Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC

Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC


Ecotoxicologia metalelor în lunca Dunării 327 193. Iordache V., N. Mihailescu, S. Cristofor, C. Postolache, A. Vadineanu, 1997, Heavy metals distribution in aquatic ecosystems of the Danube Delta, Proceedings of the 7th Danube Delta Institute Symposium, 521-534 194. Iordache, V ., I . Stelian, A. Pohoaţă, 2009, Integrated modeling in metals biogeochemistry : potential and limits, Chemie der Erde, 69, 125-169 195. Iordache, V, 2002, The coordinates of a sytemic monitoring in Romania, Mediul Inconjurator (The Environment), 63-71 196. Iordache, V, A. Neagoe, A. Cernatoni, M. State, T. Altorfer, E. Preda, S. Cristofor, A. Vadineanu, 2000, Heavy metals in the Danube floodplain related to the Yugoslavian conflict, In: Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Environmental Contamination, Prague, Czech Republic, CD-ROM format (7 pages) 197. Iordache, V. A., 1993, Concentration et speciation du mercure chez deux Larides (Larus ridibundus et Larus argentatus) recoltes sur la cote belge Memoire de stage effectue lors du sejour TEMPUS 3794, Apr-Oct 1993, Laboratorium voor omgevigsbiologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 57pp 198. Iordache, V. A., 1995, Organizarea programului de cercetare în vederea investigării impactului poluării difuze asupra structurii şi funcţionării zonelor umede caracteristice Dunării Inferioare, referat de doctorat, U. Bucureşti, Dep. De Ecologie Sistemică şi Dezvoltare Durabilă, 65pp 199. Iordache, V., 2003, Oportunitati pentru optimizarea evaluarii de risc, Analele sesiunii stiintifice “Un mediu pentru viitor” ICIM Bucuresti, Ed. Promotal, Bucuresti, 213-221 200. Iordache, V., 2003, The difficulties in assessing the effects of the Yugoslavian conflict in the Lower Danube River System pointed out the need for changing the monitoring system, J. Env. Protection and Ecology, 4(3), 557-563, ISSN 1311-5065, 201. Iordache, V., 2004, The constitution from the point of view of human ecology (in Romanian), Sfera Politicii, 106, 29-32, 202. Iordache, V., C. Postolache, C. Cociug, 1999, Influence of plant diversity on the nitrogen cycle, în “Final Report to ERMAS2-Ro Project, EC DG XII”, coordonator A. Vădineanu, 110-140 203. Iordache, V., F. Bodescu, M. Onete, C. Florescu, A. Neagoe, M. Adamescu, A. Vadineanu, 1997, Effects of hydrology on redox potential in the lower Danube wetlands, Proceedings of the 7 th Danube Delta Institute Symposium, 449-459 204. Iordache, V., M. Adamescu, 2001, Contribuţii la analiza funcţională cantitativă a SDI, în Cristofor, S. (coordonator), 134-135 205. Iordache, V., S. Cristofor, A. Vadineanu, 2001, Functional analyses of the Lower Danube wetlands by FAEWE/PROTOWET procedure, Proceedings of the 10 th Danube Delta Institute Symposium, in press 206. Iordache, V., S. Cristofor, A. Vadineanu, 2001, Functional analyses of the Lower Danube wetlands by FAEWE/PROTOWET procedure, Proceedings of the “Deltas and Wetlands” International Symposium, Tulcea, 98-103, ISBN 973-31-2116-9, 207. Iordache, V., S. Cristofor, A. Vadineanu, 2001, Optimization pathways of the decision making process regarding the ecotoxicological effects in the Lower Danube River System, Proceedings of the “Deltas and Wetlands” International Symposium, Tulcea, 91-97, ISBN 973-31-2116-9, 208. IRCM, 1999, Investigaţii privind prezenţa unor noxe în apele şi sedimentelemarine şi asupra proceselor de bioacumulare şi bioconcentrare a acestor noxe în organismele acvatice marine, raport anual către MAPPM, Institutul Român de Cercetări Marine, Constanţa, 44pp

