Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC

Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC


Ecotoxicologia metalelor în lunca Dunării 323 Directorate Flevoland, Lelystad NL, Scientific division: landscape ecology 114. Dumitru M., Ciobanu C., Motelica D. M., Dumitru Elisabeta, Cojocaru C., Enache Roxana, Gament Eugenia, Plaxienco Doina, Cristina Radnea, St. Carstea, Alexandra Manea, Nicoleta Vranceanu, I. Calciu, A. M. Mashali, 2000, Atlas of soil quality monitoring in Romania, Ed. GNP, Bucharest, Romania, 53 pp + 24 maps 115. Duxbury, T., 1985, Ecological aspects of heavy metal responses in microorganisms, Adv. Microb. Ecol., 8: 185-235 116. Eduljee, G., 1999, Risk assessment, în Petts (editor), 1999, 374-404 117. Ellis, R. J., B. Neish, M. W. Trett, J. G. Best, A. J. Weightman, P. Morgan, J. C. Fry, 2001, Comparison of microbial and meiofaunal community analyses for determining impact of heavy metals contamination, J. Micobiol. Methods, 45/3, 171-185 118. Ermakov, V. V., B. M. Djenbaev, A. P. Degtjarev, 1993, Ecologo-biogeochemical regioning of Russia, in Procedings of the 8 th Internatinal Symposium in on Trace elements in Man and Animals, Ed. M. Anke, D. Meissner, C. F. Mills, Verlag Media Touristik, 505-506 119. Facht, D. D., 1974, The effect of temperature, pH and aeration on the production of nitrous oxide and gaseous nitrogen - A zero order kinetic model; Soil. Sci, 118, 173-179 120. Fahrig, L., K. Freemark, 1995, Landscape scale effects of toxic events for ecological risk asessment, în J. Jr. Cairns and B. R. Niederlehner (editori), Ecological toxicity testing, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, pp 193-208 121. Falkner, G., R. Falkner, 2002, Objectivistic views in biology: an obstacle to our understanding of self-organisation processes in aquatic ecosystems, Freshwater Biology, 44, 553-559 122. Farris, J.L., J.L. Grudzien, S.E. Belanger, D.S. Cherry and J. Cairns, Jr., 1994 Molluscan cellulolytic activity responses to zinc exposure in laboratory and field stream comparisons Hydrobiologia 287, 161-178 (52) 123. Finlayson, M. C., 1994, A metal budget for a Monsoonal Wetland in the Northern Australia. In: Toxic Metals in Soil Plant Systems, Ed. by S. M. Ross, John Willey and Sons, 433-451 124. Firestone, M.K. şi Tiedje, M.K., 1979, Temporal Change in Nitrous Oxide and Dinitrogen from Denitrification Following Onset of Anaerobiosis, Appl. and Environm. Microb. 36, 673-679. 125. Focht, D. D., 1974, The effect of temperature, pH and aeration on the production of nitrous oxide and gaseous nitrogen - A zero order kinetic model, Soil. Sci, 118, 173-179 126. Forbes V.E., Forbes T.L. 1994. Ecotoxicology in theory and practice. Ed. Chapman & Hall. Denmark. P:220 127. Forbes, E. A., A. M. Posner, J. P. Quirk, 1976, The specific adsorption of divalent Cd, Co, Cu, Pb and Zn on gethite, J. Soil Sci., 27: 154 128. Forbes, V. E., V. Moller, M. H. Depledge, 1995 Intrapopulation variability in sublethal response to heavy metal strss in sexual and asexual gastropod populations Functional Ecology 9, 477-484 129. Ford., D. E., 2000, Scientific Method for Ecological Research, Cambridge University Press, 584pp 130. Forstner, U. G.T.W. Witmann, 1981, Metals pollution in the aquatic environment, Springer-Verlag, Bnerlin Heidelberg New York, 486pp. 131. Forstner, U., 1989, Contaminated sediments – Lectures on environmental aspects of particle-associated chemicals in aquatic systems, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New- York, 157pp 132. Franke, C., G. Studinger, G. Berger, S. Bohling, U. Bruckmann, D. Cohors-Fresen and U. Johncke, 1994 The assesment of bioaccumulation Chemosphere 29, 1501-1514 133. Furmanska, M., 1979 Studies on th effect of copper, zinc and iron on the biotic components of aquatic ecosystems Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. 26, 213-220

