Shiva Samhita - Mirahorian

Shiva Samhita - Mirahorian

Shiva Samhita - Mirahorian


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[10] Mircea Eliade, Le Sacré et le Profane (1956)<br />

[11] Mircea Eliade, Le Chamanisme et les Techniques archaïques de l'extase/Şamanismul şi tehnicile<br />

extazului, 1951 (1974)<br />

[12] COURMES D.A. , Traité de Raja Yoga,Editions Adyar - La Famille Theosophique, 1924<br />

[13] Surendranath N. Dasgupta,Yoga Philosophy in Relation to Other Systems of Indian<br />

Thought, Calcutta, 1930.<br />

[14] G. Tucci, Storia della Filosofia Indiana,Bari, Laterza, 1957<br />

[15] Satyananda Paramahamsa, Commentary on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali(prelegeri la cursul<br />

internaţional) Bihar School of Yoga, 1967-1968.<br />

[16]Ernest E. Wood, Raja Yoga: The occult training of the Hindus, Teosophical Publishing House,<br />

Sydney, 1927,1931<br />

Ernest E. Wood, Practical Yoga, Ancient and Modern,1948<br />

Ernest E. Wood, Yoga, 1959<br />

[17]Ernest E.Wood, Crest-Jewel of Wisdom or Discrimination (Viveka-Chudamani),<br />

Shankaracharya , tradusă de Ernest E. Wood, A. Quest Book.<br />

[18] Swami Vishnudevananda (discipol Sivananda), The complete illustrated book of Yoga,<br />

published by Pocket Books, New York, 1972.<br />

[19] V.G. Rele, Yogic Asanas for health and vigour (A physiological exposi-tion), Ed.<br />

D.B.Taraporewala Sons & Co. Private Ltd., India, 1968.<br />

[20] James Mc Cartney (discipol Sivananda), Yoga - The key to life, E.P.Dutton & Co. Inc., New<br />

York, 1969.<br />

[21] Wallace Slater, Raja Yoga: A Simplified and Practical Course, A Quest Book. 1968<br />

[22] Surendranath Dasgupta, A History of Indian Philosophy, vol.II, Cambridge, University<br />

Press, 1932. [20] Swami Sivananda. Practice of Yoga,, Publishcd by The Divine Life Society,<br />

Himalayas, India, 1970. ...<br />

[23] Swami Sivananda, Yogic home exercises, Bombay.<br />

[24] Stephen F. Brena, Steven F.M.D Brena ,Yoga and Medicine,Penguin Books, 1976.<br />

[25] Ram Kumar E.R.,Heal Yourself with Yoga: specific asanas for specific diseases,<br />

Taraporevala, Bombay, 1988.<br />

[26] James Hewitt, Yoga and You, A practical Approach, Pyramid Books,. New York,1967.<br />

James Hewitt, Yoga<br />

[27] Jess Stern, Yoga, youth and reincarnation. .<br />

[28] Phulgenda Sinha,Yoga: meaning, values and practice, Yoga Institute of<br />

Washington D.C. and Indian Institute of Yoga, Aryakumar, 1970.<br />

[29] Philippe de Meric, Le Yoga sans-postures.<br />

[30] Swami Ajaya, Yoga Psychology - A practical guide of meditation, Published by Himalayan<br />

International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy, 1976, 182p.<br />

[29] Aldous Huxley, The art of Seeing, Chatto & Windus, London, 1974.<br />

[30] Harold M. Peppaxd, Improve your sight without glasses, Science of Life<br />

Books, Melboume, Australia, 1975.<br />

[31] Sergiu Al-George, Filozofia indiană in texte: Bhagavad Gita, Samkhya-Karika, Tarka-<br />

Samgraha, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971.<br />

[32] Rabindranath Tagore, Sadhana, The Realisation of life, Tauchnitz Edition,Leipzig, 1921.<br />


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