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scena<br />

¬ Regîndirea øi împæcarea cu trecutul comunist au fost un excelent exemplu pentru<br />

modul în care proiectele artistice pot fi folosite pentru a lansa discuflii vizînd chestiuni<br />

sociale relevante în discursul public mai larg. Viitoarele voastre proiecte, precum<br />

Broadcasting project, dedicated to Nikola Tesla [Proiect de radiodifuziune dedicat<br />

lui Nikola Tesla], Normalization [Normalizare], Normalization: dedicated to Nikola<br />

Tesla [Normalizare: dedicat lui Nikola Tesla] øi altele, aveau de-a face cu politica<br />

cotidianæ, subliniind caracterul strategiilor culturale dominante în Croaflia anilor ’90.<br />

Ne putefli spune mai multe despre aceste proiecte? Care sînt, în opinia voastræ, funcfliile<br />

specifice practicii curatoriale în raport cu producflia de semnificaflie øi cunoaøtere<br />

care funcflioneazæ în cadrul expozifliilor øi proiectelor?<br />

√ Noi înflelegem expozifliile ca pe o formæ de experienflæ emoflionalæ øi fizicæ unicæ;<br />

cea mai importantæ sarcinæ a funcfliei curatoriale, în acest sens, ar fi crearea contextului,<br />

a spafliului discursiv øi fizic de reflecflie, a unui punct temporal în care toate aceste<br />

procese paralele sæ fie strînse laolaltæ, contestate, intensificate øi îmbunætæflite. Pentru<br />

demersul nostru curatorial, articularea problemelor sociale sensibile are un rol-cheie,<br />

în special în raport cu contextul local. Expoziflia Normalizare: dedicat lui Nikola<br />

Tesla, prezentatæ la Galeria Nova în 2006, într-o manieræ oarecum neimplicatæ, a<br />

servit drept încheiere øi studiu de caz pentru investigaflia noastræ pe termen lung asupra<br />

diferitelor aspecte ale procesului de normalizare cu care ne-am confruntat recent.<br />

Cazul lui Tesla e cu deosebire interesant, întrucît angreneazæ tensiunile existente între<br />

identitatea naflionalæ øi naflionalism øi orientarea pro-UE. Nikola Tesla (1856–1943)<br />

a fost un genial øi controversat om de øtiinflæ; era sîrb din Croaflia øi a murit cetæflean<br />

american. În ultimele decenii, el a fost revendicat øi renegat de cætre croafli, sîrbi,<br />

iugoslavi øi americani. Ambele proiecte pe care i le-am dedicat lui Nikola Tesla au<br />

fost øi o reacflie la faptul cæ în anii ’90, în Croaflia, originile sale sîrbeøti i-au afectat<br />

serios cultul de om de øtiinflæ. Dupæ ce a fost un „erou naflional“ în Iugoslavia, în anii<br />

’90, un întreg deceniu, Tesla a lipsit din discursul public. Însæ în doar cîfliva ani el a<br />

devenit un model al reconcilierii øi al „construirii de punfli“ între nafliuni øi state învecinate,<br />

iar celebra sa afirmaflie: „Sînt mîndru de originea mea sîrbæ øi de patria mea<br />

croatæ“, supralicitatæ în decenii socialiste de fræflie øi unitate, a fost resuscitatæ ca slogan<br />

politic eficient în dorinfla politicæ oportunistæ de a exprima toleranfla etnicæ.<br />

În 2006, cea de-a 150-a aniversare a naøterii lui Nikola Tesla a fost særbætoritæ în<br />

stil mare. Graflie Proiectului de radiodifuziune pe care l-am realizat în 2001, am fost<br />

invitafli la Centrul Cultural Sîrb din Zagreb pentru a organiza o nouæ expoziflie despre<br />

Tesla øi am hotærît sæ facem o expoziflie-arhivæ legatæ de prezenfla lui Tesla în discursul<br />

public cu începere din anii 1950 øi sæ lansæm un apel la un antimonument<br />

dedicat lui Nikola Tesla. Am primit în jur de 50 de propuneri din partea unor artiøti,<br />

jurnaliøti, arhitecfli, oameni de øtiinflæ, designeri, studenfli, filosofi, scriitori etc. øi i-am<br />

cuprins pe tofli în expoziflie, ca parte integrantæ a acesteia. Am mai pregætit øi un material<br />

de arhivæ care a scos în evidenflæ rupturile dramatice din receptarea publicæ a<br />

lui Nikola Tesla øi contextul social øi politic mai larg din ultimii 50 de ani.<br />

¬ Din 2003 conducefli galeria nonprofit numitæ Galerija Nova în Zagreb. Galeria<br />

are o serioasæ tradiflie de avangardæ începînd din anii 1960 øi 1970, iar sub conducerea<br />

voastræ a devenit o platformæ care sprijinæ producflia criticæ localæ øi internaflionalæ.<br />

