical expressions of hope itself, without the<br />

touch of sentimentality. In Everything is Going to be Alright (2007),<br />

on an infinite ice field, a man steps towards nothing, followed by<br />

an ice-breaker; in The Day I didn’t Turn with the World (2007), the<br />

artists goes against Earth’s moving rotation for twenty four hours,<br />

like a testimony of the soul’s power and the enormous force of human<br />

will, with its endless potential. It makes no difference that one cannot<br />

see the practical utility of such actions. Or it does so only insofar<br />

as history has buried beneath itself modernity’s belief in functionality<br />

and rationality, and precisely this becomes palpable in Manifesta.<br />

The project of the Romanian artist Daniel Knorr is privileged, but<br />

compared to the artists producing luxury objects, he makes visible<br />

a contemporary domain and strategy of the art aiming to an active<br />

and participatory social presence. After legal battles, for the entire<br />

duration of Manifesta the Ex-Peterlini building became a twentyfour-hour<br />

open public space.<br />

The feeling underlying Manifesta is that the world is going through<br />

difficult times, as they say in one of the movies showed at Ex-Peterlini.<br />

Opposing the horror and sci-fi trend of the dystopian movies, the<br />

last piece of the genre, Children of Men, ends with the hope of<br />

a new beginning. Manifesta takes on more than that: it militates for<br />

survival and looks for art’s place in the new world, aware of the fact<br />

that it can’t have a place without remembering the past, without<br />

great illusions and without real losses. Lamentation and mourning<br />

conceal positive forces that help to work through the past, to forget,<br />

and to gather new strength, which is the necessary phase to a new<br />

step forward towards survival. In the world of the post-political,<br />

Manifesta proposes the principle of hope against that of Dystopia.<br />

Translated by Alex Moldovan<br />

Notes:<br />

1. The expression is used by Adam Budak in describing his curatorial conception,<br />

see: http://www.manifesta7.it/locations/show/<br />

2. Roee Rosen, “Confessions: A Conversation with Vi Pitchon“, in Manifesta<br />

7 Companion, Milan, SilvanaEditorale, 2008, pp. 220–224.<br />

3. Adam Budak, “Venturing Beyond“, in Manifesta 7 Companion, p. 272.<br />

Guido van der Werve<br />

Nummer acht – Everything is going to be alright, 16 mm to HD, 2007,<br />

Roofvogel 2007 © Guido van der Werve, photo: Ben Geraerts<br />

4. T. J. Demos, “Europe of Camps“, in Manifesta 7 Companion, pp. 385–391.<br />

5. Dario Gamboni, The Destruction of Art: Iconoclasm and Vandalism Since<br />

the French Revolution, London, Reaction Books, 2007, p. 27.<br />

6. See Adam Budak, “Venturing Beyond“, pp. 270–274.<br />


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