Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC

Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC


Ecotoxicologia metalelor în lunca Dunării 335 352. Reiners, W. A., 1981, Nitrogen cycle in relation to ecosystem succession, în “Terrestrial nictrogen cycles”, Proceeding of an International Workshop, Osterfarnebo, Sweeden, Ed. F. E. Clark şi T. Rosswaal, 507-528 353. Ribeire, F., A. Boudou, R. Maury-Brachet, 1991, Multicompartement ecotoxicological models to study mercury bioaccumulation and transfer in freshwater systems Water, Air Soil Pollut. 56, 641-652 (18) 354. Rivera, O.E., N. Belmonte, J. Herkovits, 1990, Zinc Protection Against Cadmium Effect on Estrual Cycle of Wistar Rat Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 25, 35-38 (45) 355. Rodriguez-Bachiller, 2000, Geographical Information Systems and Expert Systems for Impact Assessment, Part I GIS and II: Expert Systems and Decision Support Systems, School of Planning, Oxford Brookes University, 2(3): 369-448 356. Rolston, D.E., 1981, Nitrous Oxide and Nitrogen Gas Production in Fertilizer Loss; In: Delwiche, c.c. (ed) Denitrification, Nitrification and Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide. Chichester, Wiley, 127-149. 357. Roulier, M.H. şi Fetter, N.R., 1973, Procedures for Sampling and Analysis of the Atmosphere of Field Soils for Trace Amounts of Nitrous Oxide; Agron. Abstr., 78-79. 358. Rouset, G., J. F. Lopez-Sanchez, 2001, New sediment and soils CRMs for extractable trace -metal content, Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 79/1, 81-95 359. Rovira Sanroque, J. V., 1993, Contaminacion por metales pesados en los sedimentos del Rio Jarama y su bioasimilacion por tubificidos, Tesis Doctoral, Univ. Complutense de Madrid, Fac. Ciencia Biologicas, Dep. Ecologia, 358pp 360. Ruse, M., D. Hull, 1999, Biophilosophy, Springer Verlag, 680 pp 361. Sager, M., R. Pucsko, 1991, Trace element concentrations of oligochaetes and relations to sediment characteristics in the reservoir at Altenworth/Austria, Hydrobiologia, 226, 39-49 362. Salt, D. E., R. D. Smith, I. Raskin, 1998, Phytoremediation, Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol., 49, 643-668 363. Santiago, S., R.L. Thomas, G. Larbgait, C. Corvi, D. Rossel, J. Tarradellas, D.J. Gregor, L. McCarthy, J.P. Vernet, 1994 Nutrient, heavy metal and organic pollutant composition of suspended and bed sediments in the Rhone River Aquat. Sci. 56, 220-242 364. Sârbu, A., Cristofor, S., 1997, Evaluarea structurală a vegetaţiei în Insula Mică a Brăilei, în Raport final la programul FAEWE, Vădineanu A., coordonator, 97-117 365. Sattler, R., 1986, Biophilosophy - Analitic and Holistic Perspectives, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 366. Sawicka-Kapusta, K., A. Gorecki, R. Lange, 1987 Heavy metals in rodents from polluted forests in southern Poland Ekol. Pol. 35, 345-354 367. Schierup, H.-H., V. J. Larsen, 1981 Macrophyte cycling of Zn, Pb and Cd in the littoral zone of a polluted and non-polluted lake I. Availability, uptake and translocation of heavy metals in Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Aquat. Bot. 11, 197-210 368. Schumacher, M., J. L. Domingo, J. M. Llobet, J. Corbella, 1995, Variations of heavy metals in water, sediments, and biota from the Delta of Ebro river, Spain, J. Environ. Sci. Health, A30 (6), 1361-1372 369. Scott, N. A., G. E. Likens, J. S. Eaton, T. G. Siccama, 2001, Trace metal loss following whole-tree harvest of a north-eastern deciduous forest, USA, Biogeochemistry, 54, 197-217 370. Sfriso, A., A. Marcomini, M. Zanette, 1995 Heavy Metals in Sediments, SPM snd Phytozoobenthos of the lagoon of Venice Mar. Pollut. Bull. 30, 116-124 (61) 371. Simpson, R. L., R. E. Good, R. Walker, B. F. Frasco, 1983 The role of Delaware river freshwater tidal wetlands in the retention of nutrients and heavy metals J. Environ. Qual. 12, 41-48

