Nr. 3 (24) anul VII / iulie-septembrie 2009 - ROMDIDAC

Nr. 3 (24) anul VII / iulie-septembrie 2009 - ROMDIDAC Nr. 3 (24) anul VII / iulie-septembrie 2009 - ROMDIDAC


dorin]a de a se întoarce la treburile gospod`re[ti – toate sporindu-i puterea de a suporta vicisitudinile r`zboiului. Pe marginile filelor acestui volum de versuri s-au a[ternut adnot`rile combatantului sensibil, expunându-[i astfel propriile sale emo]ii [i comunicând într-un dialog, de nimeni auzit, cu Eminescu. Avea dreptate G. C`linescu, atunci când afirma despre lirica nefericitului poet, c` opera eminescian` se adreseaz`, atât omului simplu, printr-un buchet de versuri memorabile, comunicându-i esen]a uman`, cât [i intelectualului celui mai rafinat care, z`bovind asupra lecturii, are revela]ia unei adânci [i subtile idea]ii reflexive [i metafizice. Pentru noi, care caligrafiem rândurile de fa]`, junele o[tean n-a fost un om oarecare, ci unul foarte sensibil, iubitor de frumos. S` nu-l p`r`seasc` bucuria lecturii nici pe front? S` nu se despart` de poeziile lui Eminescu nici pe câmpul de lupt`? S` scrie pe marginea filelor propriile gânduri modelate în versuri? „Aceast` carte de poezii, not` el pe o pagin` a volumului, am avut-o cu mine tot timpul r`zboiului mondial 1915-1918 în buzunarul vestonului, nu îns` în aceast` leg`tur`, ci în leg`tura de carton… Abrud 22 mai 1939. S. Felea”. Livrescul, în doze moderate, nu lipse[te din aceste Pagini de memorial, el fiind uzitat nu cu inten]ia de a etala erudi]ia ilustrului profesor filolog, ci folosit ca agent al declan[`rii memoriei afective. Elementele de cultur`, experien]ele, fiorul ontic, uneori comunicate în simplitatea lor esen]ial`, selectate cu grij` de a nu exceda, se topesc firesc în albia narativ` cu meandrele ei strunite, care se succed` [i se pliaz` pe teme specifice unor anumite vârste, unor evenimente, uneori convergente, alteori opozabile, dar totdeauna amprentate de întâmpl`ri existen]iale [i spirituale. Fluiditatea [i sinceritatea evoc`rii nu sunt împiedicate de trecerea de la timpul prezent la cel de odinioar` [i de revenirea la contemporaneitatea noastr`. Rememorarea, plonjând, uneori, în aria confesiunii, este slujit` subtil de reînvierea unor secven]e dialogate, l`sând cititorului impresia c` un eveniment, petrecut cu mul]i ani înainte, se desf`[oar` sub ochii s`i. Atât de fermec`toare este lectura acestor Pagini de memorial încât ne vine spontan în minte versul arghezian: Carte frumoas`, cinste cui te-a scris! EX PONTO NR.3, 2009 155

film ILEANA MARIN Romanian films, in search of a new identity S EX PONTO NR.3, 2009 156 ince December 1989, Romanian society has been obsessed with learning about the previously inaccessible side of communism and with watching documentaries about painful testimonies from the past in search of a collective closure over and over, while four governments constantly avoided condemning communist crimes and postponed the public access to the Secret Police archives. At the same time, a group of young filmmakers took the initiative to reveal them and their unpredicted consequences in the new democratic context. Recent films, 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (Cristi Mungiu), How Did I Spent The End Of The World (Catalin Mitulescu), California Dreamin' (Cristi Nemescu), 13:05, East of Bucharest (Cristi Porumboiu), The Oak (Lucian Pintilie), The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (Cristi Puiu), deal with the last years of the communist regime, its end, and its aftermath. Interestingly enough, in spite of the fact that there are other Romanian productions which might have deserved closer attention, 1 the films on this list are the ones which received international acclaim. The Oak won the best actress award at the Geneva Film festival and at the European Awards in 1992; The Death of Mr. Lazarescu, received the award for the best film at Cannes in 2005; 13:05, East of Bucharest won the Golden Camera award at Cannes, Golden Swan at Copenhagen, and the Special Prize at the Cottbus Film Festival of Young East European Cinema in 2006; How I Spent the End of the World was officially selected at 10 prestigious film festivals; California Dreamin' won Prix un certain regard at the Cannes Film Festival in 2007; 4 Months won Palme d’Or at Cannes, the Fipresci international critics award, and the best film at the annual European Film Awards in Berlin in 2007. The most distributed in Western European countries and the USA, although not box office successes, are Mungiu’s 4 Months and Puiu’s The Death of Mr. Lazarescu, which present episodes from Romanian everyday life in a documentary style. The appearance of “raw reality” seems to appeal to the foreign audience as an exotic element identifying a place at the border of the so-called “civilized Europe” somewhere around 2000. International spectatorship, which either has already or has not yet had any Romanian experience, (re)considers the image of contemporary Romania through these cinematic filters, which look realistic and credible. The representation of a

film<br />


Romanian films,<br />

in search of a new identity<br />

S<br />

EX PONTO NR.3, <strong>2009</strong><br />

156<br />

ince December 1989, Romanian society has been obsessed with learning<br />

about the previously inaccessible side of communism and with watching<br />

documentaries about painful testimonies from the past in search of a collective<br />

closure over and over, while four governments constantly avoided condemning<br />

communist crimes and postponed the public access to the Secret Police<br />

archives. At the same time, a group of young filmmakers took the initiative<br />

to reveal them and their unpredicted consequences in the new democratic<br />

context. Recent films, 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (Cristi Mungiu), How Did<br />

I Spent The End Of The World (Catalin Mitulescu), California Dreamin' (Cristi<br />

Nemescu), 13:05, East of Bucharest (Cristi Porumboiu), The Oak (Lucian<br />

Pintilie), The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (Cristi Puiu), deal with the last years<br />

of the communist regime, its end, and its aftermath. Interestingly enough, in<br />

spite of the fact that there are other Romanian productions which might have<br />

deserved closer attention, 1 the films on this list are the ones which received<br />

international acclaim. The Oak won the best actress award at the Geneva Film<br />

festival and at the European Awards in 1992; The Death of Mr. Lazarescu,<br />

received the award for the best film at Cannes in 2005; 13:05, East of Bucharest<br />

won the Golden Camera award at Cannes, Golden Swan at Copenhagen,<br />

and the Special Prize at the Cottbus Film Festival of Young East European<br />

Cinema in 2006; How I Spent the End of the World was officially selected at<br />

10 prestigious film festivals; California Dreamin' won Prix un certain regard at<br />

the Cannes Film Festival in 2007; 4 Months won Palme d’Or at Cannes, the<br />

Fipresci international critics award, and the best film at the annual European<br />

Film Awards in Berlin in 2007.<br />

The most distributed in Western European countries and the USA,<br />

although not box office successes, are Mungiu’s 4 Months and Puiu’s The<br />

Death of Mr. Lazarescu, which present episodes from Romanian everyday<br />

life in a documentary style. The appearance of “raw reality” seems to appeal<br />

to the foreign audience as an exotic element identifying a place at the border<br />

of the so-called “civilized Europe” somewhere around 2000. International<br />

spectatorship, which either has already or has not yet had any Romanian<br />

experience, (re)considers the image of contemporary Romania through these<br />

cinematic filters, which look realistic and credible. The representation of a

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