Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC

Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC


Ecotoxicologia metalelor în lunca Dunării 325 156. Hamby, 1995, A comparison of sensitivity analyses techniques, Health Phys. 68: 195- 204 157. Hare, L., P.G.C. Campbel, 1992 Temporal variations of trace metals in aquatic insects Freshwater Biology 27, 13-27 (29) 158. Harrison, S.E., J. F. Klaverkamp, 1989, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 8: 87-97 159. Haycock, N., T. Burt, K. Goulding, G. Pinay, editori, 1996, Buffer zones - their processes and potential in water protection, The Proceedings of the International Conference on Buffer Zones, Published by Quest Environmental, PO Box 45, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 5LJ, UK, 322pp 160. Heikens, A., W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, A.J. Hendriks, 2001, Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in terrestrial invertebrates, Environmental Pollution 113 (3), 385-393 161. Hendriks, A. J., W.-C. Ma, J. J. Brouns, E. M. de Ruiter-Dijkman, R. Gast, 1995, Modelling and monitoring organochlorine and heavy metal accumulation in soils, earthworms and shrews in Rhine-delta floodplains Archives Environm Contam Toxicol 29, 115-127 162. Hernandez, L. M., M. J. Gonzalez, M. A. Fernandez, 1989, Organochlorines and metals in Spanish imperial eagle eggs, 1986-87 Environ Conservation, 363-364 163. Hooda, P.S., H. Zhang, W. Davison, A.C. Edwards, 1999, Measuring bioavailable trace metals by diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT): soil moisture effects on its performance in soils, European Journal of Soil Science, 285-294 164. Hopkin, S.A., 1993 Ecological implications of '95% protection levels' for metals in soil Oikos 66, 137-140 (31) 165. Horne, M. T., W. A. Danson, 1995 The interactive effects of low pH, toxic metals and DOC on a simulated temporary pond community 89, 155-161 166. Horne, M. T., W. A. Danson, 1995 The interactive effects of low pH, toxic metals and DOC on a simulated temporary pond community 89, 155-161 167. Hughes G., Schirmer D., 1994, Interactive multimedia, public participation and environmental assessment, Town Planning Review, 65(4): 399-414 168. Hughes, M. K., 1981, Cycling of trace metals in ecosystems In “Metals in the evironment” vol 2, “Effects ov heavy metal pollution on plants” ed N. W. Lepp, Applied Science Publisher 169. Hummel, H., R. Bogaards, L. von Wolf, J. Sinke, T. Portvliet, 1994 Evaluation of Free Amino Acids as a Biochemical Indicator of Metal Pollution Mar. Environ. Res. 38, 303-312 (56) 170. Hupp, C. R., M. R. Schening, 1999, Fluvial sediment and associated contaminant trapping along coastal plain forested wetlands of the Chesapeake bay, abstract in Proceedings of the “Riparian wetlands biogeochemistry” Sympsium, organized by Florida State University (primit de la autori) 171. Hutchinson, T.H., T.D. Williams, G.J. Eales, 1994 Toxicity of cadmium, hexavalent chromium and copper to marine fish larvae (Cyprinodon variegatus) and copepods (Tisbe battagliai) Mar. Environ. Res. 38, 275-290 172. Ianoş, Gh., 1998, Sources and concentrations of heavy metals in S-W Romania, in “Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Proceedings of the 3 rd International Symposium, Timişoara, Romania, 225-230 173. ICAS, 2000, Staţiunea experimentală de cultură a Molidului – 50 de ani de activitate 1949-1999, Broşură editată de ICAS Câmpulung Moldovenesc, 94pp 174. ICIM, 1999a, Programul de monitorizare complexă a fluviului Dunărea şi a Mării Negre în relaţie cu consecinţele ecologice ale conflictului din Iugoslavia, raport anual către MAPPM, Institutul Naţional de Cercetare – Dezvoltare pentru Protecţia Mediului, Bucureşti, 86pp 175. ICIM, 1999b, Cercetări privind dezvoltarea sistemului de monitoring integrat al