336 Bibliografie 372. Smith, C.J. şi Patrick, W.H.Jr., 1983, Nitrous Oxide Emission as Affected by Alternate Anaerobic and Aerobic Conditions from Soil Suspension Enriched with Ammonium Sulphate, Soil Biol. Biochem. 15, 693-697. 373. Smith, E.P., J. Cairns, Jr., 1993 Extrapolation methods for setting ecological standards for water quality: statistic and ecological concerns Ecotoxicology 2, 203-219 374. Soldan, P., M. Pavonic, J. Boucek, J. Kokes, 2001, Baia Mare accident – Brief ecotoxicological report of Czech experts, Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 49/3, 255-261 375. Span, D. J., J. Dominik, J.-L. Soizeau, R. L. Thomas, J.-P. Vernet, 1992, Dynamic processes in relation to hevy metal distribution in surficial sediments: The example of Lake Geneva, în Trace netals in the Environment 2 – Impact of Heavy metals on the Environment, Ed. J.-P. Vernet, Elsevier Amsterdam-London-New York-Tokio 376. Speir, T. W., H. A. Kettles, A. Parshotam, P. L. Searle, L. N. C. Vlaar, 1995, A simple kinetic approach to derive the ecological dose value ED 50 for the assessment of Cr(VI) toxicity to soil biological properties, Soil Biol. Biochem., 27, 801-810 377. Stay, F. S., A. W. Jarvinen, 1995 Use of microcosm and fish toxicity data to select mesocosm treatment concentrations Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 28, 451-458 378. St-Cyr, L., P. G. C. Campbell, K. Guertin, 1994, Evaluation of the role of submerged plant beds in the metal budget of a fluvial lake, Hydrobiologia, 291, 141-156 379. Steele, C.W., S. Strickler-Shaw, D.H. Taylor, 1992 Attracton of crayfishes Procambarus clarkii, Orconectes rusticus and Cambarus bartoni to a feeding stimulant and its suppression by a blend of metals, Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 11, 1323-1329 380. Stewart, A. J., G. J. Haynest, M. I. Martinez, 1992, Fate and biological effects of contaminated vegetation in a Tennessee stream Environ. Toxicol. Chem 11, 653-664 381. Stone, D., P. Jepson, P. Kramarz, R. Laskowski, 2001, Time to death response in carabid beetles exposed to multiple stressors along a gradient of heavy metal pollution, Environmental Pollution 113 (2), 239-244 382. Streit, B., 1992 Bioaccumulation processes in ecosystems Experientia 48, 955-970 383. Terry, R.E., Tate, R.L. şi Duxbury, J.M., 1981, Nitrous Oxide Emission from Drained Cultivated Organic Soils of South Florida; Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association 31, 1173-1176 384. Tessier, A., P. G. C. Campbell, M. Bisson, 1979, Sequential extraction procedure for the speciation of trace metals, Analyt. Chem., 51, 844-851 385. Thornton, I., 1981, Geochemical aspects of the distribution and forms of heavy metals in soils In “Metals in the evironment” vol 2, “Effects ov heavy metal pollution on plants” ed N. W. Lepp, Applied Science Publisher 386. Thurman, D. A., 1981 Mechanisms of metal tolerance in higher plants ecosystems In “Metals in the evironment” vol 2, “Effects ov heavy metal pollution on plants” ed N. W. Lepp, Applied Science Publisher 387. Timothy, S. W., M. L. Shelley, 1999, A dynamic model of bioavailability of metals in constructed wetland sediments, Ecological Engineering, 12, 231-252 388. Tittizer, T., 2000, Schwermettal-Unfall im Bergwerk Baia Borşa, Donau Aktuel (Informationsblatt der Internationalen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Donauforschung – IAD), 2, 3- 4 389. Toussaint, M. W., T. R. Shedd, W. H. van der Schalie, G. R. Leather, 1995 A comparison of standard acute toxicity tests with rapid-screening toxicity tests Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 14, 907-915 390. Treweek J., 1999, Ecological Impact Assessment, Blackwell Science Ltd. Oxford, 300pp 391. Ţopa, S., I. Gheorghe, D. Cogălniceanu, E. Stan, O. Ciolpan, A. Vădineanu, 1998, Dinamica descompunerii litierei naturale în zona inundabilă a Dunării, Analele ICPDD, 120-126 392. Ukonmanaho, L., M. Starr, J. Mannio, T. Ruoho-Airola, 2001, Heavy metal budgets

<strong>Ecotoxicologia</strong> <strong>metalelor</strong> în <strong>lunca</strong> Dunării 335<br />

352. Re<strong>in</strong>ers, W. A., 1981, Nitrogen cycle <strong>in</strong> relation to ecosystem succession, în<br />

“Terrestrial nictrogen cycles”, Proceed<strong>in</strong>g of an International Workshop, Osterfarnebo,<br />

Sweeden, Ed. F. E. Clark şi T. Rosswaal, 507-528<br />

353. Ribeire, F., A. Boudou, R. Maury-Brachet, 1991, Multicompartement ecotoxicological<br />

models to study mercury bioaccumulation and transfer <strong>in</strong> freshwater systems Water, Air Soil<br />

