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David Lamelas<br />

tempus agere est – St. Gallen, 2007, 16 mm film, 13 min, Courtesy: Jan Mot Gallery, Bruxelles Gallery – Maccarone, New York – Sprüth Magers Gallery – Munich/London, photo: Simon Jaquemet<br />

aspectelor lingvistice ale timpului: Lamelas anticipeazæ intuitiv ceea ce George<br />

Lakoff øi Mark Johnson au demonstrat în mod strælucit în analiza lor din Metaphors<br />

We Live By [Metafore prin care træim]; oricum, academicienii au formulat doar dupæ<br />

un deceniu ceea ce artistul cerceta de ceva vreme prin propriile sale instrumente.<br />

În orice caz, Lakoff øi Johnson formuleazæ surprinzætor de exact ceea ce Lamelas<br />

face la nivel vizual, øi asta færæ sæ fi øtiut unii de ceilalfli. Din moment ce timpul poate<br />

fi cuantificat în termenii muncii, iar de obicei, într-o societate industrialæ, chiar aøa<br />

se întîmplæ, obflinem fundamentul metaforei „TIME AS RESOURCE“ [„TIMPUL CA<br />

RESURSÆ“]:<br />

TIMPUL e un fel de SUBSTANfiÆ (abstractæ)<br />

Poate fi cuantificat destul de precis<br />

Îi poate fi atribuitæ o valoare per unitate<br />

Serveøte un anume scop<br />

Se epuizeazæ progresiv pe mæsuræ ce-øi serveøte scopul. 1<br />

Cuvintele în italice aratæ clar cæ nofliunea noastræ de timp se defineøte prin activitate,<br />

în general legatæ de muncæ, fapt ce poate fi rezumat în ecuaflia: timpul egal muncæ<br />

egal resursæ. Dar dacæ Lamelas hotæræøte, la nivel tematic, sæ filmeze, de pildæ, colflul<br />

stræzii unei staflii de metrou din New York, determinantul comun imediat al muncii<br />

nu este unul dat, ci mai degrabæ arbitrar øi, simultan, extrem de multifafletat. Dacæ<br />

dorim sæ înflelegem øi sæ apreciem conceptualismul „pragmatic“ al lui David Lamelas,<br />

trebuie sæ ne læsæm purtafli de frumuseflea simplitæflii structurale. Aøa cum, cu<br />

them. In order to define an elapsed time period, we commonly set<br />

a beginning and an end to this purpose. Primal to the replication of<br />

this procedure do we only then sense somehow the <strong>idea</strong> of duration.<br />

Lamelas’ films of the series Time As Activity, lasting between 10 and<br />

55 minutes, are composed by several sequences from a few seconds<br />

to a 4 minutes duration, each of them marked at the beginning<br />

and the end of the moment it has been recorded, for example<br />

“Düsseldorf, 4:31 p.m.“ The artist’s investigating our notion of time<br />

examines the intersections as well as the contradictions intrinsic to<br />

its definition, partly caused by the visual, partly by the linguistic<br />

constituents. Let us draw our attention first to the linguistic aspects<br />

of time: Lamelas intuitively anticipates what George Lakoff and<br />

Mark Johnson brilliantly demonstrated in their analysis Metaphors<br />

We Live By; however, it was only a decade later that the academicians<br />

formulated what the artist was already researching in for quite<br />

a while with his own tools. In any case, Lakoff and Johnson formulate<br />

strikingly well what Lamelas does on the visual level and this<br />

is without knowing from each other. Since time can be quantified<br />

in terms of labour and it usually is, in an industrial society, we get<br />

the basis for the “TIME AS RESOURCE“ metaphor:<br />

TIME is a kind of (abstract) SUBSTANCE<br />

Can be quantified fairly precisely<br />

Can be assigned a value per unit<br />

Serves a purposeful end<br />

Is used up progressively as it serves its purposed. 1<br />

The words in italics clearly show that our notion of time is defined<br />

by activity broadly related to labour, and which is summed up in<br />


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