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scena<br />

[Portocala mecanicæ]. Atunci mi s-au deschis ochii. E desigur de discutat în ce mæsuræ<br />

se glorificæ în lucræri violenfla sau ea este sublimatæ estetic.<br />

¬ Pe termen lung, nu te calcæ pe nervi cæ lucrærile tale sînt mereu desemnate ca<br />

provocæri?<br />

√ Îngrozitor. Dar n-am ce sæ-i fac, dacæ oamenii nu vor sæ-øi facæ temele øi mæ<br />

împing în colflul æsta.<br />

¬ Încæ de la început au existat nervi øi neînflelegeri. Pot fi acestea puse doar în cîrca<br />

criticilor?<br />

√ Mda, poate cæ am fæcut eu ceva greøit. Spune tu, cu ce ar putea avea de-a face<br />

asta?<br />

¬ Pentru mine, tocmai calitatea e la mijloc.<br />

√ Asta pofli tu sæ spui. Dacæ o zic eu, se cheamæ cæ sînt arogant øi cinic. Pentru<br />

mine, neînflelegerea e parte a vieflii mele, øi îmi træiesc arta. E o dependenflæ. Unii<br />

se agaflæ de ac, alflii beau, eu mæ agæfl de artæ.<br />

¬ Unele dintre neînflelegerile care au pornit de la lucrærile tale au declanøat dezbateri<br />

sociale constante – pentru mine, de mai mare valoare decît receptarea exclusiv<br />

sub punctele de vedere formale, care aterizeazæ în manualele de istoria artei.<br />

√ Living Context. Uneori invidiez artiøtii care îøi picteazæ imaginile izolafli în atelier,<br />

cu puflinæ muzicæ clasicæ pe fundal. Eu am ales cealaltæ pistæ. Orice sculptor invidiazæ<br />

graficienii cu mapele capsate la subrafl, în vreme ce el trebuie sæ manevreze greutæfli<br />

mari. Începe sæ te doaræ spatele, øi multe altele. Dacæ evadezi din ghetoizarea artei,<br />

eøti asociat cu provocarea øi distrugerea. Specialiøtii cu ochelari de cal mi se par grefloøi.<br />

¬ „Stric ce afli stricat voi!“ 7 Pofli sæ începi ceva cu sloganul æsta?<br />

√ Da. Dupæ academie cazi într-un pufl. În 1977, dupæ studii, am plecat cu o bursæ<br />

în Italia. Gæsisem într-un anticariat din Berlin o carte din perioada wilhelmianæ. Acolo<br />

erau încercuite pe o hartæ morminte etrusce. Am cælætorit în Italia cu Fiatul meu 500,<br />

dupæ aceastæ hartæ. Am întîlnit moøieri care se chemau Dante da Bologna øi arætau<br />

ca Jean Gabin. Ajungeam sæ povestim la un vin roøu øi mæ læsau sæ vizitez mormintele.<br />

Au fost træiri minunate, aproape prea frumoase. În tot acest timp, am fæcut mereu<br />

schifle øi desene. Cînd, dupæ aproape un an øi jumætate, m-am întors la Berlin, fiindcæ<br />

se terminaseræ banii, aici începuseræ ocupærile de locuinfle. 8 Sculptura are de-a<br />

face cu spafliul, øi de aici mi-a venit ideea sæ unesc una cu cealaltæ øi sæ le transform<br />

estetic. Voiam sæ fac artæ pentru popor, ca de pildæ în Boeckhstrasse [Strada Boeckh].<br />

Aici nu era nimic de cumpærat, era doar momentul originar al sculpturii.<br />

¬ Te-ai angajat politic în aceastæ perioadæ?<br />

√ Efectele terapiei de grup nu m-au interesat niciodatæ. Singuri fac în pantaloni,<br />

dar împreunæ se simt puternici. Eram solitar, deøi aveam contacte cu colegii de la<br />

Büro Berlin [Biroul Berlin], dar cînd aud de birou mi se face deja ræu.<br />

¬ Acum o întrebare personalæ…<br />

√ … deci nu am probleme de cæsnicie, dacæ la asta te referi.<br />

¬ De cîte mîngîieri ai nevoie, aøa, pe zi?<br />

√ Oh…<br />

¬ Punct sensibil, nu?<br />

√ Nu pot fi niciodatæ destule. În plus, iubesc copiii. Problema e doar cæ nu se<br />

ajunge la nimic mai mult de atît. Viafla ar putea atunci sæ fie, într-adevær, øi mai frumoasæ.<br />

