Monografia (document PDF) - Asociatia Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova

Monografia (document PDF) - Asociatia Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova

Monografia (document PDF) - Asociatia Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova


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Presă şi cenzură în Basarabia. Documente şi comentarii<br />

permission to publish in Chisinau, under it reaction, of daily political and cultural newspaper with<br />

title “Bessarabskii vestnik”. By this, the Main department for press issues informs citizen Gheorghe<br />

Gore that his request was not approved”. Quoted <strong>document</strong> is a singular one, in studied collection.<br />

Other data known about Gh. Gore does not suggest any details about this case. It seems that<br />

the bessarabian publicist who had previous experience as a redactor of gubernial bulletin (1866-<br />

1868) tried to exercise the status of owner and chief-editor of periodicals. Also, we have to pay<br />

attention to a fact that historian Al. Boldur considered that Gh. Gore tried to publish a romanian<br />

newspaper in 1863, ‘the year of polish riot” (?). Anyway, <strong>document</strong>s we have do not offer more<br />

details regar<strong>din</strong>g this.<br />

First publication in Romanian language: Eparchial Newsletter – an ephemeral victory.<br />

First magazine of bessarabian clericals – Eparchial Newsletter (Kişinevskie Epahial’nye Vedomosti)<br />

appears at July 1, 1867. It appeared twice per month under redaction of archimandrite<br />

Varlaam, Rector of Theological Seminar in Chişinău. It became a tradition that this position was<br />

fulfilled by the representatives of this institution (usually, russians) during the entire period of<br />

publication of this magazine (1867-1917).<br />

The appearance of bilingual edition of Kišiniovskie Eparchial’nye Vedomosti (1867-1872) can<br />

be considered an ephemeris success of bessarabian clergy. Although we have to notice that this<br />

event is set into a much larger context of historical investigation. The fact that clergy was that<br />

social category in Bessarabia of XIXth century who succeed to publish a Romanian language publication<br />

also has another historical explanation. This phenomenon is grounded in a cultural tradition<br />

– publishing of liturgical books in Romanian language, which began on May, 31, 1814 when<br />

the Eparchial Typography in Chisinau was opened under care of Bishop Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni.<br />

This is the typography where Kišiniovskie Eparchial’nye Vedomosti was published. However, we<br />

have to mention that from the middle of XIXth century bessarabian clergy didn’t insist on promoting<br />

and supporting Romanian language on the pages of this edition as they did before. Both official<br />

board and Romanian translators of the magazine showed no interest in continuing bilingual<br />

edition of Kišiniovskie Eparchial’nye Vedomosti .<br />

Initially, the magazine was bilingual – romanian and russian – and romanian version was translated<br />

from russian one with a lot of lexical errors. It is very strange, but bessarabian clericals obtain<br />

this right exactly when Romanian language is suspended as a educational discipline in Bessarabia.<br />

After four years, in 1872, when Romanian language was absolutely interdicted in bessarabian<br />

school (after February 3 it was prohibited in rural schools), the romanian language version of<br />

newspaper was suspended.<br />

From the fourth decade of XIXth century, during five decades, tsarists censorship stopped<br />

about 7-8 attempts of bessarabian nobles to found a national press. These efforts – even if they<br />

look modest – kept the belief in romanian values in Bessarabia and were valuable for next generations.<br />

At the beginning of XXth century, romanian press became a decisive factor in the struggle<br />

for liberation from despotic regime of russian autocracy. Based on actual investigation of this<br />

issue we outline some considerations.<br />

• Kišiniovskie Eparchial’nye Vedomosti (1867-1917) was the one and only magazine of Romanian<br />

language edited in Bessarabia during XIXth century. But bilingual edition has appeared<br />

intermittently between 1867-1872.<br />

• Based on our investigation we can affirm that magazine was bilingual only during first 2<br />

years from apparition (1867-1869). Starting with Nr. 3-4 some texts lack Romanian translation.<br />

By year 1872, only few texts have Romanian translation.<br />

• Kišiniovskie Eparchial’nye Vedomosti is the second official publication of our province (after<br />

13 years from apparition of the first bessarabian publication – Bessarabskie Oblastnye Vedomosti,<br />

1854 ); this fact confirms that censorship in Bessarabia was very strict. Morover,<br />

tsarist’s censorship system annihilated from the beginnings other private initiatives of creating<br />

of Romanian language press.<br />

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