Raport Stiintific - GeoEcoMar

Raport Stiintific - GeoEcoMar Raport Stiintific - GeoEcoMar


- Toate activitatile enuntate anterior au fost realizate de catre organizator (INCD pentru Geologie si Geoecologie Marina – GEOECOMAR Bucuresti); - Organizatorul a desfasurat activitati de informare si documentare preliminar desfasurarii workshop-ului, pentru a asigura un nivel calitativ ridicat acestui important eveniment international; - S-a stabilit un program stiintific echilibrat, tinandu-se cont de tematica existenta, precum si de diferitele domenii reprezentate in cadrul Workshopului (geologie generala, geofizica, paleontology, biostratigrafie, paleogeografie, paleoceanografie, arheologie, istorie si etnografie). De asemenea s-a tinut cont de optiunile cercetatorilor, in programarea lucrarilor oral sau poster. - Organizatorul a asigurat informarea permanenta a participantilor referitor la continutul si desfasurarea workshop-ului, inclusive asupra eventualelor schimbari asupra programului stiintific si social. - S-a organizat un tur al Bucurestiul cu toti participantii, pe data de 08.09.2008, incluzand si vizitarea Muzeului de Geologie. 3. Programul final al Workshopului 4 octombrie 2008 – Sosirea participantilor si inregistrarea 5 octombrie 2008 Ceremonia de deschidere 9.00-9.30 Welcome. Prof. Dr. Anton Anton, Presedinte al ANCS Prof. Dr. Nicolae Panin, Director al INCD GEoEcoMar (Romania) Dr. Mariana Filipova-Marinova, Muzeul de Istorie Naturala Varna (Bulgaria) 9.30-9.50 “Black Sea-Mediterranean Corridor during last 30 ky: Sea level change and human adaptation” Prof. Dr. Valentina Yanko-Hombach (Canada) Session 1. Geology, Paleoceanography, and Paleogeography of the Black Sea during the last 30,000 years Chairperson: Dr. Gilles Lericolais (France) 9.50-10.20 Aminostratigraphy of coastal sedimentary sequences, Kerch Strait, NE Black Sea.

W.A. Nicholas (U.K.), A.R. Chivas (Australia), C.V. Murray-Wallace (Australia), V. Yanko-Hombach (Canada), A. Chepalyga (Russian Federation), S. Kadurin (Ukraine) 10.20-10.40 Rapid sea-level fluctuations in the Black Sea stimulated by repeated freshwater discharge events. R. Martin (U.S.A.) and V. Yanko-Hombach (Canada, Ukraine) 10.40-11.00 Coffee Break 11.00-11.40 The Gibraltar Sill: Gates of the Black Sea-Mediterranean Corridor. Dr. Gilles Lericolais (France) 11.40-12.00 Erosion and accumulation on the Bulgarian seashore under conditions of sealevel rise. V. Peychev (Bulgaria) and D. Dimitrov (Bulgaria) 12.00-12.40 Changes in sediment composition of the modern Demre beaches (southwestern Turkey) in relation to various terrestrial and marine conditions. M. Ergin, S. Özdoğan, Z. Karakaş, and K.Sözeri (Turkey) 12.40-13.00 Geocatastrophic events in the Black Sea and the geological Pleistocene– Holocene boundary. D. Dimitrov (Bulgaria) and P. Dimitrov (Bulgaria) 13.00-14.00 Lunch Chairpersons: Zahra Azahbakht (Iran) 14.00-14.40 Upper Neogene sedimentary relationships between the Carpathian sourcearea, Dacian Basin, and the Black Sea depression. N. Panin (Romania) and D. Jipa (Romania) 14.40-15.00 Economic use of the Black Sea sapropels. D. Dimitrov (Bulgaria) and P. Dimitrov (Bulgaria) 15.00-15.40 Distribution of Holocene sediment thickness on the northwestern Black Sea shelf. N. Panin, M. Melinte (Romania) 15.40-16.00 Coffee Break 16.00-16.40 Climatically–forced Pliocene–Holocene Black Sea level fluctuations. V. Yanko-Hombach (Canada)

W.A. Nicholas (U.K.), A.R. Chivas (Australia), C.V. Murray-Wallace (Australia), V.<br />

Yanko-Hombach (Canada), A. Chepalyga (Russian Federation), S. Kadurin (Ukraine)<br />

10.20-10.40 Rapid sea-level fluctuations in the Black Sea stimulated by repeated<br />

freshwater discharge events.<br />

R. Martin (U.S.A.) and V. Yanko-Hombach (Canada, Ukraine)<br />

10.40-11.00 Coffee Break<br />

11.00-11.40 The Gibraltar Sill: Gates of the Black Sea-Mediterranean Corridor.<br />

Dr. Gilles Lericolais (France)<br />

11.40-12.00 Erosion and accumulation on the Bulgarian seashore under conditions of<br />

sealevel rise.<br />

V. Peychev (Bulgaria) and D. Dimitrov (Bulgaria)<br />

12.00-12.40 Changes in sediment composition of the modern Demre beaches<br />

(southwestern Turkey) in relation to various terrestrial and marine conditions.<br />

M. Ergin, S. Özdoğan, Z. Karakaş, and K.Sözeri (Turkey)<br />

12.40-13.00 Geocatastrophic events in the Black Sea and the geological Pleistocene–<br />

Holocene boundary.<br />

D. Dimitrov (Bulgaria) and P. Dimitrov (Bulgaria)<br />

13.00-14.00 Lunch<br />

Chairpersons: Zahra Azahbakht (Iran)<br />

14.00-14.40 Upper Neogene sedimentary relationships between the Carpathian<br />

sourcearea, Dacian Basin, and the Black Sea depression.<br />

N. Panin (Romania) and D. Jipa (Romania)<br />

14.40-15.00 Economic use of the Black Sea sapropels.<br />

D. Dimitrov (Bulgaria) and P. Dimitrov (Bulgaria)<br />

15.00-15.40 Distribution of Holocene sediment thickness on the northwestern Black<br />

Sea shelf.<br />

N. Panin, M. Melinte (Romania)<br />

15.40-16.00 Coffee Break<br />

16.00-16.40 Climatically–forced Pliocene–Holocene Black Sea level fluctuations.<br />

V. Yanko-Hombach (Canada)

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