Shiva Samhita - Mirahorian

Shiva Samhita - Mirahorian

Shiva Samhita - Mirahorian


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Cele opt ramuri din Raja Yoga si reprezentarea altarului<br />

Altarul un simbol pt calea spre Cer<br />

The Eight Limbs or Branches of Raja Yoga and the Altar<br />

Altar a symbol for the Way to Heaven<br />

Cele sapte brate ale candelabrului numit Menorah sunt pastrate in toate altarele crestine(ortodoxe<br />

si catolice) si desemneaza cele sapte ramuri(anga) ce conduc la Imparatia Cerurilor, la Altarul<br />

Interior.<br />

The seven branches of the Golden Menorah in Jerusalem has the same parallel structure as the<br />

one presented in all Christian Altars Yoga Sutra by Patanjali<br />

Discover below the same seven parallel candles as the seven ways(anga) to Inner Altar<br />

[vedeti imaginea marita pe : http://www.flickr.com/photos/pata_n_jali/ ]<br />


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