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Lucr. ST., LC.C.S., C,ARTOFUL, 1975, VOL. V. Topogard, Igran şi 1,5 kg/ha de Sencor). Speciile de buruieni perene Cirisium arvense, Convolvulus arvense, Agropyrum repens, Sonchus arvensis, Rumex acetosella, Rorippa sil:vestris şi DaucUis sp., nu au fost cOlnbătute ide ni:ci un erbiiCid. 2. Efircadtatea erbicidelor a depins foarte mult atît de tipul de sol (conţinutul în humus şi argilă) 'Cit şi de precipitaţiile căzute după efectuarea tratamentului. 3. ,Între erbiddele triazinice Igran, Topogarde şi Gesagard (luat ca standard) nu s-au observat diferenţe evidente privind eficacitatea asupra buruienilor. Raportînd însă la substanţa activă aplicată la hectar Sencorul este un erbkid mult eficace dedt celelalte triazine (prometrin, terbutryn). 4. În majoritatea cazurilor la variantele tratate ICU erbiddele triazinice (şi neprăşite în timpul vegetaţiei) s-au obţinut producţii foarte apropiate de ,cele obţinute în varianta lnartor la care s-au efectuat 2-3 praşile' manuale pe rînd şi mecanice între nînduri. 5. Pe majoritatea solurilor se pot aplica doze de dr>ca 5 kg/hCl Gesagard, Igran şi Topogarrde şi de 1,0 kg/ha Sencor. Dublarea acestor doze nu a produs simptome fitotoxÎiCe cu excepţia erbicidului Sencor care pe soIurile nisipo-Iutoase a ideter>minat o diminuare a productiei de tuberculi la doze mari ide 3-4,5 kg/ha. BIBLIOGRAFIE BRFDT H., VL.ADUŢIU 1. 'Şi Icolah., 1917[2" Versttchsergebnisse ilber die Erm/bttlung des Selektivitiitsjaktors zur Dosierung einiger Kartoffelherbizide, entsprechend den ver'schiedenen S:Ol'rten-, Klima - und Bodenbedingungen in der R.S. Rumanien. Simpozionul internaţioulal ",Mecanismul de '8Jcţiune laI eribilc,ildelor laI stiiffiluJatorHor sintetici de oreş:tere", HaHe/iSaale,R.D.G. r

272 N. SARPE şi colab., Eficacitatea erbicidului Sencor. ŞARP,E N. şi colab., 1971, Recherches sur l'effect de quelques herbicides et [eu,rs association contre les adventices des cultu1'es de pommes de terre en Rorumanie.6-e Conferenoe du COIJUM,A, Ca'Ylines. VOKRAL J., 1'973, Herbicidy v porostech brambor clle vysledku Vstredniho kontrolniho a zkusebniho ustavu zemedelskeho. Conferinţa inteT!YliaţionaJă "Combaterela meealYlÎiC,ă .şi chimică a huruieniJor Îin cultura cartofului", Havlickuv Brod, R.S. Cehoslovaci'R. RESEARCHES CONCERNING EFFICIENCY SENCOR AS COMPARED Ta OTHER WEED KILLERS IN THE CONTROL OF WEEDS IN POTATO CROPS SUMMARY Effidency of four weed killerrs belonging to triazine group 1.e. SENCOR 70 WP, IGRAN 60 WP, TOPOGRiAiDE 50 WP arud GESAGRAD 50 WP was tested during the period 1971-1973. Experiments were iconducted on different soil types, Le. : an a humus gleycy soH containing 7-8010 humus and 23-26% clay, at Braşov, on a medium leached Ichernozem with 3.50/0 humus content and 34-36% clay contenta't FundUllea, on a chernozem containing 2.4-3% humurs and 21-25% cliay at Secuieni,onan aJ1luvial soilcontailliing 1.30/0 humu:s and 19% clay ,at Geoagiu, an a moderately "Lessive" brawn forest soil containing 1.40/0 iand 18-24% humus and clay, respectively. at Livada, and on ,a humus-gley soil, containing 8.20/0 humus and 52% clay, at Suceava, Igran, Topognade and Gesagrad were applied in levels of 5 and 10 kg a.i.jha, while Sencor was applied in the levels of 0.75...1.0 and 1.5 kg a.i./ha (1.5...3.0 and 4.5 a.i.jha ,at Suceava). AU the ,applied weed killers exhibited ia good efficiency in the control ofannual weeds, although they did not control ,the perrenial weeds. Sencor exhibited a higher efficiency as compared to Igran, Topograde ,and GesagIiaJd; no differences were found ,among the Iast three compounds from the point of view their weed c'Ontrolinlg efficiency. No phytotoxiiC effeds were found, even in case of high \levels applied and tuber yielid was not affeJCted by the app\lied treatments.. Sencor was the 'O'nly eompounid which diminshed tthe tuber when applied on sandy loams in levels ranging between 3.0-4.'5 kg/ha. FORSCHUNGEN IN BEZUG AUF DIE WIRKSAMKEIT DES HERIBIZIDEN SENCOR IM BERGLEICH ZU ANDEREN HE,RBIZIDEN FUR DIE BEKĂMPFUNG DES UNKRAUTES IM KAiRmOFFELBAU ZUSAMMENFAiSSUNG Im Zeitraum 1971-1973 wurde die Wirk,samkeit folgender 4 Herbiziden cler Gruppe: Sencor 70 WP, Igran 60 WP, Topogarde 50 "VP und Gesagard 50 WP gepruft. Die Experimente wurden auf veschiedenen Bodenarten durchgefuhrt: in Braşov auf Humusgleyboden mit 7-8% Humus und 23-26010 Ton, in Fundulea auf mittelausgelaugten Tschernosemboden mit 3,5010 Humus und 34-36% Ton, in Secueni auf T:schernosemboden mit 2,4-3010 Humus und 21-25% Ton, in Geoagiu auf Alluvialboden mit 1,30/0 Humus und 21-25% Ton, in Livadaauf mitellpodsolierten braunen Waldboden mit 1,4% Humus und 18-240/0 Ton und in Suceava gleich+alls auf Humusgleiboden mi't 8,2% Humus und 52,6% Ton. Die angewandten Herbizidedosen waren in Betrag von5-10 kg/ha fur das Handelserzeugnis Igran. Topogarde und Sesarad, un:d 0,75...1.0 und 1,5 (in Suceava 1,5...3 und 4,5) kg/ha fur den Herbizid Sencor. Samtliche Herbiziden haben €line gute Wirkung fur die Bekampfung des jahrliehen Unkrautes bewiesen, doch konnten sie nicht die Perenialunkrauter bekampfen. Sencor bewies sieh als ein vieI ener-

