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Subversiune<br />

Interviu cu Olaf Metzel realizat de Marius Babias<br />

OLAF METZEL s-a næscut în 1952 la Berlin, træieøte øi lucreazæ la München. A studiat la Academia de Arte<br />

din Berlin. A avut prima expoziflie personalæ în Berlinul de Vest în 1982 øi a participat la expoziflii importante<br />

precum Documenta VIII (1987), Skulpturprojekte Münster (1987, 1997), Bienala de la Sydney (1990), Bienala<br />

de la Istanbul (1995), Bienala de la São Paulo (2002). Lucrærile sale din spafliul public ocupæ un loc major<br />

în cadrul artei germane contemporane. Materialele cu care lucreazæ în principal includ ciment, metal øi plastic,<br />

precum øi obiecte produse în masæ. Din 1990, Metzel este profesor la Academia de Arte din München;<br />

între 1995 øi 1999 a fost øi rector al aceleiaøi academii. A primit premiile Arnold-Bode-Preis în 1994 øi Darmstädter<br />

Kunstpreis în 1996.<br />

Marius Babias ¬ Cum te simfli cînd te reîntorci la Berlin? Særufli pe aeroportul Tegel<br />

pæmîntul oraøului tæu natal?<br />

Olaf Metzel √ O, Doamne. Am trecut pe aici destul de des, însæ Berlinul e ca<br />

întotdeauna: dupæ trei zile – ajunge. Am plecat în 1987. Era o ieøire bunæ dupæ lucrarea<br />

de pe Ku’damm 1 , 13.4.81. De atunci am revenit doar ca turist intensiv. Însæ<br />

dupæ trei zile sînt iaræøi în avion. Situaflia s-a schimbat, astfel încît tofli artiøtii stipendiafli<br />

din Est au venit aici. Înainte exista încæ zidul acela comod øi cînd mergeai spre Germania<br />

de Vest aveai senzaflia cæ vii de pe frontul de est. Cred cæ azi lucrurile nu stau<br />

cu mult altfel.<br />

¬ Sculptura ta din garduri metalice suprapuse, 13.4.81, din cadrul expozifliei<br />

berlineze Skulpturenboulevard [Bulevardul Sculpturilor] a declanøat un val de indignare.<br />

Se vedea în ea o manifestare de simpatie faflæ de „huliganii autonomi“. 2 Senatul<br />

berlinez condus de primarul Eberhard Diepgen a dispus îndepærtarea sculpturii øi, la<br />

puflin timp, te-ai refugiat la Roma øi, mai apoi, la München – de frustrare sau de fricæ?<br />

√ Spusesem deja de dinainte cæ plec, însæ n-a crezut nimeni. La Roma mi-a fost<br />

clar: în mænæstirea aia gri nu mæ mai întorc.<br />

¬ Øi aceastæ decizie n-avea nimic de-a face cu controversele privind lucrarea?<br />

√ Nuu, ele erau deja parte a lucrærii încæ de la punerea în scenæ øi de la idee. Mæ<br />

interesa manipularea prin intermediul mass-mediei. Doar øi tu, dupæ aceastæ discuflie,<br />

manipulezi totul aøa cum îfli convine. Æsta-i un hobby al jurnaliøtilor. Pe atunci,<br />

chiar înainte de alegeri, fusese lansatæ în mass-media øtirea falsæ cum cæ teroristul<br />

Sigurd Debus 3 ar fi murit în greva foamei, iar demonstraflia violentæ din 13.4.’81 ar<br />

fi fost o reacflie la asta. Aceastæ conexiune voiam s-o surprind, într-o formæ modificatæ.<br />

Lucrarea a fost ræsturnatæ perpendicular de cætre mass-media. Ecourilor<br />

acestora trebuia sæ le faci faflæ; erau, ca sæ zic aøa, parte a punerii în scenæ.<br />

¬ Aøadar, mass-media s-a simflit provocatæ?<br />

√ E relevant cum a fost discutatæ aceastæ lucrare în Tagesspiegel, de exemplu. Celelalte<br />

sculpturi au fost tratate pe larg, în timp ce lucrarea mea, în ultimul paragraf, a<br />

fost declaratæ, mai mult sau mai puflin, o græmadæ de gunoi. Cicæ n-ar avea nimic<br />

de-a face cu arta øi nu ar putea sæ fie inclusæ în foileton. Am primit foarte multe mesaje<br />

semnate de la fani, dupæ lozinca: „În camera de gazare!“. Dupæ aceste reacflii, trebuia<br />

sæ trag concluzia cæ berlinezul de rînd are 60 de ani øi-i apucat de-a binelea.<br />

