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Muzeul ca efect secundar<br />

sau problema Varøoviei cu memoria<br />

Sebastian Cichocki<br />

I. Glorificarea antagonismelor<br />

Muzeele de artæ sînt create ca urmare a aparifliei unor nevoi de tipuri felurite – de<br />

la încercæri de a instaura o putere simbolicæ, prin furnizarea de „material de construcflie“<br />

pentru edificarea identitæflii culturale, la strategii planificate ingenios øi cîntærite<br />

economic de atragere a investitorilor. Procesul nu e întotdeauna complet<br />

conøtientizat, chiar dacæ teoreticienilor øtiinflei muzeistice contemporane le place<br />

sæ-l priveascæ drept rezultat al tendinflelor pro-comunitate prezente în realitatea postmodernæ.<br />

Încrederea în puterea muzeelor, care, dupæ cum scria Kevin Moore, „sînt<br />

probabil cel mai potrivit loc pentru a medita asupra unora dintre controversele politice<br />

ale vremurilor noastre“, e adesea zdruncinatæ, lucru ce poate fi observat în exemplul<br />

raporturilor dificile ale institufliilor de artæ cu realitæflile haotice ale democrafliilor<br />

est-europene „aflate în proces de maturizare“. Poate exista impresia cæ iniflierea de<br />

noi instituflii artistice a reprezentat efectul secundar al unor complexe procese de<br />

transformare. Deøi unanim dorite, noile instituflii artistice sînt o creaturæ neînfleleasæ<br />

în totalitate sau chiar suspectæ, incapabilæ sæ cîøtige o acceptare publicæ impresionantæ,<br />

generînd astfel tensiuni øi revelînd conflicte øi antagonisme greu de depæøit. Pe<br />

scurt, muzeele de artæ, øi muzeele de artæ contemporanæ în particular, sînt o lupæ<br />

prin care putem privi apariflia demonilor frustrærilor sociale øi ai dorinflelor reprimate.<br />

Un exemplu de astfel de tensiune instituflionalæ, consecinflæ a ambifliilor post-transformare<br />

øi necesitate de a completa lacunele culturale, caracteristic pentru flærile din<br />

fostul bloc sovietic, este Muzeul de Artæ Modernæ din Varøovia, creat oficial în aprilie<br />

2005. Crearea sa a fost însoflitæ de convingerea cæ noile muzee sînt instrumente<br />

de sprijin øi stimulare a proceselor de modernizare. Dezbaterea încinsæ care a urmat,<br />

presæratæ cu rafliuni conflictuale øi prejudecæfli comune, a fost færæ precedent în Polonia<br />

postbelicæ. Trebuie adæugat, în acest punct, cæ vechiul muzeu de artæ recentæ<br />

al Poloniei, Muzeul Naflional de pe Aleje Jerozolimskie, a fost inaugurat acum øaizeci<br />

de ani, în 1938. Pînæ în 2008, cînd un Centru pentru Artæ Contemporanæ s-a<br />

deschis în oraøul de provincie Toruń, acesta a fost cel mai recent spafliu dedicat<br />

expunerii de artæ contemporanæ. Cu mult înaintea ridicærii clædirii în sine (planificatæ<br />

pentru 2014), muzeul din Varøovia a devenit scena unui conflict înverøunat care a<br />

învræjbit comunitæflile artisticæ, arhitecturalæ øi politicæ. Pentru cei implicafli în proiect,<br />

e limpede faptul cæ acesta s-a întemeiat pe conflict, øi nu pe o dezbatere raflionalæ<br />

øi compromisuri care, paradoxal, îi pot garanta longevitatea øi durabilitatea.<br />

