hegedus iuliana cristina rezumat teza doctorat - USAMV Cluj-Napoca

hegedus iuliana cristina rezumat teza doctorat - USAMV Cluj-Napoca hegedus iuliana cristina rezumat teza doctorat - USAMV Cluj-Napoca


8.4. Caracterizarea ecologică a speciilor algale 2006-2007……… 295 39 8.4.1. Concluzii parŃiale……………………………………… 313 Capitolul 9. Evaluarea productivităŃii biologice a lacurilor studiate în funcŃie de caracteristicile apei şi determinarea producŃiei de peşte……… 318 40 9.1. Estimarea productivităŃii piscicole naturale a bazinelor piscicole în funcŃie de caracteristicile fizico-chimice ale apei 9.2. ProducŃia piscicolă şi factorii de influenŃă............................... 9.3. Concluzii parŃiale .................................................................... 319 333 339 Capitolul 10. ObservaŃii privind impactul unor însuşiri ale apei asupra bunăstării şi patologiei peştilor din iazurile şi bazinele luate în studiu....... 341 10.1.Material şi metodă............................................................. 341 10.2. Rezultate şi discuŃii.......................................................... 342 10.3 Concluzii parŃiale.............................................................. 345 Capitol 11. Concluzii generale................................................................... 347 42 Bibliografie................................................................................................. 358 43 Rezumatul tezei de doctorat..................................................................... 370 Summary of Doctoral Thesis................................................................... 390 CONTENT 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………... 9 Chapter 1. Natural waters- General characterization................................ 11 1.1. Water quality indicators........................................................ 11 1.2 Characterization of Romania hygiene hydrological network 15 1.3.The law of water using in aquaculture.................................. 19 Chapter 2. Water – Environment of fish life, Water features and their importance in fish farming...................................................... 21 2.1 Mechanical and physical characteristics of water and their importance in fish farming ................................................... 2.2. Organoleptic characteristic of water.................................... 2.3 Chemical characteristic of water and and their importance in fish farming ....................................................................... 2.3.1. Indicators of oxygen regime.......................................... 2.3.2 Indicators of nutrient regime........................................... 2.4. Indicators buffering capacity of water................................. 52 Chapter 3. Biology of natural waters. Relations with physical-chemical characteristics of water………………………………………. 58 3.1 Biocoenosis and biological indicators of quality for different classes of natural surface water………………………. 3.2. Indicators for inorganic substances from waters................... Chapter 4. The water quality and fish welfare kept at natural waters … 42 pag pag 22 34 36 36 44 4.1.What about fish welfare…………………………………… 72 58 69 7 4

4.2. Assessment in fish welfare………………………………. 73 4.3. The relation between water quality and fish welfare ……... 74 Second part - Own research Chapter 5. Overview of the lakes studied climate weather conditions and objectives of the research area………………………………………. 78 5.1. Overview of the lakes studied……………………………... 5.2. Weather and climate conditions during the research area..... 5.3. The main objective of research……………………………. 5.4. Cooperation in achieving Thesis………………………….. Chapter 6. Study of physical – chemical characteristic of water and their influence about aquatic life…………………………………….… 92 12 6.1. Research goal……………………………………………… 6.2. Motivation in choosing parameters………………………. 6.3. Material and methods……………………………………… 6.4. Result and discussion……………………………………… 92 92 93 95 12 13 6.4.1.Water temperature……………………………………… 6.4.2. Chemical characteristics………………………………. 95 99 13 14 6.5. Global characterization of water from point of view of the parameters and indicators who show the eutrophication, expressed by WQI (Water Quality Index)…………………….. 6.6. Partial conclusion …………………………………………. 128 135 20 Chapter 7. Research on the physical and chemical indicators who influencing the water productivity in growth natural pond at Cyprinidae species.................................................................. 143 22 7.1. Material and methods……………………………………… 7.2. Result and discussion ........................................................... 143 143 7.2.1. Dinamics of physical indicators..................................... 145 22 Water temperature................................................. Transparency ......................................................... 145 157 22 23 7.2.2. Dinamics of oxygen regim indicators ........................... 168 24 Dinamics of oxygen dissolved parameter.............. CCO (chemical oxygen consumer)............................... 168 182 24 25 7.2.3. Partial conclusion........................................................... 195 7.2.4. Indicators buffery capacity of water............................... 196 27 Water pH............................................................... Alcalinity .............................................................. Totall hardness..................................................... 196 209 219 27 29 29 7.2.5. Partial conclusion ........................................................... 231 7.2.6. Dinamics of nutrients regime.......................................... 232 29 Dinamics of N-NO 3 parameter………………….. Dinamics of N-NO 2 parameter…………………. Dinamics of P-PO 4 parameter ............................. 232 244 254 29 30 31 78 82 89 91 8 5

4.2. Assessment in fish welfare………………………………. 73<br />

4.3. The relation between water quality and fish welfare ……... 74<br />

Second part - Own research<br />

Chapter 5. Overview of the lakes studied climate weather conditions<br />

and objectives of the research area………………………………………. 78<br />

5.1. Overview of the lakes studied……………………………...<br />

5.2. Weather and climate conditions during the research area.....<br />

5.3. The main objective of research…………………………….<br />

5.4. Cooperation in achieving Thesis…………………………..<br />

Chapter 6. Study of physical – chemical characteristic of water and<br />

their influence about aquatic life…………………………………….… 92 12<br />

6.1. Research goal………………………………………………<br />

6.2. Motivation in choosing parameters……………………….<br />

6.3. Material and methods………………………………………<br />

6.4. Result and discussion………………………………………<br />

92<br />

92<br />

93<br />

95<br />

12<br />

13<br />

6.4.1.Water temperature………………………………………<br />

6.4.2. Chemical characteristics……………………………….<br />

95<br />

99<br />

13<br />

14<br />

6.5. Global characterization of water from point of view of<br />

the parameters and indicators who show the eutrophication,<br />

expressed by WQI (Water Quality Index)……………………..<br />

6.6. Partial conclusion ………………………………………….<br />

128<br />

135<br />

20<br />

Chapter 7. Research on the physical and chemical indicators who<br />

influencing the water productivity in growth natural pond at<br />

Cyprinidae species.................................................................. 143 22<br />

7.1. Material and methods………………………………………<br />

7.2. Result and discussion ...........................................................<br />

143<br />

143<br />

7.2.1. Dinamics of physical indicators..................................... 145 22<br /> Water temperature.................................................<br /> Transparency .........................................................<br />

145<br />

157<br />

22<br />

23<br />

7.2.2. Dinamics of oxygen regim indicators ........................... 168 24<br /> Dinamics of oxygen dissolved parameter..............<br /> CCO (chemical oxygen consumer)...............................<br />

168<br />

182<br />

24<br />

25<br />

7.2.3. Partial conclusion........................................................... 195<br />

7.2.4. Indicators buffery capacity of water............................... 196 27<br /> Water pH...............................................................<br /> Alcalinity ..............................................................<br /> Totall hardness.....................................................<br />

196<br />

209<br />

219<br />

27<br />

29<br />

29<br />

7.2.5. Partial conclusion ........................................................... 231<br />

7.2.6. Dinamics of nutrients regime.......................................... 232 29<br /> Dinamics of N-NO 3 parameter…………………..<br /> Dinamics of N-NO 2 parameter………………….<br /> Dinamics of P-PO 4 parameter .............................<br />

232<br />

244<br />

254<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

78<br />

82<br />

89<br />

91<br />

8<br />


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