Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC

Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii - CESEC


Ecotoxicologia metalelor în lunca Dunării 319 36. Botnariuc, N, A. Vadineanu, 1982, Ecologie, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, 439 pp 37. Botnariuc, N. (coordonator), 1981, Studiul ecologic al zonei de amplasare a centralei Cernavodă şi evaluarea posibilităţilor de contaminare a populaţiei prin lanţurile alimentare, Raport de cercetare, Universitatea din Bucureşti (Dep. de Ecologie Sistemică şi Dezvoltare Durabilă), 25pp 38. Botnariuc, N., Beldescu, S., 1961, Monografia complexului de balti Crapina- Jijila, Hidrobiologia, 2., 5-46 39. Boudou, A., M. Delnomdedieu, D. Georgescauld, F. Ribeyre, E. Saouter, 1991, Fundamental roles of biological barriers in mercury accumulation and transfer in freshwater ecosystems (analysis at organism, organ, cell and mollecular levels) Water Air Soil Pollut 56, 807-821 (7) 40. Boyd, C.E., 1978, Chemical Composition of Wetland Plants, Freshwater Wetlands, 155- 156 41. Bradley, P. M., F. H., Chapelle, 1993, Arsenate inhibition of denitrification in nitrate contaminated sediments, Soil Biol. Biochem., 25: 1459-1462 42. Bravard J.-P., C. Amoros, G. Pautou, 1986, Impact of civil engineering works on the successions of communities in a fluvial system, Oikos, 47: 92-111 43. Breitberg, D. L., J. G. Sanders, C. G. Gilmour, C. A. Hatfield, R. W. Osman, G. F. Riedel, S. P. Seotzinger, K. G. Sellner, 1999, Variability in responses to nutrients and trace elements, and transmission of stressor effects through an estuarine food web, Limnol. Oceanogr., 44, 837-863 44. Brookes, P. C., 1995, The use of microbial parameters in monitoring soil pollution by heavy metals, Biol. Fertil. Soils, 19: 269-279 45. Brouwer, H., T. Murphy, 1995 Volatile sulfides and their toxicity in freshwater sediments Environ Toxicol Chem 14(2), 203-208 46. Brune, A., W. Urbach, K.-J. Dietz, 1995 Differential toxicity of heavy metals is partly related to a loss of preferential extraplasmic compartmentantion: a comparison of Cd-, Mo-, Ni- and Zn-stress New Phytol 129, 403-409 47. Bubicz, M., L. Kozak, Z. Warda, 1982, Heavy metals in the aquatic environment of some water bodies of the Lublin Coal basin, Acta Hydrobiol., 24, 125-138 48. Buckeley, J.A., 1994, The bioavailability of copper in wastewater to Lemna minor with biological and electrochemical measures of complexation Wat Res 28, 2457-2467 49. Buckeley, J.A., 1994, The susceptibility of superoxide dismutase in Lemna minor to systemic copper concentrated from wastewater Wat Res. 28, 2469-2476 50. Buijis, P.H.L. (editor), 1990 . Bulgarian-Dutch research expedition on the Danube and the Black Sea (May, 1990). An introduction of new methods in water quality research. ICWS Report 90-13, International Center of Water Studies, Amsterdam, pp.37 51. Buijis, P.H.L. (editor), 1992 Water quality profile of the Danube River along the Bulgarian/Romanian streach ICWS- report 92-01. 52. Bunge, M., 1979, A systems concept of society: beyond individualism and holism, Theory and Decision, 10, 13-30 53. Burford, J.R. şi Stefanson, R.C., 1973, Measurment of Gaseous Losses of Nitrogen from Soils, Soil. Biol. Biochem. 5, 133-141 54. Burke, I. C., 2000, Landscape and regional biogeochemistry: Approaches, în “Methods in ecosystem science”, Ed. O. E. Sala, R. B. Jackson, H. A. Mooney, R. W. Haworth, Springer-Verlag New York, 244-288 55. Cairns, J., Jr., 1986a, The Myth of the most sensitive species, BioScience 36(10), 670-672 56. Cairns, J., Jr., 1986b, What is meant by validation of predictions based on laboratory toxicty tests, Hydrobiologia 137, 271-278 57. Cairns, J., Jr., 1989, Will the real ecotoxicologist please stand up , Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 8, 843-844