326 Bibliografie calităţii factorilor de mediu din România, Raport la contractul 617/1996, 40pp 176. ICIM, 2000, Programul naţional de intercalibrare a laboratoarelor de analiză fizicochimică a calităţii apelor de suprafaţă şi participarea la programul internaţional de asigurarea a calităţii datelor analitice (QULCO Danube EPDRB), raport la contractul 732/200, 60pp 177. ICPA, 1998, Monitoringul stării de calitate a solurilor din România, 414pp 178. Ignat, G., 1999, Structura nevertebratelor bentonice în Insula Mică a Brăilei, în Vădineanu, A., coordonator, “Raport anual la proiectul Rolul Funcţional al Biodiversităţii în Sistemul Dunării Inferioare” 179. Ignat, G., 2000, Structura nevertebratelor bentonice în lunca Dunării” în Vădineanu, A., coordonator, “Raport final la proiectul Rolul Funcţional al Biodiversităţii în Sistemul Dunării Inferioare” 180. INDD, 1999, Investigaţii privind prezenţa unor noxe în apele şi sedimentelemarine şi asupra proceselor de bioacumulare şi bioconcentrare a acestor noxe în organismele acvatice pe teritoriul Rezervaţiei Biosferei Delta Dunării, Institutul Naţional de Cercetare – Dezvoltare Delta Dunării, Tulcea, 48pp 181. Iordache V, S. Cristofor, A. Sirbu, M. Onete, A. Neagoe, M. Adamescu, A. Vadineanu, 1998, The role of the vegetation in the cycling of metals in the Lower Danube floodplain, Proceedings of the 2nd IAD-Macrophyte Group Meeting, 50-60 182. Iordache V., 2002, Preliminary assessment of the pollution risk associated with the restoration of the Danube floodplain, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, 211-219 183. Iordache V., 2003, Human ecology – a systems perspective, Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii “Al. I. Cuza” din Iaşi, Serie Biologie Animala, Tom XLIX, 329-336 184. Iordache V., 2003, Risk sources due to heavy metals in Romania, Analele Simpozionului Mediul si Industria Volumul I, Editura Estfalia, Bucuresti, pag. 282-288 185. Iordache V., C. Postolache, A. Vadineanu, S. Cristofor, G. Ignat, M. Onete, 1997, Effects of hydrological conditions on denitrification in the lower Danube floodplain, Internat. Assoc. Danube Res., 32: 404-408 186. Iordache V., C. Postolache, A. Vadineanu, S. Cristofor, G. Ignat, M. Onete, 1997, Effects of hydrological conditions on denitrification in the lower Danube floodplain, Internat. Assoc. Danube Res., 32: 404-408, ISBN 3-9500723-0-6 187. Iordache V., C. Postolache, N. Mihailescu, A. Neagoe, G. Ignat, S. Cristofor, A. Vadineanu, 1998, Distribution patterns of metals in sediments of the Lower Danube System, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, 45-53 188. Iordache V., C. Postolache, S. Cristofor, G. Ignat, A. Vadineanu, 1999, Heavy metals distribution in the ecosystems of the Danube floodplain, Proceedings of the 8th Danube Delta Institute Symposium, 356-364 189. Iordache V., F. Bodescu, M. Onete, C. Florescu, A. Neagoe, M. Adamescu, A. Vadineanu, 1997a, Effects of hydrology on redox potential in the lower Danube wetlands, Proceedings of the 7th Danube Delta Institute Symposium, 449-459 190. Iordache V., M. Adamescu, F. Bodescu, S. Cristofor, A. Vadineanu, 1997b, Hydrological modeling of Fundu Mare Island (Danube floodplain), Proceedings of the 7th Danube Delta Institute Symposium, 551-562 191. Iordache V., M. Onete, A. Vadineanu, 1999, Heavy metals dynamic in litter from the Danube floodplain, Proceedings of the 8th Danube Delta Institute Symposium, 351-355 192. Iordache V., N. Mihailescu, S. Cristofor, C. Postolache, A. Vadineanu, 1997b, Heavy metals distribution in aquatic ecosystems of the Danube Delta, Proceedings of the 7 th Danube Delta Institute Symposium, 521-534

<strong>Ecotoxicologia</strong> <strong>metalelor</strong> în <strong>lunca</strong> Dunării 325<br />

156. Hamby, 1995, A comparison of sensitivity analyses techniques, Health Phys. 68: 195-<br />

204<br />

157. Hare, L., P.G.C. Campbel, 1992 Temporal variations of trace metals <strong>in</strong> aquatic <strong>in</strong>sects<br />

Freshwater Biology 27, 13-27 (29)<br />

158. Harrison, S.E., J. F. Klaverkamp, 1989, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 8:<br />

87-97<br />

159. Haycock, N., T. Burt, K. Gould<strong>in</strong>g, G. P<strong>in</strong>ay, editori, 1996, Buffer zones - their<br />

processes and potential <strong>in</strong> water protection, The Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of the International<br />

Conference on Buffer Zones, Published by Quest Environmental, PO Box 45, Harpenden,<br />

