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galerie<br />

øi Bulgariei cu privire la proprietatea intelectualæ a articolelor militare.<br />

În mod evident, Dl I., o persoanæ rezonabilæ, între douæ vîrste, nu dorea<br />

sæ pericliteze încurcatele dispute vorbind cu un artist care, la întrebarea<br />

sa: „Dar de ce væ intereseazæ pe dumneavoastræ – care nu sîntefli<br />

jurnalist – aceastæ chestiune?!“, a oferit un ræspuns destul de ciudat: „Pentru<br />

cæ sînt obiønuit sæ citesc despre dispute privind proprietatea intelectualæ<br />

în cazul unei cærfli sau al unei partituri muzicale, însæ niciodatæ în<br />

cazul unei arme, despre care se spune cæ ar fi cea mai popularæ din toate<br />

timpurile“. În cele din urmæ, Dl I. a fost de acord cu cererea mea øi<br />

mi-a acordat un interviu de un minut. Apoi, cu titlu neoficial, a vorbit<br />

mai bine de o oræ despre cum studiase în Uniunea Sovieticæ øi cît de<br />

mult admira calitatea producfliei militare ruseøti. A mai spus øi cæ lucra<br />

de decenii în fabrica „A…I“, la început ca inginer, iar apoi ca director<br />

general. Principala sa preocupare era acum aceea de a pæstra slujbele<br />

celor 5.500 de angajafli ai sæi, care produc øi multe articole civile, cum<br />

ar fi echipament CNC.<br />

Dupæ interviu, am accesat site-ul firmei øi am gæsit o listæ completæ a armelor<br />

de asalt pe care ea le producea, fiecare fiind însoflitæ de fotografii.<br />

Am cerut niøte imagini de o calitate mai bunæ pentru a le folosi în cadrul<br />

proiectului meu øi, dupæ o atentæ selecflie, departamentul de design al<br />

fabricii mi-a trimis un CD, pe 19 decembrie 2006, conflinînd o duzinæ<br />

de mostre cu o înaltæ rezoluflie, acoperind parflial producflia lor de arme<br />

de asalt AR. Din pæcate, cele pe care mi le doream cel mai mult erau<br />

socotite „prea controversate“ pentru a fi folosite în maniera propusæ de<br />

mine, în ciuda faptului cæ erau expuse public pe site. „Nu vrem sæ-i<br />

supæræm pe ruøi cu proiectul dumneavoastræ, nu-i aøa?“ a spus Dl I., iar<br />

eu a trebuit sæ fiu de acord cu el. Pe urmæ am angajat douæ tinere øi talentate<br />

artiste pentru a face douæsprezece desene în mærime naturalæ ale<br />

puøtilor AR, folosind ca punct de reper imaginile mai puflin controversate.<br />

Le-a luat fetelor douæ luni pentru a termina treaba.<br />

De asemenea, Dl I. a fost îndeajuns de amabil sæ mæ ajute sæ-mi ilustrez<br />

poziflia încæ øi mai bine, aranjînd sæ cumpær douæ arme de colecflie<br />

AK-47 autentice, din anii ’60, scoase însæ din uz (una dintre ele cu pat<br />

metalic rabatabil), într-unul dintre cele mai mari magazine de arme din<br />

Sofia. Din nefericire, tehnica prin care aceste arme fuseseræ scoase din<br />

uz – descrisæ întocmai în certificatul oficial care le însoflea – a fost consideratæ<br />

necorespunzætoare de cætre autoritæflile italiene, care cereau folosirea<br />

unor alte proceduri de scoatere din uz pentru armele de asalt. A<br />

trebuit sæ renunfl la ideea de a exporta puøtile AK-47 øi am hotærît sæ<br />

cumpær una din Italia. Ca urmare, ceea ce vedefli aici e un AK-47 fabricat<br />

în România care provine dintr-un magazin italian øi care posedæ un<br />

ciudat mîner suplimentar, ceea ce nu mæ deranjeazæ cîtuøi de puflin.<br />

În paralel cu aceastæ activitate desfæøuratæ în Bulgaria, fæceam încercæri<br />

disperate de a intra în contact cu partea rusæ. Pe 21 noiembrie 2006,<br />

acelaøi adjunct al ministrului culturii a scris o scrisoare oficialæ adresatæ<br />