320 Bibliografie 58. Cairns, J., Jr., 1993 Will there ever be a field of landscape toxicology , Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 12, 609-610 59. Cairns, J., Jr., 1995, Chemical versus biological pollution monitoring From “Pollution and Biomonitoring”, B. C. Rana ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, India, 452p 60. Cairns, J., Jr., 2000, The role of ecotoxicology in the protection and accumulation of natural capital, Ecotoxicology, 9, 151-155 61. Cairns, J., Jr., B.R. Niederlehner, 1995, Predictive Ecotoxicology in “Handbook of Ecotoxicology”, D. J. Hoffman, B. A. Rattner, G. A. Burton and J. Cairns, Jr., eds, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Fla. 62. Cairns, J., Jr., P.V. McCormick, 1991, The use of community- and ecosystem-level end points in environmental hazard assessment: a scientific and regulatory evaluation, Environ. Auditor 2, 239-248 63. Cairns, J., Jr., P.V. McCormick, B.R. Niederlehner, 1993, A proposed framework for developing indicators of ecosystem health, Hydrobiologia, 263, 1-14 64. Camillion, R. A., M. Manassero, 2001, Geochemistry of heavy metals in bottom sediments from streams of the western coast of the Rio de la Plata estuary, Argentina, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, in press 65. Campbell, G. C., A. Tessier, M. Bisson, R. Bougie, 1985, Accumulation of Cu and Zn in the yellow water lily, Nuphar variegatum: relationships to metal partitioning in the adjacent lake sediments, Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 42, 23-32 66. Carey, C., 1993 Role of stress caused by environmental factors, including contaminants, on decline and extinctions of amphibian populations in “Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,14th annual meeting 14-18 Nov. 1993, Abstract Book”, rezumatul 184 67. Cernatoni, A., V. Mărculescu, Şt. |igănuş, 1993, Parametri de studiu şi control ai fenomenelor de interfaţă apă-sedimente în ecosisteme acvatice (Acumularea metalelor grele în sedimentele din lacurile Deltei Dunării), Mediul înconjurător, 4, 25-33 68. Chakrabati, C.L., Y. Lu, D.C. Gregoire, M.H. Back, W.H. Schroeder, 1994, Kinetic studies of metal speciation using chelex cation exchange resin: application to cadmium, copper and lead speciation in river water and snow, Env. Sci. Technol., 28, 1957-1967 69. Chau, Y. K., O. T. R. Kulikovsky-Cordeiro, 1995, Occurrence of nickel in the Canadian environment, Env. Rev., 3, 95-120 70. Chen, J.-H., D.R. Czajka, L.W. Lion, M.L. Shuler, W.C. Ghiorse, 1995, Trace metal mobilization in soil by bacterial polymers, Environ. Health Perspectives, 103, Suppl. 1, 53- 58 71. Chen, J.-H., L.W. Lion, W.C. Ghiorse, M.L. Shuler, 1995, Mobilization of adsorbed cadmium and lead in aquifer material by bacterial extracellular polymers, Wat. Res. 29, 421- 430 72. Chiffoleau, J.-F., D. Cossa, D. Auger, I. Truquet, 1994 Trace metal distribution, partition and fluxes in the Seine estuary (France) in low discharge regime Mar. Chem. 47, 145-158 (23) 73. Ciolpan, O., 1995, Structura nevertebratelor din litiera în curs de descompunere, în Vădineanu, coordonator, “Raport final la programul ERMAS 1”, Univ. Bucureşti, Dep. de Ecologie Sistemică şi Dezvoltare Durabilă, 60-65 74. Ciszewski, D., 2001, Flood-related changes in heavy metal concentrations within sediments of the Biala Prezemsa River, Geomorphology, 40, 205-218 75. Ciubuc, C., 1997, Carabidele din Insula Mică a Brăilei, în Vădieanu, coordonator, “Raport final la programul FAEWE”, Univ. Bucureşti, Dep. de Ecologie Sistemică şi Dezvoltare Durabilă, 137-163 76. Clay, D. E., Molina, J. A. E., Clamp. C. E., Linden D. R., 1985, Nitrogen tillage residue management, 2, Calibration of potential rate of nitrification by model simulation; Soil Sci. Soc. A. J., 49, 322-325 77. Cobelli, C., A. Lepschy, G. Romanin-Jacur, 1979, Structural identifiability of linear compartimental models în “Theoretical systems ecology”, edit Efraim Halgon, Academic

320 Bibliografie<br />

58. Cairns, J., Jr., 1993 Will there ever be a field of landscape toxicology , Environ. Toxicol.<br />

Chem., 12, 609-610<br />

59. Cairns, J., Jr., 1995, Chemical versus biological pollution monitor<strong>in</strong>g From “Pollution and<br />

Biomonitor<strong>in</strong>g”, B. C. Rana ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Publish<strong>in</strong>g Co., New Delhi, India, 452p<br />

60. Cairns, J., Jr., 2000, The role of ecotoxicology <strong>in</strong> the protection and accumulation of<br />

natural capital, Ecotoxicology, 9, 151-155<br />

61. Cairns, J., Jr., B.R. Niederlehner, 1995, Predictive Ecotoxicology <strong>in</strong> “Handbook of<br />

Ecotoxicology”, D. J. Hoffman, B. A. Rattner, G. A. Burton and J. Cairns, Jr., eds, CRC<br />

Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Fla.<br />

62. Cairns, J., Jr., P.V. McCormick, 1991, The use of community- and ecosystem-level end<br />

po<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>in</strong> environmental hazard assessment: a scientific and regulatory evaluation, Environ.<br />

Auditor 2, 239-248<br />

63. Cairns, J., Jr., P.V. McCormick, B.R. Niederlehner, 1993, A proposed framework for<br />

develop<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dicators of ecosystem health, Hydrobiologia, 263, 1-14<br />

64. Camillion, R. A., M. Manassero, 2001, Geochemistry of heavy metals <strong>in</strong> bottom<br />

sediments from streams of the western coast of the Rio de la Plata estuary, Argent<strong>in</strong>a,<br />

Environmental Geochemistry and Health, <strong>in</strong> press<br />

65. Campbell, G. C., A. Tessier, M. Bisson, R. Bougie, 1985, Accumulation of Cu and Zn <strong>in</strong> the<br />

yellow water lily, Nuphar variegatum: relationships to metal partition<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the adjacent lake<br />

sediments, Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 42, 23-32<br />

66. Carey, C., 1993 Role of stress caused by environmental factors, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g contam<strong>in</strong>ants, on<br />

decl<strong>in</strong>e and ext<strong>in</strong>ctions of amphibian populations <strong>in</strong> “Society of Environmental Toxicology<br />

and Chemistry,14th annual meet<strong>in</strong>g 14-18 Nov. 1993, Abstract Book”, rezumatul 184<br />

67. Cernatoni, A., V. Mărculescu, Şt. |igănuş, 1993, Parametri de studiu şi control ai<br />

fenomenelor de <strong>in</strong>terfaţă apă-sedimente în ecosisteme acvatice (Acumularea <strong>metalelor</strong><br />

<strong>grele</strong> în sedimentele d<strong>in</strong> lacurile Deltei Dunării), Mediul înconjurător, 4, 25-33<br />

68. Chakrabati, C.L., Y. Lu, D.C. Gregoire, M.H. Back, W.H. Schroeder, 1994, K<strong>in</strong>etic studies<br />

of metal speciation us<strong>in</strong>g chelex cation exchange res<strong>in</strong>: application to cadmium, copper and<br />

lead speciation <strong>in</strong> river water and snow, Env. Sci. Technol., 28, 1957-1967<br />

69. Chau, Y. K., O. T. R. Kulikovsky-Cordeiro, 1995, Occurrence of nickel <strong>in</strong> the Canadian<br />

environment, Env. Rev., 3, 95-120<br />

70. Chen, J.-H., D.R. Czajka, L.W. Lion, M.L. Shuler, W.C. Ghiorse, 1995, Trace metal<br />

mobilization <strong>in</strong> soil by bacterial polymers, Environ. Health Perspectives, 103, Suppl. 1, 53-<br />

58<br />

71. Chen, J.-H., L.W. Lion, W.C. Ghiorse, M.L. Shuler, 1995, Mobilization of adsorbed<br />

cadmium and lead <strong>in</strong> aquifer material by bacterial extracellular polymers, Wat. Res. 29, 421-<br />

430<br />

72. Chiffoleau, J.-F., D. Cossa, D. Auger, I. Truquet, 1994 Trace metal distribution, partition and<br />

fluxes <strong>in</strong> the Se<strong>in</strong>e estuary (France) <strong>in</strong> low discharge regime Mar. Chem. 47, 145-158 (23)<br />

73. Ciolpan, O., 1995, Structura nevertebratelor d<strong>in</strong> litiera în curs de descompunere, în<br />

Văd<strong>in</strong>eanu, coordonator, “Raport f<strong>in</strong>al la programul ERMAS 1”, Univ. Bucureşti, Dep. de<br />

Ecologie Sistemică şi Dezvoltare Durabilă, 60-65<br />

74. Ciszewski, D., 2001, Flood-related changes <strong>in</strong> heavy metal concentrations with<strong>in</strong><br />

sediments of the Biala Prezemsa River, Geomorphology, 40, 205-218<br />

75. Ciubuc, C., 1997, Carabidele d<strong>in</strong> Insula Mică a Brăilei, în Vădieanu, coordonator, “Raport<br />

f<strong>in</strong>al la programul FAEWE”, Univ. Bucureşti, Dep. de Ecologie Sistemică şi Dezvoltare<br />

Durabilă, 137-163<br />

76. Clay, D. E., Mol<strong>in</strong>a, J. A. E., Clamp. C. E., L<strong>in</strong>den D. R., 1985, Nitrogen tillage residue<br />

management, 2, Calibration of potential rate of nitrification by model simulation; Soil Sci.<br />

Soc. A. J., 49, 322-325<br />

77. Cobelli, C., A. Lepschy, G. Roman<strong>in</strong>-Jacur, 1979, Structural identifiability of l<strong>in</strong>ear<br />

compartimental models în “Theoretical systems ecology”, edit Efraim Halgon, Academic

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