324 Bibliografie 134. Gambrell, R. P., 1994, Trace and toxic metals in wetlands – a review, J. Environ. Qual., 23, 883-891 135. Garnier J., J.-M. Mouchel (Editori), 2000, Man and River Systems - the Functioning of River Systems at the Basin Scale, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 136. Genoni, P. G., 1997, Towards a conceptual synthesis in ecotoxicology, Oikos, 80, 96- 106 137. Georgescu, D., V. Iordache, M. Botezatu, 2001, Ecologie umana, Ed. Ars Docendi, 241pp 138. Germon, J.C. şi Jacques, D., 1990, Denitrifying Activity Measurment by Soil Core Method. Effect on Depth and Characterization of N2O/N2 Ratio in Different Soils, Mitt. Deutschen Bodemkundl. Gesellsch. 60, 360-376. 139. Gillespie Jr., W.B., W.B. Hawkins, J.M. Rodgers Jr., M.L. Cano, P.B. Dorn, 2000, Transfers and transformation of zinc in constructed wetlands: Mitigation of a refinery effluent. Ecological Engineering. 14, 279-292 140. Giurgiu, V., I. Decei, S. Armăşescu, 1972. Biometria arborilor si arboretelor din Romania – Tabele dendrometrice. Ed. Ceres, Bucuresti. 141. Gonzalez, C., A. Vădineanu, A. N. Muhamed, 1985, Consideraţii asupra distribuţiei şi circulaţiei metalelor Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Pb, Fe, în ecosistemele acvatice din complexul Matiţa – Merhei (Delta Dunării), Studii şi comunicări de Ecologie, 169-175 142. Goulte, R. R., E. N. Leclair, F. R. Pick, 2001, The evaluation of metal retention by a constructed wetland using the pulmonate gastropod Helisoma trivalvis, Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 40/3, 303-310 143. Gove, L., C. M. Cooke, F. A. Nicholson, A. J. Beck, 2001, Movement of water and heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni) through sand and sandy loam amended with biosolids under steady-state hydrological conditions, Bioresour. Technol., 78/2, 171-179 144. Goyer R. A., 1997, Toxic and essential metal interactions, Annu. Rev. Nutr. 17: 37-50 145. Grabowski, L. A., J. L. J. Houpis, W. J. Woods, K. A. Johnson, 2001, Seasonal bioavailability of sediment-associated heavy metals along the Mississipi river floodplain, Chemosphere, 45/4-5, 643-651 146. Grant, R. F., 1991, A technique for estimating denitrification rates at different soil temperatures, water contents, and nitrate concentrations, Soil Sci., 152, 41-52 147. Greger, M., L. Kautsky, 1991, Effects of Cu, Pb and Zn on two Potamogeton species grown under field conditions Vegetatio 97, 173-184 148. Groffman P.M.1994, Denitrification in freshwater wetlands, Current Topics in Wetland Biogeochemistry, Vol. I, 15-35 149. Groffman, P.M., 1997, Contaminant effects on microbial functions in riparian buffer zones, în Haycock, N., T. Burt, K. Goulding, G. Pinay, editori, “Buffer zones - their processes and potential in water protection”, The Proceedings of the International Conference on Buffer Zones, Published by Quest Environmental, PO Box 45, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 5LJ, UK, 83-91 150. Groffman, P.M.,1997, Contaminant effects on microbial functions in riparian buffer zones in Buffer Zones: Their Processes and Potential, Water Protection, Quest Environmental, 83-91. 151. Grossmann J., P. Udluft, 1990, The extraction of water by the suction-cup method: a review, Journal of Soil Science, 41, 83-93 152. Guilizzoni, P., 1991 The role of heavy metals and toxic materials in the physiological ecology of submersed macrophytes Aquat. Bot. 41, 87-109 153. Hakanson, L., 1994 A review on effect-dose sensitivity models for aqautic ecosystems Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 79, 621-667 154. Hakanson, L., 1995 Optimal size of predictive models Ecol. modell. 78, 195-204 (21) 155. Hamby, 1994, A review of techniques for parameter sensitivity analyses of environmental model, Env. Monitoring and Assessment, 32: 135-154

<strong>Ecotoxicologia</strong> <strong>metalelor</strong> în <strong>lunca</strong> Dunării 323<br />

Directorate Flevoland, Lelystad NL, Scientific division: landscape ecology<br />

114. Dumitru M., Ciobanu C., Motelica D. M., Dumitru Elisabeta, Cojocaru C., Enache<br />

Roxana, Gament Eugenia, Plaxienco Do<strong>in</strong>a, Crist<strong>in</strong>a Radnea, St. Carstea, Alexandra<br />

Manea, Nicoleta Vranceanu, I. Calciu, A. M. Mashali, 2000, Atlas of soil quality<br />

monitor<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Romania, Ed. GNP, Bucharest, Romania, 53 pp + 24 maps<br />

