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preziceau eøecul acestei schimbæri, væzute doar ca un nou formalism instituflional,<br />

færæ sæ reuøeascæ sæ schimbe nimic în esenflæ. Oricum, primele acfliuni din noul n.b.k.<br />

erau unele care puteau liniøti apele. Dar sæ remarcæm în prealabil cæ schimbul de<br />

generaflii øi de orientare de la n.b.k. avea loc în contextul dezbaterii actuale din Germania<br />

asupra angajamentului societæflii civile, precum øi asupra funcfliei culturii øi a institufliilor<br />

care o reprezintæ. Date fiind aceste condiflii, o Kunstverein poate juca un rol<br />

important numai dacæ spafliile sale devin posibilitæfli efective de exprimare ale comunitæflii<br />

øi ale angajamentului voluntar al acesteia, îmbræfliøînd o ideologie a participærii<br />

comune care are ca finalitate interesul public øi respinge, ca atare, imaginea<br />

burghez-pasivæ a consumului de culturæ. n.b.k îøi propunea sæ ræspundæ acestei situaflii<br />

noi prin dezvoltarea unor modele care sæ prezinte alternative la colonizarea vizualæ<br />

a lumii de cætre imagine øi producætorii de lifestyle, oferind spaflii estetice pe care<br />

publicul sæ le experimenteze, printr-o exegezæ updatatæ asupra transculturalitæflii,<br />

operatæ prin participarea activæ la descoperirea øi dezvoltarea noilor spaflii europene<br />

într-un context politic mondial în schimbare, prin atragerea unor noi øi tinere publicuri<br />

øi, în sfîrøit, prin concentrarea asupra Berlinului, pe a cærui scenæ artisticæ n.b.k.<br />

îøi propunea sæ devinæ un atelier de lucru al ideilor øi pozifliilor novatoare.<br />

În sfîrøit, sæ spunem, lucrurile aratæ destul de bine. Aøa cum am citit prima expoziflie<br />

pe care noul n.b.k. a propus-o, provocarea cu care avem de-a face nu reprezintæ<br />

panaceul unei simple rebranduiri. Fireøte, era de aøteptat o nouæ arhitecturæ a<br />

spafliului expoziflional (directorul øi curatorul Babias a cerut evacuarea balastului estetic<br />

adunat de-a lungul timpului, pentru a reduce spafliul galeriei la designul industrial<br />

original al clædirii), un website nou øi o nouæ logicæ a accesului la arhivæ øi forum.<br />

Dar, mai mult decît atît, alegerea curatorialæ a pus în luminæ faptul cæ schimbarea<br />

de imagine reprezintæ o opfliune serioasæ cætre restructurarea instituflionalæ, repoziflionarea<br />

ideologicæ øi recucerirea pozifliilor autonome pierdute.<br />

Noua orientare conceptualæ a n.b.k. a fost inauguratæ prin alegerea lui Silke Wagner<br />

drept prim artist care expune. Alegere programaticæ, de vreme ce Babias øi<br />

Wagner lucraseræ în cadrul mai multor proiecte în ultimii zece ani 3 , iar viziunea curatorialæ<br />

øi, respectiv, artisticæ se intersectau în modalitæflile creærii de interacfliune øi comunicare.<br />

Silke Wagner este, în plus, o artistæ care încorporeazæ mereu în lucrærile sale<br />

subiecte cu rezonanflæ socialæ, reprezentînd tot atîtea demersuri de chestionare a<br />

construcfliile lor istorice. Øi iatæ cæ, de data aceasta, Wagner a fost invitatæ sæ punæ<br />

sub semnul întrebærii chiar istoria spafliului în care trebuia sæ expunæ. Intervenflia sa<br />

a presupus, dacæ dorim sæ explicæm estetica expresiei artistice, un demers formal<br />

de ocupare pe termen lung a zonelor n.b.k., prin remodelarea structuralæ a display-ului<br />

pentru artæ. Wagner a propus øi realizat o sculpturæ flexibilæ bazatæ pe un<br />

sistem de mobilier modular øi mobil, intitulatæ Roland, care permite conectarea elementelor<br />

sale în combinaflii multiple, pliindu-se pe spafliul-container, øi ale cærei principii<br />

funcflionale garanteazæ eliminarea ierarhizærii publicului øi facilitarea accesului<br />

democratic la conflinutul artistic. Miza este, aøadar, conflinutul lucrærii – øi iatæ cæ tot<br />

de aici reuøeøte optimismul sæ-øi extragæ toate sursele de legitimare, pentru cæ Silke<br />

Wagner nu face altceva decît sæ extragæ øi sæ mobilizeze noi conflinuturi politice. Dacæ<br />

istoria n.b.k. nu poate fi disociatæ de istoria socialæ recentæ, acest fapt este reflectat<br />

prin transformarea galeriei într-un cub negru, pe pereflii cæreia se gæsesc lucræri<br />