328 Bibliografie 209. Jamil, A., K. Lajtha, S. Radan, G. Ruzsa, S. Cristofor, C. Postolache, 1999, Mussels as bioindicators of trace metal pollution in the Danube Delta of Romania, Hydrobiologia, 392, 143-158 210. Jana, S., M. A. Choudhuri, 1983, Synergistic effects of heavy metal pollutants on senescence in submerged aquatic palnts, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 21, 351-357 211. Jenne, E. A., 1976, Trace element sorption by sediments and silt-sites processes, în “Molybdenum in the Environment”, Vol. 2, Chappel, W. R., şi Petersen, K. K., editori, Marcel Dekker, New York, 555 212. Johansson, M., M. Pell, J. Stenstrom, 1998, Kinetics of substrate-induced respiration (SIR) and denitrification: application to a soil amended with silver, Ambio, 27: 40-44 213. Johnsson, H. L., Klemedtsson, L., Nilsson, A., Svensson, B., 1991, Simulation of field scale denitrification losses from soils under grass and barley, Plant Soil, 138, 287-302 214. Jongman, R. H. G., C. J. F. Ter Braak, O. F. R. van Tangeren, 1996, Data analyses in community and landscape ecology, Willey and Sons, 220 pp 215. Jorgensen, S. E., 1995, Modeling toxic contaminants in aquatic environment, in Remediation and Management of Degraded basins, NATO ASI Series, Eds. Novotny and L. Somlyody, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 216. Jurkiewicz-Karnkowska, E., 1989, Accumulation o fzinc and copper in molluscs from the Zegrzynski rezervoir and the Narew river, Ekologia Polska, 34, 347-357 217. Kabata-Pendias, A., Pendias, H. (1992): Trace Elements in Soils and Plants., 2nd Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Ann Arbor, London, 90-108, 115-117. 218. Kavetskiy, V. N., A. I. Karnaukhov. I. M. Palienko, 1984, Content of heavy metals in water and some aquatic plants of the Danube and Dniester Estuaries, Hydrobiol. J., 20, 67-70 219. Keller, B. E. M., K. Lajtha, S. Cristofor, 1998, Trace metal concentrations in the sediments and plants of the Danube Delta, Romania, Wetlands, 18, 42-50 220. Kelman Wieder R., M. Novák, J. Cerny (Editori), 1998, Biogeochemical Investigations at the Watershed, Landscape, and Regional Scales, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 221. Kerner, M., D. Krogmann, 1994 Partitioning of trace metals in suspended matter from the Elbe estuary fractioned by a sedimentation method Netherlands J. Sea Res. 33, 19-27 (5) 222. Khan, H., G. S. Brush, 1994, Nutrient and Metal Accumulation in a Freshwater Tidal Marsh, Estuaries, 17, 345-360 223. Kilroy, A., N. F. Gray, 1995 Treatability, toxicity and biodegradability test methods Biol. Rev. 70, 243-275 224. Knecht (de), J.A., N. van Baren, W.M.T. Bookum, H.W.W.F. Sang, P.L.M. Koevoets, H. Schat, J.A.C. Verkleij, 1995 Synthesis and degradation of phytochelatins in cadmium sensitive and cadmium-tolerant Silene vulgaris Plant Sci. 106, 9-18 (60) 225. Kocan, A.A., M.G. Shaw, 1980 Heavy metal concentrations in the kidneys of whitetailed deer in Oklahoma J. Wildl. Dis. 16, 593-596 (42) 226. Kohler, R. H., C. Wein, S. Reiss, V. Storch, G. Albert, 1995 Impact of heavy metals on mass and energy flux within the decomposition process in deciduous forests, Ecotoxicology 4, 114-137 227. Kovacs, M., I. Nyary, L. Toth, 1984 The microelement content of some submerged and floating aqautic plants Acta Botanica Hungarica 30, 173-185 228. Kraak, M.H.S., Y.A. Wink, S.C. Stuijfzand, M.C. Buckert-de Jong, C.J. de Groot, W. Admiraal, 1994 Chronic ecotoxicity of Zn and Pb to the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha Aquat. Toxicol. 30, 77-89 (38) 229. Kralova, M., Masscheleyn, P.H., Lindau, C.W. şi Patrik, W.H.Jr., 1992, Production of Dinitrogen and Nitrous Oxide in Soil Suspensions as Affected by Redox Potential; Water, Air and Soil Pollution 61, 37-45. 230. Krantzberg, G., 1994, Spatial and temporal variability in metal bioavailability and

<strong>Ecotoxicologia</strong> <strong>metalelor</strong> în <strong>lunca</strong> Dunării 327<br />

193. Iordache V., N. Mihailescu, S. Cristofor, C. Postolache, A. Vad<strong>in</strong>eanu, 1997, Heavy<br />

metals distribution <strong>in</strong> aquatic ecosystems of the Danube Delta, Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of the 7th<br />

Danube Delta Institute Symposium, 521-534<br />

194. Iordache, V ., I . Stelian, A. Pohoaţă, 2009, Integrated model<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> metals<br />

biogeochemistry : potential and limits, Chemie der Erde, 69, 125-169<br />

195. Iordache, V, 2002, The coord<strong>in</strong>ates of a sytemic monitor<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Romania, Mediul<br />