ambasadei ruse de la Sofia, solicitînd o întrevedere în care sæ discut aceastæ<br />

chestiune cu un reprezentant al guvernului. Eram la Miami cînd am primit<br />

vestea proastæ de la adjunctul ministrului, cum cæ, într-o scrisoare<br />

datatæ 5 decembrie 2006, ambasada rusæ declinase cererea de a stabili<br />

intellectual property disputes over a book or a musical score, but never over a<br />

weapon, reportedly the most popular of all time.” Eventually, Mr. I. agreed to my<br />

request and gave a one-minute interview. Then, off the record, he spoke for more<br />

than an hour about how he had studied in the Soviet Union and how he admired<br />

the quality of Russian military production. He also spoke about having worked in<br />

that “A...l” factory for decades, first as an engineer and later as director-general.<br />

His main concern now was how to sustain the jobs of his 5,500 employees, who<br />

also produce many civilian products such as CNC equipment.<br />

After the interview, I went to the firm’s website and found a complete list of the<br />

assault rifles they were producing with photographs of each one. I requested<br />

a few better quality images to use in my project and, after a careful selection, the<br />

factory’s design department sent me a CD on December 19, 2006, with a dozen<br />

high-resolution samples partially covering their output of AR assault rifles.<br />

Unfortunately, the ones I most wanted were deemed “too controversial” to be<br />

used in the way I suggested, despite the fact they were publicly shown on the<br />

website. “We don’t want to piss the Russians off with your project, right?” said<br />

Mr. I. and I had to agree with him. I then hired two skilful young artists to make<br />

twelve life-size drawings of the AR rifles, using the less controversial images<br />

as a reference. It took the girls two months to finish the job.<br />

Mr. I. was also kind enough to help me illustrate my point even better by arranging<br />

for me to buy two real but inoperative 1960s vintage AK-47s (one of them<br />

with a folded metal butt) at one of the biggest arms shops in Sofia. Unfortunately,<br />

the disarming technique carried out on these rifles – precisely described in the<br />

official certificate that came with them – was found unacceptable by the Italian<br />

authorities who mandated other disarming procedures for assault rifles. I had to<br />

then give up the <strong>idea</strong> of exporting the AK-47s and decided to buy one in Italy.<br />

Consequently here you see a Romanian made AK-47 that comes from an Italian<br />

shop and which has a weird additional handle, all of which I can live with.<br />

Parallel to all this Bulgarian activity, I was desperately trying to make contact with<br />

the Russian side. On November 21, 2006, the same deputy minister of culture<br />

wrote an official letter to the Russian embassy in Sofia, requesting an appointment<br />

for me to discuss the issue with a government representative. I was in Miami when<br />

I got the bad news from the deputy minister that in a letter dated December 5,<br />

2006, the Russian embassy had declined to set up a meeting for me. Later, back<br />

in Sofia, I addressed the same request to a high-ranking person (a lady again)<br />

from the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also soliciting the help of a curator<br />

(yet another lady) working for the ministry. Politely and diplomatically, I was told<br />

about negotiations going on right then on the same subject and how such a letter<br />

focused on my own project would be deemed entirely inappropriate by the<br />

Russian embassy. “Can I mention in my story that you are anxious to approach the<br />

Russians?” I asked the Foreign Office lady. “I’d rather you didn’t”, was the answer.<br />

I was then introduced to a successful businesswoman who was seriously involved<br />

with Russia and, in fact, had the right connections. She kindly took up my cause<br />

and finally managed to talk with the Russian ambassador about my project. Even<br />

though he didn’t refuse outright to help me, it was still not quite clear if I could<br />

really meet someone from their side. At last, thanks to a native Russian (another<br />


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