Hertfordshire, AL5 5LJ, UK, 322pp<br />

160. Heikens, A., W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, A.J. Hendriks, 2001, Bioaccumulation of heavy<br />

metals <strong>in</strong> terrestrial <strong>in</strong>vertebrates, Environmental Pollution 113 (3), 385-393<br />

161. Hendriks, A. J., W.-C. Ma, J. J. Brouns, E. M. de Ruiter-Dijkman, R. Gast, 1995,<br />

Modell<strong>in</strong>g and monitor<strong>in</strong>g organochlor<strong>in</strong>e and heavy metal accumulation <strong>in</strong> soils,<br />

earthworms and shrews <strong>in</strong> Rh<strong>in</strong>e-delta floodpla<strong>in</strong>s Archives Environm Contam Toxicol 29,<br />

115-127<br />

162. Hernandez, L. M., M. J. Gonzalez, M. A. Fernandez, 1989, Organochlor<strong>in</strong>es and metals<br />

<strong>in</strong> Spanish imperial eagle eggs, 1986-87 Environ Conservation, 363-364<br />

163. Hooda, P.S., H. Zhang, W. Davison, A.C. Edwards, 1999, Measur<strong>in</strong>g bioavailable<br />

trace metals by diffusive gradients <strong>in</strong> th<strong>in</strong> films (DGT): soil moisture effects on its<br />

performance <strong>in</strong> soils, European Journal of Soil Science, 285-294<br />

164. Hopk<strong>in</strong>, S.A., 1993 Ecological implications of '95% protection levels' for metals <strong>in</strong> soil<br />

Oikos 66, 137-140 (31)<br />

165. Horne, M. T., W. A. Danson, 1995 The <strong>in</strong>teractive effects of low pH, toxic metals and<br />

DOC on a simulated temporary pond community 89, 155-161<br />

166. Horne, M. T., W. A. Danson, 1995 The <strong>in</strong>teractive effects of low pH, toxic metals and<br />

DOC on a simulated temporary pond community 89, 155-161<br />

167. Hughes G., Schirmer D., 1994, Interactive multimedia, public participation and<br />

environmental assessment, Town Plann<strong>in</strong>g Review, 65(4): 399-414<br />

168. Hughes, M. K., 1981, Cycl<strong>in</strong>g of trace metals <strong>in</strong> ecosystems In “Metals <strong>in</strong> the<br />

evironment” vol 2, “Effects ov heavy metal pollution on plants” ed N. W. Lepp, Applied<br />

Science Publisher<br />

169. Hummel, H., R. Bogaards, L. von Wolf, J. S<strong>in</strong>ke, T. Portvliet, 1994 Evaluation of Free<br />

Am<strong>in</strong>o Acids as a Biochemical Indicator of Metal Pollution Mar. Environ. Res. 38, 303-312<br />

(56)<br />

170. Hupp, C. R., M. R. Schen<strong>in</strong>g, 1999, Fluvial sediment and associated contam<strong>in</strong>ant<br />

trapp<strong>in</strong>g along coastal pla<strong>in</strong> forested wetlands of the Chesapeake bay, abstract <strong>in</strong><br />

Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of the “Riparian wetlands biogeochemistry” Sympsium, organized by Florida<br />

State University (primit de la autori)<br />

171. Hutch<strong>in</strong>son, T.H., T.D. Williams, G.J. Eales, 1994 Toxicity of cadmium, hexavalent<br />

chromium and copper to mar<strong>in</strong>e fish larvae (Cypr<strong>in</strong>odon variegatus) and copepods (Tisbe<br />

battagliai) Mar. Environ. Res. 38, 275-290<br />

172. Ianoş, Gh., 1998, Sources and concentrations of heavy metals <strong>in</strong> S-W Romania, <strong>in</strong><br />

“Metal Elements <strong>in</strong> Environment, Medic<strong>in</strong>e and Biology, Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of the 3 rd<br />

International Symposium, Timişoara, Romania, 225-230<br />

173. ICAS, 2000, Staţiunea experimentală de cultură a Molidului – 50 de ani de activitate<br />

1949-1999, Broşură editată de ICAS Câmpulung Moldovenesc, 94pp<br />

174. ICIM, 1999a, Programul de monitorizare complexă a fluviului Dunărea şi a Mării<br />

Negre în relaţie cu consec<strong>in</strong>ţele ecologice ale conflictului d<strong>in</strong> Iugoslavia, raport anual<br />

către MAPPM, Institutul Naţional de Cercetare – Dezvoltare pentru Protecţia Mediului,<br />

Bucureşti, 86pp<br />

175. ICIM, 1999b, Cercetări priv<strong>in</strong>d dezvoltarea sistemului de monitor<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tegrat al

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