Vii acasæ, te pui în fotoliu, bei o bere, pui mîna pe aparatul de zapat, treci<br />

o datæ peste canale øi ai scæpat de griji. Bref, te amorfleøte. Cel mai bun e fotbalul.<br />

¬ Eøti un artist cunoscut. E adeværat cliøeul cæ trebuie sæ fii un porc pentru a avea<br />

succes?<br />

√ Ææ, acum urmeazæ ciocænelele, capcanele. Încæ o datæ întrebarea, sæ mæ pot<br />

concentra.<br />

¬ Deci aici, în Berlin, eøti un erou…<br />

¬ The aesthetic qualities are those that I presume, otherwise your<br />

works would not function thematically either.<br />

√ Precisely. Just look at these despicable posters: five fingers clench<br />

a fist. One can also paint with the mouth. But it cannot be prohibited<br />

to find a Rothko painting beautiful. There is one very important film<br />

for me, Clockwork Orange. It is then that my eyes have gone unblindfolded.<br />

The degree to which violence is glorified or aesthetically sublimated<br />

in some works remains of course a matter of discussion.<br />

¬ In the long term, isn’t it nerve-wracking that your works are<br />

always designated as provocations?<br />

√ It is, terribly. But I cannot do anything if people don’t want to do<br />

their homework and push me to this corner.<br />

¬ Since the beginning there were nerves and misunderstandings.<br />

Can all this be cast in the critics’ dish?<br />

√ Well, perhaps I did something wrong. You tell me, what could all<br />

this be about?<br />

¬ As for me, it’s about the quality.<br />

√ That’s what you can say. If I were to say it, then I would be called<br />

arrogant and cynical. For me, the misunderstanding is part of my life<br />

and I live my art. It is a dependency. Some are hypes, others drink,<br />

I depend on art.<br />

¬ Some of the misunderstandings which sprang from your works<br />

have brought about constant social debates – which, in my opinion,<br />

outvalue the reception based exclusively on formal points of view,<br />

which land on the Art History textbooks.<br />

√ Living Context. Sometimes I envy the artists that paint their<br />

images isolated in the atelier, a little bit of classical music playing on<br />

the background. I have chosen the other track. Any sculptor envies<br />

the illustrators, with their stapled folders underarm, while he has<br />

to handle large weights. Your back starts to ache and some. If you<br />

escape from art ghettoization, then you are associated with provocation<br />

and destruction. I find the specialists with blinkers on despicable.<br />

¬ “Macht kaputt, was euch kaputt macht!“ 7 Can you begin something<br />

from this slogan?<br />

√ Yes. After the academy one is driven into a corner. In 1977, after<br />

having graduated, I went in Italy with a scholarship. I had found a<br />

book from the Wilhelmine period in a Berlin second-hand bookshop.<br />

Etruscan graves were highlighted on a map from this book. I have<br />

travelled through Italy on my Fiat 500, following this map. I met<br />

landlords called Dante da Bologna and who looked like Jean Gabin.<br />

We got to talk over a glass of red wine and they allowed me to visit<br />

the graves. These were wonderful, almost too beautiful experiences.<br />

During all this time, I have always done sketches and drawings.<br />

When, after almost a year and a half, I came back to Berlin, since<br />

my money was over, there the house occupations had started. 8<br />

Sculpture is about the space, and it is this that gave me the <strong>idea</strong> to<br />

unite them and to transform them aesthetically. I wanted to do art<br />

for the people, like in Boeckhstrasse [Boeckh Street]. There was nothing<br />

to buy there, it was just the original moment of sculpture.<br />

¬ Were you politically committed during this period?<br />

√ I was never interested in the effects of group therapy. By themselves<br />

they wet their pants, but together they feel strong. I was solitary,<br />

although I had contacts with the colleagues from the Büro<br />

Berlin [Berlin Bureau], but I get sick only at hearing about the bureau.<br />

¬ And now a personal question…<br />

√ ... So I don’t have marriage problems, if that’s what you mean.<br />

¬ How many caresses do you need, let’s say in a day?<br />

√ Oh...<br />

¬ Sensitive issue, right?<br />

√ They can never be enough. Besides that, I love children.<br />

The problem is just that things never get further. Life could really be<br />

then even more beautiful. You come home, you lounge in an armchair,<br />

you have a beer, you take the zapping device, you browse the<br />

channels once, and your worries are over. Briefly, it cushions you.<br />

Football is the best.<br />


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