hegedus iuliana cristina rezumat teza doctorat - USAMV Cluj-Napoca

hegedus iuliana cristina rezumat teza doctorat - USAMV Cluj-Napoca hegedus iuliana cristina rezumat teza doctorat - USAMV Cluj-Napoca


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24. MAN C, MAN A .(2006) – Igienă piscicolă. Ed Risoprint, <strong>Cluj</strong> - <strong>Napoca</strong><br />

25. MAN C. (1989) – Apa, sănătatea şi producŃiile animalelor. Ed. Ceres, Bucureşti<br />

26. MAN C., CRISTINA HEGEDUS (2006)– Zootehnia ecologică – opŃiune<br />

pentru dezvoltarea durabilă şi protecŃia mediului. Enviroment & Progress<br />

7/2006, Simpozionul internaŃional Eco zone – Eco life 13 – 16 sept 2006,. Ed.<br />

FundaŃiei pentru StiinŃe Europene, <strong>Cluj</strong> – <strong>Napoca</strong>. ISSN 1584-6733, pag. 57 –<br />

60, simpozion EducaŃie si cercetare in protecŃia mediului<br />

27. MIREŞAN VIOARA (2004) – Fiziologia animalelor domestice. Ed. Risoprint, <strong>Cluj</strong> –<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

28. MĂLĂCEA I. (1969) – Biologia apelor impurificate. Ed. Academiei R.S.R.,<br />



(2009) - Researches regarding water quality as an indicator of fish welfare in<br />

two farms from the southern area of the country. Bulletin of Agricultural<br />

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine <strong>Cluj</strong> <strong>Napoca</strong>, Series Veterinary Medicine<br />

(Vol 66-1), 2009, ISSN 1843-5270, pp. 243-247<br />

30. MITRANESCU ELENA (2009)- Researches on fish welfare assessment in<br />

Fundulea-Frunzareni farm, based on water quality and blood biochemical<br />

parameters. Bulletin of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine <strong>Cluj</strong><br />

<strong>Napoca</strong>, Series Veterinary Medicine (Vol 66-1), 2009, ISSN 1843-5270, pp.<br />

248-252<br />

31. MUNTEANU GABRIELA, DUMITRU BOGATU (2003) - Tratat de<br />

ihtiopatologie. Ed. Excelsior art, Timisoara<br />

32. NIKOLOVSKI G.V. (1962)- Ecologia peştilor. Ed.de Stat , Bucureşti<br />

33. PALMER C.M (1969)- A composite rating of algae tolerating organic pollution.<br />

Journal Phycol. Nr.5, pag. 78-82<br />


E.H., BRUNO D.W. DAELMAN W., KLEINGELD L., THORUD K. (1995) – What<br />

should I do. A practical quide for the fresh water fish farmer - The European<br />

Association on Fish Pathologists.<br />

35. SCHPERCLAUS W. (1962) – Traite du pisciculture en etang. Vigot – Freres Editeurs, Paris<br />


E.H., BRUNO D.W. DAELMAN W., KLEINGELD L., THORUD K. (1995) – What<br />

should I do. A practical quide for the fresh water fish farmer - The European<br />

Association on Fish Pathologists.<br />

37. SCHPERCLAUS W. (1962) – Traite du pisciculture en etang. Vigot – Freres Editeurs, Paris<br />

38. http://en.wikipedia.org<br />

39. http://aquaculture.ext.wvu.edu<br />

40. http://www.baipatra.ws<br />


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