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scena<br />

Shoes for Europe, 2002, 16 mm film transfered to DVD, color, sound, approximately 25 min.<br />

acestea, e foarte important sæ ai o instituflie puternicæ în spate care sæ te promoveze,<br />

pentru a putea face faflæ acestei întregi maøinærii de producflie de artæ. Pe de o parte,<br />

DAAD-ul a fost o astfel de instituflie pentru mine, o adeværatæ rampæ de lansare.<br />

Pe de altæ parte, pot spune cæ odatæ intrat acolo, chiar øi dupæ terminarea stipendiilor,<br />

eøti mereu parte a clubului lor. DAAD-ul are, de altfel, o istorie foarte interesantæ,<br />

pentru cæ foarte mulfli din cei care au fost bursieri, practic cam 90%, au ræmas<br />

în Berlin. Astfel a devenit Berlinul pentru mine un oraø „uøor“ øi cred cæ mi-ar fi fost<br />

mult mai greu sæ lucrez la Londra, New York sau Paris.<br />

¬ Într-un fel sau altul chiar ai avut experienfla acestor oraøe, pentru cæ ai expus în<br />

fiecare din ele. Pentru cæ tot veni vorba, aø vrea sæ remarc faptul cæ ai expus foarte<br />

mult în ultimii ani, atît pe continent, cît øi în afara lui. Øi în acest context sînt curios<br />

sæ te întreb dacæ a avut vreo importanflæ faptul cæ vii din Est.<br />

√ Deseori mi se pune aceastæ întrebare. Øi, sincer sæ fiu, mi-e greu sæ dau un ræspuns.<br />

Cert e însæ cæ momentul documenta 11 a fost foarte important, iar Shoes for<br />

Europe, lucrarea pe care am fæcut-o pentru documenta, prezintæ o situaflie specificæ<br />

spafliului estic. Sînt conøtient de faptul cæ spafliul est-european reprezintæ încæ o<br />

resursæ de utilizat pentru a atinge succesul, însæ tind sæ cred cæ interesul occidentalilor<br />

s-a mutat deja mai la est decît ceea ce percepem noi în mod normal ca Est, aøadar<br />

cætre Asia. Tonul a fost dat de factorul economic, iar lucrul acesta este vizibil, de<br />

exemplu, în tîrgurile comerciale. Totuøi, cred øi sper cæ dacæ faci lucræri bune nu conteazæ<br />

locul de unde vii.<br />

¬ Aruncînd un ochi asupra lucrærilor tale din ultimii zece ani, observ o transformare<br />

a temelor abordate. Primele lucræri erau oarecum experimentale, tratau, dacæ îmi dai<br />

voie, expresiile propriei tale subiectivitæfli, multe din ele fiind în acelaøi timp performanceuri<br />

filmate...<br />

artist, because tens or hundreds of galleries activate here, a great<br />

many artists, many well-known names, moving here from all over the<br />

world to build a career or to consolidate one. It’s an <strong>idea</strong>l place for<br />

intersecting with the artists, it’s trendy, but due to these conditions,<br />

it’s very important to be backed-up by a powerful institution promoting<br />

you, in order to face this whole machinery of art production.<br />

On one hand, the DAAD was such an institution for me, a real<br />

launching platform. One the other hand, I can say that once there,<br />

even after the stipends are over, you are always part of their club.<br />

However, the DAAD has a very interesting story, as a great part of<br />

the stipendiary, in fact about 90%, remained in Berlin. This is how<br />

Berlin became an “easy“ city for me and I believe I would have found<br />

it much more difficult to work in London, New York or Paris.<br />

¬ One way or another, you really experienced those cities, as you<br />

exhibited in each and every of them. By the way, I’d like to observe<br />

that you’ve exhibited a lot in the past years, either on the continent<br />

or elsewhere. Within this context, I’d like to know if the fact that<br />

you’re coming from the East had any significance.<br />

√ It’s a question I’m often asked. And, honestly, it’s hard for me to<br />

find an answer. However, it’s a fact that the documenta 11 moment<br />

was very important and Shoes for Europe, my contribution to documenta,<br />

presents a situation specific to the Eastern space. I am aware<br />

of the fact that the East-European space still represents a resource to<br />

be used in achieving success, but I tend to think that the westerners’<br />

interest has already moved more to the East than what we normally<br />

perceive as the East, namely to Asia. The tune was called by the economic<br />

aspect and this is visible, for example, at the commercial fairs.<br />

Nevertheless, I think and I hope that if your work is good, it doesn’t<br />

matter where you’re coming from.<br />

¬ Taking a glimpse at your works in the last ten years, I can observe<br />

a shift in your choice of themes. The first works were kind of experimental,<br />

approaching, if I may say so, the expressions of your own<br />

subjectivity, and many of them were, at the same time, filmed performances…<br />

√ I’m still continuing those experiments, maybe your point is that<br />

they were much related to Moldova...<br />

¬ No, not necessarily, but to me it seems obvious that from a certain<br />

point you started to approach themes with a political-social resonance.<br />

Which are the sources of your reinvestment as a critical artist?<br />

√ Of, course, this is true, there was a point when I became interested<br />

in the political-social themes and this was in strong connection<br />

to the fact that I was already travelling very much in the West.<br />

Nevertheless, I think it was a natural evolution and I haven’t prepared<br />

myself in any way to become a “critical artist“. The experience of<br />

the West puts you very much in the position where you cannot help<br />

but making distinctions and comparing. When you are in the middle<br />

of the events or too close to the picture in front of your eyes, you<br />

can’t perceive everything that is happening.<br />

¬ I related the period of your experimental works to the birth of<br />

the KSAK in Kishinev, since you are one of the initial advocates and<br />

promoters. What I’m trying to say is that the existence of this institution<br />

offered you the freedom to experiment a lot, as the desire to<br />

experiment had been repressed until then by the social-political configurations<br />

and by the limitation of the artistic expression means.<br />

√ You are partially right, but I think it also has to do with the conditions<br />

I was working in. In the mid ’90s, the centre had only one<br />

VHS camera, which you had to wait for in queue in order to use, the<br />

editing table was missing and when you lack the minimum means<br />

which are necessary to create a work, there is the possibility of compensating<br />

through experiment. The situation is different today, when<br />

the problem of the production materials is not so stringent anymore.<br />

On the other side, we were pretty isolated back then... we didn’t<br />

know that what we are trying to do was already ancient history in<br />

the West. Nevertheless, at the time I was invited very often to do<br />

performances, which in fact I really liked doing. For example, I created<br />

many performances in which I was working with paper, as I was<br />


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