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scena<br />

Procesul bienalei e spafliul activ de explorare a regulilor de conduitæ stabilite în sistemul<br />

artistic occidental, a modului în care e normatæ circulaflia øi receptarea<br />

informafliei øi a felului în care o putem (øi o putem face cu adeværat?) provoca, concentrîndu-se<br />

în principal pe regiuni din Balcani øi fosta Europæ de Est, Asia Centralæ, Orientul<br />

Mijlociu øi Africa de Nord, unde raportul cu „mentorii“ occidentali øi dependenfla<br />

de practicile avangardei, de validare din sistemele artistice occidentale, încæ definesc<br />

în mare mæsuræ contextul artei contemporane. Acest proces se desfæøoaræ de-a<br />

lungul a douæ traiectorii interconectate, una corespunzînd modelului hegemonic<br />

occidental al rolului øi pozifliei artei contemporane øi istoriei acesteia, aøa cum e perpetuat<br />

de sistemul globalizat al institufliilor de artæ øi reflelei de piefle care le reglementeazæ,<br />

iar cealaltæ, practicilor artistice øi culturale care evalueazæ critic comercializarea tinzînd<br />

sæ domine viafla în condifliile capitalismului neoliberal.<br />

Traducere de Alex Moldovan<br />

region, considering the fact that Istanbul plays a major role in the<br />

political and social landscape of the region in the widest sense of the<br />

word. This research tends to become public in the attempt to also<br />

activate the two-years period between biennial exhibitions in the<br />

process of creating a possibility for sustained collaborations with<br />

existent independent cultural initiatives and programs. The <strong>format</strong><br />

of the exhibition itself is understood as a possibility of transient and<br />

temporary, yet ambitious plans for long-term communication and<br />

establishing new international platforms for artist and cultural workers<br />

from supposedly shrinking but still corporeally very real geographical<br />

margins. Even if today one feels that there is no region<br />

excluded from the international art circuit, there still remains the<br />

issue of control, the unresolved and continuing play of inclusion and<br />

exclusion. In that respect, the role of biennial-as-process is understood<br />

as a counter-position to general weakening of any institutional<br />

safeguards that determine (cultural) standards outside the marketplace.<br />

The process of biennial is the active site for exploring the rules<br />

of conduct established in the Western art system, how is the circulation<br />

and reception of in<strong>format</strong>ion regulated and how can we (and<br />

can we really) challenge it, focusing primarily on regions of the<br />

Balkans and former Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Middle East and<br />

North Africa, in which relationship with Western “mentors“ and<br />

dependence of avant-garde art practices on validation from the<br />

Western art systems still largely define the context of contemporary<br />

art. It develops across two interconnecting trajectories, one responding<br />

to hegemonic Western model of the role and position of contemporary<br />

art and its history, as perpetuated by globalized system of art<br />

institutions and network of markets that regulate them, and the<br />

other to artistic and cultural practices that are critically assessing<br />

commercialization that tends to dominate life under conditions of<br />

neo-liberal capitalism.<br />

Andreja Kulunčić<br />

“Nama: 1908 employees, 15 department stores, 2000“, intervention at various city-lights locations in the<br />

Zagreb city center, “What, How & for Whom, on the occasion of the 152nd anniversary of the Communist<br />

Manifesto“, Zagreb, 2000<br />

*Nama – (Peoples Magazine) was the strongest Yugoslav chain of department stores that ended in bankruptcy<br />

in late 1990’s. The project has been the result of artist’s several months of dialogue with Nama workers’ union.<br />


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