în neon care reproduc sloganuri sau simboluri ale grupærilor øi evenimentelor ce<br />

au marcat anii ’60 øi ’70, ca Internaflionala Situaflionistæ, Festivalul de Muzicæ de la<br />

Woodstock, revoltele din mai ’68, protestele inifliate de gruparea Weatherman împotriva<br />

intervenfliei din Vietnam etc. Dacæ, de-a lungul timpului, asupra n.b.k. øi-au pus<br />

amprenta dezvoltærile mediilor de expresie ale artei, discursul artistic al lui Wagner<br />

øi-a ales ca referinfle lucræri semnificative ale pionieratului video-artei, care, de<br />

data aceasta, au ocupat rafturile sculpturii modulare din galerie, aici aflîndu-se exculture.<br />

n.b.k. intended to face this new situation by developing new<br />

models meant to present alternatives to the visual colonization of the<br />

world by the image and by the lifestyle producers, by offering aesthetic<br />

spaces for the public to experiment in, by an updated exegesis<br />

of the trans-cultural, operated through an active participation to<br />

the discovery and the development of the new European spaces within<br />

a changing world context, by attracting some new and young<br />

publics and, finally, by focusing on Berlin, on the scene of which n.b.k.<br />

intended to become a workshop of <strong>idea</strong>s and innovating positions.<br />

Finally, let’s say it, things look pretty good. The way I have read the<br />

first exposition proposed by the new n.b.k., the challenge we are<br />

facing is not to come up with the cure-all of a mere re-branding.<br />

Of course, one should have expected a new architecture for the exhibition<br />

space (the manager and curator Babias asked that the aesthetic<br />

ballast accumulated in time should be removed in order to<br />

reduce the gallery space to the original industrial design of the<br />

building), a new website and a new logic of accessing the archive<br />

and the forum. But, moreover, the curatorial choice pointed out that<br />

the change of image represents a serious option for the institutional<br />

restructuring, the ideological repositioning and regaining of the lost<br />

autonomous positions.<br />

The new conceptual orientation of n.b.k. was inaugurated by choosing<br />

Silke Wagner as the first exhibiting artist. A programmatic choice,<br />

since Babias and Wagner had worked together in several projects<br />

during the last 10 years 3 and their curatorial respectively artistic<br />

vision intersect in the ways they create interaction and communication.<br />

Moreover, Silke Wagner is always integrating in her works topics<br />

of social resonance which represent as many efforts to question<br />

their historical constructions. And look, this time Wagner was invited<br />

to question the very history of the space she was supposed to exhibit<br />

in. Her intervention implied, if we are to explain the aesthetic of the<br />

artistic expression, a formal effort to occupy the n.b.k. areas, by<br />

structurally remodeling the display for art. Wagner proposed and<br />

created a flexible sculpture based on a modular and mobile furniture<br />

system called Roland, which allowed its elements to connect in multiple<br />

combinations, plying on the container-like space, and whose<br />

functional principles guarantee to eliminate the ranking of the public<br />

and to ease its democratic access to the artistic content. The stake<br />

thus consists in the content of the work – and it is also wherefrom<br />

the optimism manages to draw all its sources of legitimating,<br />

because all Silke Wagner does is to extract and mobilize new political<br />

contents. If the history of n.b.k. cannot be dissociated from recent<br />

social history this reflects in the gallery turning into a black cube, on<br />

the walls of which one finds neon works reproducing slogans or symbols<br />

of the groups or events which had marked the ’60s and the ’70s,<br />

such as the Situationist International, the Woodstock Music Festival,<br />

the events in May ’68, the protests initiated by the Weatherman<br />

group against the war in Vietnam etc.<br />

If, in the course of time, n.b.k. was marked by the developments of<br />

the art expression media, Wagner’s artistic discourse chose to refer<br />

to significant works in the video-art pioneering period, which, this<br />

time, filled the shelves of the modular sculpture in the gallery, where<br />

we find exhibited Martha Rosler, John Baldessari, Vito Acconci, Gerry<br />

Schum, Eduardo Paolozzi, Valie Export, Antonio Muntadas, Bruce<br />

Nauman, Lynda Benglis, Wolf Vostell, Peter Weibel, Hermine Freed,<br />

Joan Joanas, Dara Birnbaum. Re-questioning recent art history by<br />

revitalizing forgotten events and works, along with including them in<br />

a new display, represents a synthesis of historical fluxes and refluxes<br />

of the institution, but also the activation of a new politics of art and,<br />

why not, the reactivation of an art of doing politics. At the same level,<br />

I can’t overlook Wagner’s video work included in the new display,<br />

7 Vorträge, ein Bild, ein Auditorium, where seven students dressed<br />

and with their hair done in the ’90s style look to the camera with<br />

totally inexpressive faces while listening on the radio about the students’<br />

protests in 1968. The attitude of those seven represents a commentary<br />

– self-evident, with the artist being silent – on perceptual<br />


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