Inconjurator (The Environment), 63-71<br />

196. Iordache, V, A. Neagoe, A. Cernatoni, M. State, T. Altorfer, E. Preda, S. Cristofor, A.<br />

Vad<strong>in</strong>eanu, 2000, Heavy metals <strong>in</strong> the Danube floodpla<strong>in</strong> related to the Yugoslavian<br />

conflict, In: Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of the 5th Symposium on Environmental Contam<strong>in</strong>ation,<br />

Prague, Czech Republic, CD-ROM format (7 pages)<br />

197. Iordache, V. A., 1993, Concentration et speciation du mercure chez deux Larides (Larus<br />

ridibundus et Larus argentatus) recoltes sur la cote belge Memoire de stage effectue lors du<br />

sejour TEMPUS 3794, Apr-Oct 1993, Laboratorium voor omgevigsbiologie, Vrije<br />

Universiteit Brussel, 57pp<br />

198. Iordache, V. A., 1995, Organizarea programului de cercetare în vederea <strong>in</strong>vestigării<br />

impactului poluării difuze asupra structurii şi funcţionării zonelor umede caracteristice<br />

Dunării Inferioare, referat de doctorat, U. Bucureşti, Dep. De Ecologie Sistemică şi<br />

Dezvoltare Durabilă, 65pp<br />

199. Iordache, V., 2003, Oportunitati pentru optimizarea evaluarii de risc, Analele sesiunii<br />

sti<strong>in</strong>tifice “Un mediu pentru viitor” ICIM Bucuresti, Ed. Promotal, Bucuresti, 213-221<br />

200. Iordache, V., 2003, The difficulties <strong>in</strong> assess<strong>in</strong>g the effects of the Yugoslavian conflict<br />

<strong>in</strong> the Lower Danube River System po<strong>in</strong>ted out the need for chang<strong>in</strong>g the monitor<strong>in</strong>g<br />

system, J. Env. Protection and Ecology, 4(3), 557-563, ISSN 1311-5065,<br /><br />

201. Iordache, V., 2004, The constitution from the po<strong>in</strong>t of view of human ecology (<strong>in</strong><br />

Romanian), Sfera Politicii, 106, 29-32,<br /><br />

202. Iordache, V., C. Postolache, C. Cociug, 1999, Influence of plant diversity on the<br />

nitrogen cycle, în “F<strong>in</strong>al Report to ERMAS2-Ro Project, EC DG XII”, coordonator A.<br />

Văd<strong>in</strong>eanu, 110-140<br />

203. Iordache, V., F. Bodescu, M. Onete, C. Florescu, A. Neagoe, M. Adamescu, A.<br />

Vad<strong>in</strong>eanu, 1997, Effects of hydrology on redox potential <strong>in</strong> the lower Danube wetlands,<br />

Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of the 7 th Danube Delta Institute Symposium, 449-459<br />

204. Iordache, V., M. Adamescu, 2001, Contribuţii la analiza funcţională cantitativă a SDI, în<br />

Cristofor, S. (coordonator), 134-135<br />

205. Iordache, V., S. Cristofor, A. Vad<strong>in</strong>eanu, 2001, Functional analyses of the Lower<br />

Danube wetlands by FAEWE/PROTOWET procedure, Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of the 10 th Danube<br />

Delta Institute Symposium, <strong>in</strong> press<br />

206. Iordache, V., S. Cristofor, A. Vad<strong>in</strong>eanu, 2001, Functional analyses of the Lower<br />

Danube wetlands by FAEWE/PROTOWET procedure, Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of the “Deltas and<br />

Wetlands” International Symposium, Tulcea, 98-103, ISBN 973-31-2116-9,<br />

http://www.<strong>in</strong><br />

207. Iordache, V., S. Cristofor, A. Vad<strong>in</strong>eanu, 2001, Optimization pathways of the decision<br />

mak<strong>in</strong>g process regard<strong>in</strong>g the ecotoxicological effects <strong>in</strong> the Lower Danube River System,<br />

Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of the “Deltas and Wetlands” International Symposium, Tulcea, 91-97, ISBN<br />

973-31-2116-9,<br />

http://www.<strong>in</strong><br />

208. IRCM, 1999, Investigaţii priv<strong>in</strong>d prezenţa unor noxe în apele şi sedimentelemar<strong>in</strong>e şi<br />

asupra proceselor de bioacumulare şi bioconcentrare a acestor noxe în organismele<br />

acvatice mar<strong>in</strong>e, raport anual către MAPPM, Institutul Român de Cercetări Mar<strong>in</strong>e,<br />

Constanţa, 44pp

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