Proiectele realizate cu unii artiøti din anii ’70, ca Sanja Iveković, Mladen Stilinović,<br />

Goran Trbuljak, par sæ dovedeascæ o lipsæ de implicare instituflionalæ. Care ar fi, din<br />

experienfla voastræ, diferenfla øi discrepanfla dintre activitæflile øi pozifliile curatoriale<br />

instituflionale øi cele independente?<br />

√ N-am asocia niøte diferenfle intrinsece celor douæ poziflii, parflial din cauzæ cæ sîntem<br />

cu toflii „în sistem“ øi „pe piaflæ“. Ne vedem ca o echipæ independentæ care se<br />

autoorganizeazæ, dar øi ca o microinstituflie încercînd sæ creeze un spafliu instituflional<br />

mai sensibil la nevoile efective ale scenei locale. Cînd am inifliat programul Galeriei<br />

an exhibition. From the curatorial point of view one of our main concerns<br />

was how to deal with anniversary of the book of such powerful<br />

ideological and political connotation and we decided to problematize<br />

it in the existing local context. Thus, the Manifesto functioned<br />

as a strong trigger to initiate a public debate on the issues of recent<br />

history and the exhibition in the end questioned wide range of social<br />

issues, focusing on complex relations between art and economy.<br />

The need to question our “communist“ past has been the result<br />

of dominant cultural politics in Croatia in the 90s, whose insufficient<br />

intellectual contextualization disabled any serious reflection of both<br />

immediate communist past and of present “transitional“ moment.<br />

At the time we started to work on the exhibition we were still mostly<br />

in our twenties. Working together was a great and <strong>format</strong>ive experience.<br />

From the beginning we were aware that collaboration enables<br />

us to do things that none of us individually would be able to do: create<br />

and influence new spaces and modalities of art production, thus<br />

challenging the environment of ossified and closed art institutions in<br />

Croatia.<br />

That exhibition established most of the aspects of our future curatorial<br />

approach: collective way of working, close partnership of different<br />

organizations, establishing links between different generations<br />

of artists as well as building the exhibition around social and political<br />

issues which we feel are being swept under the carpet... We did<br />

a modified version, on the occasion of the 153rd anniversary of the<br />

Communist Manifesto, in Kunsthalle Exnergasse in Vienna in 2001.<br />

We are still looking forward to the possible opportunity to do another<br />

Communist Manifesto exhibition on another anniversary.<br />

¬ Rethinking and coming to terms with the communist past was<br />

an excellent example how art projects can be used to introduce discussions<br />

on relevant social issues into broader public discourse.<br />

Your further projects as Broadcasting project, dedicated to Nikola<br />

Tesla, Normalization, Normalization: dedicated to Nikola Tesla and<br />

others, dealt with local daily politics, pointing out the cultural policy<br />

dominant in Croatia during the 90s. Can you tell us something more<br />

about those projects? What are in your opinion the specific roles of<br />

the curatorial practice in relation to the production of meaning and<br />

knowledge at work in the exhibitions and projects?<br />

√ We understand exhibitions as forms of a unique emotional and<br />

physical experience, the main task of a curatorial role in that sense<br />

would be to create the context, discursive and physical space for<br />

reflection, a temporary point in which all these parallel processes<br />

are collected, contested, intensified and enhanced. For our curatorial<br />

work of key importance is articulating sensitive social issues, especially<br />

in relation to the local context. The exhibition Normalization:<br />

dedicated to Nikola Tesla, presented in Gallery Nova in 2006, in<br />

a certain non committed way served as a closure and a case study<br />

of our long – term investigation of different aspects of normalization<br />

processes we have been facing recently. Tesla’s case is particularly<br />

interesting because it interlocks the existing tensions between<br />

national identity and nationalism and pro-EU orientation. Nikola<br />

Tesla (1856–1943) was a controversial genius scientist; he was a Serb<br />

from Croatia who died as American citizen. In the past decades he<br />

has been claimed and disowned by Croats, Serbs, Yugoslavs and<br />

Americans. Both of our projects dedicated to Nikola Tesla were also<br />

a reaction to the fact that during the 90s in Croatia his Serb origins<br />

seriously damaged his cult status as a scientist. After being a “public<br />

hero“ in Yugoslavia, during the 90s, over a whole decade Tesla was<br />

absent from public discourse. However, in just a few years he became<br />

a model of reconciliation and “building of bridges“ between nations<br />

and neighboring states, and his famous saying „I am proud of my<br />

Serbian origin and Croatian motherland“, overused in the socialist<br />

decades of brotherhood and unity, has been resurrected as a useful<br />

daily-politics slogan in politically opportunistic eagerness to express<br />

ethnical tolerance.<br />

In 2006 the 150th anniversary of Nikola Tesla’s birth was celebrated<br />

in grand style. Because of the Broadcasting project we did in 2001,<br />


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