272 N. SARPE şi colab., Eficacitatea erbicidului Sencor.<br />

ŞARP,E N. şi colab., 1971, Recherches sur l'effect de quelques herbicides et [eu,rs<br />

association contre les adventices des cultu1'es de pommes de terre en Rorumanie.6-e<br />

Conferenoe du COIJUM,A, Ca'Ylines.<br />

VOKRAL J., 1'973, Herbicidy v porostech brambor clle vysledku Vstredniho kontrolniho<br />

a zkusebniho ustavu zemedelskeho. Conferinţa inteT!YliaţionaJă "Combaterela<br />

meealYlÎiC,ă .şi chimică a huruieniJor Îin cultura cartofului", Havlickuv Brod,<br />

R.S. Cehoslovaci'R.<br />




Effidency of four weed killerrs belonging to triazine group 1.e. SENCOR<br />

70 WP, IGRAN 60 WP, TOPOGRiAiDE 50 WP arud GESAGRAD 50 WP was tested<br />

during the period 1971-1973. Experiments were iconducted on different soil types,<br />

Le. : an a humus gleycy soH containing 7-8010 humus and 23-26% clay, at Braşov,<br />

on a medium leached Ichernozem with 3.50/0 humus content and 34-36% clay<br />

contenta't FundUllea, on a chernozem containing 2.4-3% humurs and 21-25%<br />

cliay at Secuieni,onan aJ1luvial soilcontailliing 1.30/0 humu:s and 19% clay ,at<br />

Geoagiu, an a moderately "Lessive" brawn forest soil containing 1.40/0 iand 18-24%<br />

humus and clay, respectively. at Livada, and on ,a humus-gley soil, containing<br />

8.20/0 humus and 52% clay, at Suceava, Igran, Topognade and Gesagrad were<br />

applied in levels of 5 and 10 kg a.i.jha, while Sencor was applied in the levels<br />

of 0.75...1.0 and 1.5 kg a.i./ha (1.5...3.0 and 4.5 a.i.jha ,at Suceava). AU the ,applied<br />

weed killers exhibited ia good efficiency in the control ofannual weeds, although<br />

they did not control ,the perrenial weeds. Sencor exhibited a higher efficiency<br />

as compared to Igran, Topograde ,and GesagIiaJd; no differences were found ,among<br />

the Iast three compounds from the point of view their weed c'Ontrolinlg efficiency.<br />

No phytotoxiiC effeds were found, even in case of high \levels applied and tuber<br />

yielid was not affeJCted by the app\lied treatments.. Sencor was the 'O'nly eompounid<br />

which diminshed tthe tuber when applied on sandy loams in levels ranging between<br />

3.0-4.'5 kg/ha.<br />





Im Zeitraum 1971-1973 wurde die Wirk,samkeit folgender 4 Herbiziden cler<br />

Gruppe: Sencor 70 WP, Igran 60 WP, Topogarde 50 "VP und Gesagard 50 WP<br />

gepruft. Die Experimente wurden auf veschiedenen Bodenarten durchgefuhrt: in<br />

Braşov auf Humusgleyboden mit 7-8% Humus und 23-26010 Ton, in Fundulea<br />

auf mittelausgelaugten Tschernosemboden mit 3,5010 Humus und 34-36% Ton, in<br />

Secueni auf T:schernosemboden mit 2,4-3010 Humus und 21-25% Ton, in Geoagiu<br />

auf Alluvialboden mit 1,30/0 Humus und 21-25% Ton, in Livadaauf mitellpodsolierten<br />

braunen Waldboden mit 1,4% Humus und 18-240/0 Ton und in Suceava<br />

gleich+alls auf Humusgleiboden mi't 8,2% Humus und 52,6% Ton.<br />

Die angewandten Herbizidedosen waren in Betrag von5-10 kg/ha fur das<br />

Handelserzeugnis Igran. Topogarde und Sesarad, un:d 0,75...1.0 und 1,5 (in Suceava<br />

1,5...3 und 4,5) kg/ha fur den Herbizid Sencor. Samtliche Herbiziden haben €line<br />

gute Wirkung fur die Bekampfung des jahrliehen Unkrautes bewiesen, doch konnten<br />

sie nicht die Perenialunkrauter bekampfen. Sencor bewies sieh als ein vieI ener-

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