II. O vecinætate nefericitæ<br />

Clædirea WMMA urmeazæ sæ fie ridicatæ în Plac Defilad, o piaflæ imensæ aflatæ în inima<br />

oraøului øi care, în mod evident, poartæ eticheta arhitectural-ideologicæ a ruøinii. Piafla,<br />

cu toate elementele pe care le cuprinde, inclusiv o tribunæ de paradæ de unde aparatul<br />

de partid urmærea paradele militare la marøurile de 1 Mai, a fost construitæ în<br />

1955 în fafla emblematicului Palat al Culturii øi Øtiinflei. Clædirea-mamut ræmîne cel<br />

mai caracteristic, dar øi cel mai controversat element al peisajului urbanistic al Varøoviei.<br />

Motivul naturii sale controversate e simplu – a fost construitæ cu preflul demolærii<br />

SEBASTIAN CICHOCKI este curator la Muzeul de Artæ Modernæ din Varøovia.<br />



Sebastian Cichocki<br />

I. The Praise of Antagonisms<br />

Art museums are created as a result of the emergence of various<br />

kinds of needs – from attempts to establish symbolic power, through<br />

the provision of “building material” for the construction of cultural<br />

identity, to strategically cunning, economically calculated investorattracting<br />

strategies. The process is not always fully conscious, even<br />

if the theoreticians of contemporary museum science would like to<br />

see it as a result of pro-community tendencies present in the postmodern<br />

reality. The belief in the power of museums, which, as Kevin<br />

Moore wrote, “are probably the best place to consider some of the<br />

political issues of our times”, is often shaken, which can be observed<br />

on the example of art institutions’ difficult relations with the chaotic<br />

realities of the “maturing” Eastern European democracies. One can<br />

get the impression that the initiation of new artistic institution has<br />

been a side effect of complex trans<strong>format</strong>ion processes. Even though<br />

commonly desired, new artistic institutions are a creature that is not<br />

entirely understood, or even suspect, unable to win overwhelming<br />

public acceptance, and thus generating tensions and manifesting<br />

unsolvable conflicts and antagonisms. Put shortly, art museums, and<br />

contemporary art museums in particular, are a magnifying glass<br />

through which we can watch the rising demons of social frustration<br />

and repressed yearnings. An example of such an institutional tension,<br />

a consequence of post-trans<strong>format</strong>ion ambitions and a need to fill<br />

cultural gaps, characteristic for the former Soviet bloc countries, is<br />

the Warsaw Museum of Modern Art, officially created in April 2005.<br />

Its creation was accompanied by a belief that new museums are<br />

instruments of supporting and stimulating modernisation processes.<br />

The heated debate that ensued, full of conflicting reasons and ordinary<br />

prejudices, has had no precedent in post-war Poland. It needs<br />

to be added at this point that Warsaw’s former recent art museum,<br />

the National Museum in Aleje Jerozolimskie, was opened sixty years<br />

ago, in 1938. Until 2008, when a Centre for Contemporary Art opened<br />

in the provincial city of Torun’, it was Poland’s newest venue for<br />

presenting contemporary art. The Warsaw museum, long before the<br />

erection of the building itself (planned for 2014), became the stage<br />

of a bitter conflict that has antagonised the artistic, architectural,<br />

and political communities. For persons involved in the project, it is<br />

an obvious fact that it had been founded on conflict, rather than on a<br />

rational debate and compromises, which, paradoxically, can guarantee<br />

its longevity and endurance.<br />

II. An Unfortunate Neighbourhood<br />

The WMMA building is to be erected on Plac Defilad, a huge plaza<br />

located in the very heart of the city, and rather obviously marked<br />

with architectural-ideological shame. The plaza, with all its features,<br />

including a parade stand where party apparatchiks received military<br />

parades on 1st of May marches, was built in 1955 as a foreground for<br />

the iconic Palace of Culture and Science. The mammoth building<br />

SEBASTIAN CICHOCKI is a curator, Museum of Modern Art<br />

in Warsaw.<br />

Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, temporary headquarters at Pan’ska Street, 2008, photo: Jan Smaga<br />


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