115. Duxbury, T., 1985, Ecological aspects of heavy metal responses <strong>in</strong> microorganisms,<br />

Adv. Microb. Ecol., 8: 185-235<br />

116. Eduljee, G., 1999, Risk assessment, în Petts (editor), 1999, 374-404<br />

117. Ellis, R. J., B. Neish, M. W. Trett, J. G. Best, A. J. Weightman, P. Morgan, J. C. Fry,<br />

2001, Comparison of microbial and meiofaunal community analyses for determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g<br />

impact of heavy metals contam<strong>in</strong>ation, J. Micobiol. Methods, 45/3, 171-185<br />

118. Ermakov, V. V., B. M. Djenbaev, A. P. Degtjarev, 1993, Ecologo-biogeochemical<br />

region<strong>in</strong>g of Russia, <strong>in</strong> Proced<strong>in</strong>gs of the 8 th Internat<strong>in</strong>al Symposium <strong>in</strong> on Trace elements<br />

<strong>in</strong> Man and Animals, Ed. M. Anke, D. Meissner, C. F. Mills, Verlag Media Touristik,<br />

505-506<br />

119. Facht, D. D., 1974, The effect of temperature, pH and aeration on the production of<br />

nitrous oxide and gaseous nitrogen - A zero order k<strong>in</strong>etic model; Soil. Sci, 118, 173-179<br />

120. Fahrig, L., K. Freemark, 1995, Landscape scale effects of toxic events for ecological<br />

risk asessment, în J. Jr. Cairns and B. R. Niederlehner (editori), Ecological toxicity<br />

test<strong>in</strong>g, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, pp 193-208<br />

121. Falkner, G., R. Falkner, 2002, Objectivistic views <strong>in</strong> biology: an obstacle to our<br />

understand<strong>in</strong>g of self-organisation processes <strong>in</strong> aquatic ecosystems, Freshwater Biology,<br />

44, 553-559<br />

122. Farris, J.L., J.L. Grudzien, S.E. Belanger, D.S. Cherry and J. Cairns, Jr., 1994 Molluscan<br />

cellulolytic activity responses to z<strong>in</strong>c exposure <strong>in</strong> laboratory and field stream comparisons<br />

Hydrobiologia 287, 161-178 (52)<br />

123. F<strong>in</strong>layson, M. C., 1994, A metal budget for a Monsoonal Wetland <strong>in</strong> the Northern<br />

Australia. In: Toxic Metals <strong>in</strong> Soil Plant Systems, Ed. by S. M. Ross, John Willey and<br />

Sons, 433-451<br />

124. Firestone, M.K. şi Tiedje, M.K., 1979, Temporal Change <strong>in</strong> Nitrous Oxide and<br />

D<strong>in</strong>itrogen from Denitrification Follow<strong>in</strong>g Onset of Anaerobiosis, Appl. and Environm.<br />

Microb. 36, 673-679.<br />

125. Focht, D. D., 1974, The effect of temperature, pH and aeration on the production of<br />

nitrous oxide and gaseous nitrogen - A zero order k<strong>in</strong>etic model, Soil. Sci, 118, 173-179<br />

126. Forbes V.E., Forbes T.L. 1994. Ecotoxicology <strong>in</strong> theory and practice. Ed. Chapman &<br />

Hall. Denmark. P:220<br />

127. Forbes, E. A., A. M. Posner, J. P. Quirk, 1976, The specific adsorption of divalent Cd,<br />

Co, Cu, Pb and Zn on gethite, J. Soil Sci., 27: 154<br />

128. Forbes, V. E., V. Moller, M. H. Depledge, 1995 Intrapopulation variability <strong>in</strong> sublethal<br />

response to heavy metal strss <strong>in</strong> sexual and asexual gastropod populations Functional<br />

Ecology 9, 477-484<br />

129. Ford., D. E., 2000, Scientific Method for Ecological Research, Cambridge University<br />

Press, 584pp<br />

130. Forstner, U. G.T.W. Witmann, 1981, Metals pollution <strong>in</strong> the aquatic environment,<br />

Spr<strong>in</strong>ger-Verlag, Bnerl<strong>in</strong> Heidelberg New York, 486pp.<br />

131. Forstner, U., 1989, Contam<strong>in</strong>ated sediments – Lectures on environmental aspects of<br />

particle-associated chemicals <strong>in</strong> aquatic systems, Spr<strong>in</strong>ger-Verlag Berl<strong>in</strong> Heidelberg New-<br />

York, 157pp<br />

132. Franke, C., G. Stud<strong>in</strong>ger, G. Berger, S. Bohl<strong>in</strong>g, U. Bruckmann, D. Cohors-Fresen and<br />

U. Johncke, 1994 The assesment of bioaccumulation Chemosphere 29, 1501-1514<br />

133. Furmanska, M., 1979 Studies on th effect of copper, z<strong>in</strong>c and iron on the biotic<br />

components of aquatic ecosystems Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. 26, 213-220

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