Pollut. 56, 641-652 (18)<br />

354. Rivera, O.E., N. Belmonte, J. Herkovits, 1990, Z<strong>in</strong>c Protection Aga<strong>in</strong>st Cadmium Effect<br />

on Estrual Cycle of Wistar Rat Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 25, 35-38 (45)<br />

355. Rodriguez-Bachiller, 2000, Geographical Information Systems and Expert Systems for<br />

Impact Assessment, Part I GIS and II: Expert Systems and Decision Support Systems,<br />

School of Plann<strong>in</strong>g, Oxford Brookes University, 2(3): 369-448<br />

356. Rolston, D.E., 1981, Nitrous Oxide and Nitrogen Gas Production <strong>in</strong> Fertilizer Loss;<br />

In: Delwiche, c.c. (ed) Denitrification, Nitrification and Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide.<br />

Chichester, Wiley, 127-149.<br />

357. Roulier, M.H. şi Fetter, N.R., 1973, Procedures for Sampl<strong>in</strong>g and Analysis of the<br />

Atmosphere of Field Soils for Trace Amounts of Nitrous Oxide; Agron. Abstr., 78-79.<br />

358. Rouset, G., J. F. Lopez-Sanchez, 2001, New sediment and soils CRMs for extractable<br />

trace -metal content, Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 79/1, 81-95<br />

359. Rovira Sanroque, J. V., 1993, Contam<strong>in</strong>acion por metales pesados en los sedimentos<br />

del Rio Jarama y su bioasimilacion por tubificidos, Tesis Doctoral, Univ. Complutense de<br />

Madrid, Fac. Ciencia Biologicas, Dep. Ecologia, 358pp<br />

360. Ruse, M., D. Hull, 1999, Biophilosophy, Spr<strong>in</strong>ger Verlag, 680 pp<br />

361. Sager, M., R. Pucsko, 1991, Trace element concentrations of oligochaetes and<br />

relations to sediment characteristics <strong>in</strong> the reservoir at Altenworth/Austria, Hydrobiologia,<br />

226, 39-49<br />

362. Salt, D. E., R. D. Smith, I. Rask<strong>in</strong>, 1998, Phytoremediation, Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol.<br />

Plant Mol. Biol., 49, 643-668<br />

363. Santiago, S., R.L. Thomas, G. Larbgait, C. Corvi, D. Rossel, J. Tarradellas, D.J. Gregor,<br />

L. McCarthy, J.P. Vernet, 1994 Nutrient, heavy metal and organic pollutant composition of<br />

suspended and bed sediments <strong>in</strong> the Rhone River Aquat. Sci. 56, 220-242<br />

364. Sârbu, A., Cristofor, S., 1997, Evaluarea structurală a vegetaţiei în Insula Mică a<br />

Brăilei, în Raport f<strong>in</strong>al la programul FAEWE, Văd<strong>in</strong>eanu A., coordonator, 97-117<br />

365. Sattler, R., 1986, Biophilosophy - Analitic and Holistic Perspectives, Spr<strong>in</strong>ger Verlag<br />

Berl<strong>in</strong> Heidelberg<br />

366. Sawicka-Kapusta, K., A. Gorecki, R. Lange, 1987 Heavy metals <strong>in</strong> rodents from polluted<br />

forests <strong>in</strong> southern Poland Ekol. Pol. 35, 345-354<br />

367. Schierup, H.-H., V. J. Larsen, 1981 Macrophyte cycl<strong>in</strong>g of Zn, Pb and Cd <strong>in</strong> the littoral<br />

zone of a polluted and non-polluted lake I. Availability, uptake and translocation of heavy<br />

metals <strong>in</strong> Phragmites australis (Cav.) Tr<strong>in</strong>. Aquat. Bot. 11, 197-210<br />

368. Schumacher, M., J. L. Dom<strong>in</strong>go, J. M. Llobet, J. Corbella, 1995, Variations of heavy<br />

metals <strong>in</strong> water, sediments, and biota from the Delta of Ebro river, Spa<strong>in</strong>, J. Environ. Sci.<br />

Health, A30 (6), 1361-1372<br />

369. Scott, N. A., G. E. Likens, J. S. Eaton, T. G. Siccama, 2001, Trace metal loss<br />

follow<strong>in</strong>g whole-tree harvest of a north-eastern deciduous forest, USA, Biogeochemistry,<br />

54, 197-217<br />

370. Sfriso, A., A. Marcom<strong>in</strong>i, M. Zanette, 1995 Heavy Metals <strong>in</strong> Sediments, SPM snd<br />

Phytozoobenthos of the lagoon of Venice Mar. Pollut. Bull. 30, 116-124 (61)<br />

371. Simpson, R. L., R. E. Good, R. Walker, B. F. Frasco, 1983 The role of Delaware river<br />

freshwater tidal wetlands <strong>in</strong> the retention of nutrients and heavy metals J. Environ. Qual. 12,<br />


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