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scena<br />

mare acuratefle, curatorul argentinian Jorge Glusberg aræta deja acum treizeci de<br />

ani, forfla vizionaræ nu a pierdut pînæ acum din caracterul sæu subversiv: „dacæ dorim<br />

sæ cercetæm ce este mai profund øi mai de prefl în experienflele lui Lamelas, e necesar<br />

sæ ne situæm în afara standardelor impuse de conotafliile øi codurile instituflionalizate<br />

øi condiflionate cultural, precum øi a tradifliei cu valoare de mærturie […]. Lamelas<br />

depæøeøte sistematic aceste coduri øi, chiar mai mult, el depæøeøte folosirea folosirii<br />

instrumentelor pe care le foloseøte“. Concret, pentru cineast aceasta semnificæ renunflarea<br />

la narafliunea liniaræ, abandonarea suspansului în creøtere, experimentarea pe<br />

larg a interrelafliilor neconvenflionale între partea vizualæ øi coloana sonoræ, alegerea<br />

unor unghiuri de filmare extreme, cum ar fi prim-planuri luate de la depærtare sau<br />

perspective surprinse de sus, printre altele, ale unor zone periferice ale Berlinului,<br />

nespectaculoase, dar interesante din punct de vedere urbanistic, dezvæluirea<br />

elocventæ a tæieturilor de montaj, pentru a pomeni doar cele mai frapante dintre<br />

strategiile lui Lamelas. Dar aceastæ deconstrucflie a convenfliilor semantice imanente<br />

filmului nu se petrece de dragul analizei structurale, ci în scopul unui efect direct<br />

asupra privitorului, pentru a-i permite spectatorului sæ perceapæ øi sæ conøtientizeze<br />

schimbærile prin intermediul unor factori de iritare imediafli øi neaøteptafli. În mod<br />

ironic, aceastæ situaflie nu l-a împiedicat pe Lamelas sæ fie reprezentat periodic în<br />

instituflii consacrate precum Whitney Museum din New York sau Festivalul de Film<br />

de la Berlin, dovedind atît calitatea extrem de subversivæ, cît øi cea avangardistæ a<br />

operei sale.<br />

Tempus agere est – Sankt Gallen (2007) e cel mai recent film al lui Lamelas din<br />

cadrul proiectului Time As Activity, un film pe 16 mm creat în strînsæ colaborare<br />

the equation of time equals labour equals resource. But if Lamelas<br />

decides on a thematic level to film, for example, the street corner<br />

of a subway station in New York, the immediate common determinate<br />

of labour is not given, but rather arbitrary and simultaneously<br />

highly multifaceted. If we want to understand and appreciate David<br />

Lamelas’ “pragmatic“ conceptualism, we have to let us carried away<br />

by the beauty of structural simplicity. As the Argentinean curator<br />

Jorge Glusberg accurately pointed out already some 30 years ago,<br />

the visionary strength hasn’t lost of its subversiveness to date:<br />

“if we wish to delve into what is deepest and most valuable in<br />

Lamelas’ experiences, it is necessary to place ourselves outside<br />

the standards imposed by the institutionalized and culturally conditioned<br />

connotations and codes, as well as the tradition of a testimonial<br />

value. . . . Lamelas systematically oversteps those codes, and<br />

what is more, he oversteps the usage of the usage of the technical<br />

instruments which he uses.“ Concretely, for the filmmaker this<br />

signifies the abnegation of a linear storyline, the surrender of<br />

an arch of suspense, the experimental in extension unconventional<br />

interrelations between visual track and sound track, the choice of<br />

extreme camera angles like long-run close-ups or bird’s eye view<br />

of rather unspectacular, but on an urbanistic level interesting, peripheral<br />

areas of Berlin among others, the indicatory disclosure of the<br />

cutting edit, to mention only the most striking of Lamelas’ strategies.<br />

But this deconstruction of film-immanent semantic conventions are<br />

not undertaken for the sake of structural analysis, but with the goal<br />

of a direct effect on the viewer, to allow the spectator to perceive<br />

and get aware of the alternations by immediate and unexpected<br />

irritation factors. Ironically, this circumstance didn’t hinder Lamelas<br />

to be periodically represented in established institutions like the<br />


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