Lucrarea a fost apreciatæ internaflional, doar aici n-a fost înfleleasæ.<br />

¬ Te-a enervat faptul cæ sculpturile lui Matschinsky-Denninghoff øi Vostell au fost<br />

cumpærate, iar a ta nu?<br />


Interview with Olaf Metzel Realized by Marius Babias<br />

OLAF METZEL was born in 1952 in Berlin, is based in Munich. He studied<br />

at the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts. He had his first solo exhibition in West<br />

Berlin in 1982 and participated in major exhibitions such as Documenta<br />

VIII (1987), Skulpturprojekte Münster (1987, 1997), Sydney Biennale (1990),<br />

Istanbul Biennial (1995), São Paulo Biennale (2002). His outdoor works are<br />

among the most important produced by contemporary German artists.<br />

His principal materials include concrete, metal and plastic, as well as<br />

mass-produced everyday objects. Since 1990, Metzel has been professor<br />

at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts; from 1995 to 1999, he also served<br />

as rector at the same academy. He is the recipient of Arnold-Bode-Preis<br />

1994 and Darmstädter Kunstpreis 1996.<br />

Marius Babias ¬ How do you feel when you return to Berlin? Do you<br />

kiss your hometown native land on Tegel Airport?<br />

Olaf Metzel √ O, Lord. I have been here often enough; yet, Berlin is<br />

the same: after three days – it’s enough. I left in 1987. It was a good<br />

exit after the work on Ku’damm 1 , 4.13.81. Since then I have come<br />

back only as intensive tourist. But after three days I’m back again on<br />

the airplane. The situation has changed, so that all the subventionartists<br />

from the East have come here. Before there still was that comfortable<br />

wall, so when you were going towards Western Germany<br />

you were having the feeling of coming from the eastern front. I think<br />

that today, things are not much different.<br />

¬ Your sculpture of superposed metallic fences, 4.13.81, comprised<br />

in the Berliner exhibition Skulpturenboulevard [Sculptures<br />

Boulevard] stirred up an indignation wave. One can see in it a display<br />

of sympathy towards the “autonomous hooligans“. 2 The Berliner Senate<br />

ruled by the mayor Eberhard Diepgen had enjoined the removal<br />

of the sculpture and, shortly after, you retreated to Rome and then<br />

to Munich – was it out of frustration or fear?<br />

√ Before that I had already said that I would leave, but nobody<br />

believed it. In Rome things were clear for me: I’m not going to go<br />

back to that grey monastery.<br />

¬ And this decision had nothing to do with the controversies<br />

regarding your work?<br />

√ Boo, they were already a part of the work ever since the enactment<br />

and the <strong>idea</strong>. I was interested in the manipulation through the<br />

media. You too, after this discussion, you manipulate everything as<br />

you’re pleased. That’s a journalists’ hobby. Back then, just before the<br />

elections, the false news that the terrorist Sigurd Debus 3 would have<br />

died during hunger strike had been launched in the media, and the<br />

violent demonstration from the 4.13.81 would have been a reaction<br />

to this. It is this connection that I wanted to catch, in a modified<br />

form. The work was perpendicularly reversed by the mass-media.<br />

So these echoes were to be dealt with; they were, so to speak, part<br />

of the stage.<br />

¬ So did the media feel challenged?<br />

√ It is relevant how this work was discussed upon in Tagesspiegel,<br />

for instance. The other sculptures were commented on expansively,<br />

while my work, in the last paragraph, was declared to be, more or<br />

less, a scrap heap. It would have nothing to do with art and couldn’t<br />

possibly have been included in the feuilleton. I got very many signed<br />

MARIUS BABIAS a studiat literatura øi øtiinflele politice la Freie Universität din Berlin. Este autorul cærflilor Herbstnacht<br />

[Noapte de toamnæ] (1990), Ich war dabei, als… [Eram acolo, cînd...] (2001) øi Ware Subjektivität (2002)<br />

(trad. rom.: Subiectivitatea-marfæ. O povestire teoreticæ, Cluj, Idea Design & Print, 2004), Berlin. Die Spur der<br />

Revolte. Kunstentwicklung und Geschichspolitik im Neuen Berlin (2006) (trad. rom.: Urma revoltei. Arta øi politica<br />

istoriei în noul Berlin, Cluj, Idea Design & Print, 2006).<br />

MARIUS BABIAS studied literature and political science at the Freie<br />

Universität in Berlin. Babias is the author of Herbstnacht (1990), Ich war<br />

dabei, als... (2001), Ware Subjektivität (2002) and Berlin. Die Spur der<br />

Revolte. Kunstentwicklung und Geschichspolitik im Neuen Berlin (2006).<br />


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