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Descarcă revista în format PDF - idea


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IDEA publishing house was born as a theoretical and practical project at the same time. Committed to publishing texts<br />

as implements of reflection upon the artistic, the social, and the political, the editorial staff started with a clear set of minimum<br />

goals: the translation into Romanian of major texts of contemporary philosophy and recent theory of art. By this,<br />

IDEA aims to insert into the Romanian public debates interrogations which are exemplary for the world we live in. However,<br />

this means more than “importing” certain “<strong>idea</strong>s”. By promoting a certain type of writing – that in which the language<br />

experimentally but rigorously explores its logical and expressive resources – the publishing house intends to refresh,<br />

by the very gesture of translation or through original texts, the critical (i.e. philosophical) idiom of Romanian. In other words,<br />

to orient our possibilities of thinking toward the criticality of what happens to us today.<br />

Accepting its condition as a small, non-commercial publishing house, IDEA has, since 2001, run two series – Balcon and<br />

Panopticon. Providing important guiding marks for mapping the realm of modern and contemporary arts, the first series<br />

includes such authors as Benjamin, Barthes, de Duve, Flusser, Groys, Babias, Lovink, Lacoue-Labarthe or materials on the<br />

work of artists as Joseph Beuys. For the first time in the Romanian public space, contemporary art theory is brought along<br />

in a coherent and meaningful fashion. In this way, the elucidative and analytical potential of art theory provides a conceptual<br />

toolbox useful to both theorists and artists.<br />

In the second series, by publishing thinkers such as Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze, Lyotard, J.-L. Nancy, G. Granel, Sloterdijk,<br />

Baudrillard, G. M. Tamás, Agamben, Arendt, we would like not only to connect the reader to the “avant-garde” of contemporary<br />

philosophical thought, but also to provide the public with major readings of questions burdening our contemporary<br />

societies: power and the political, the predicaments of representation and historicity, the fall of communism, the crisis of<br />

academia, globalization, (post)modernity, nihilism, etc.<br />

Last, but not least, with its recent series the publishing house has also committed itself to the production of applied critical<br />

discourses, taking as its starting point the present political situations and intellectual contexts – a simultaneously global<br />

and local theoretical endeavour. These new collections, consisting of books still in preparation, will operate under titles<br />

such as Refracflii [Refractions] – dedicated to cultural and socio-political analyses in situ; Praxis – dealing with the exploration<br />

of the concrete strategies of progressive political struggle all over the world; and, finally, Public – covering the various<br />

modalities of artistic-democratic self-production of public space in Romania.<br />

www.<strong>idea</strong>editura.ro<br />

www.<strong>idea</strong>magazine.ro<br />


M. Foucault, J. Derrida: Geniul ræu<br />

J. Derrida, B. Stiegler:<br />

Ecografii. Despre televiziune<br />

Walter Benjamin: Jurnalul moscovit<br />

Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe:<br />

Ficfliunea politicului. Heidegger, arta øi politica<br />

M. Foucault: Securitate, teritoriu, populaflie<br />

A. Badiou: Manifest pentru filosofie<br />


Michel Foucault:<br />

Naøterea biopoliticii<br />

14 × 23 cm, 324 pag.<br />

29 RON<br />

Jacques Aumont, Alain Bergala,<br />

Michel Marie, Marc Vernet:<br />

Estetica filmului<br />

14 × 23 cm, 232 pag.<br />

35 RON<br />

Giorgio Agamben:<br />

Starea de excepflie<br />

14 × 23 cm<br />

Horst Bredekamp:<br />

Nostalgia Antichitæflii<br />

øi cultul maøinilor<br />

14 × 23 cm<br />

Boris Groys:<br />

Topologia aurei<br />

øi alte eseuri<br />

14 × 23 cm<br />

IDEA artæ + societate #23, 2006<br />

20 RON<br />

IDEA artæ + societate #24, 2006<br />

20 RON<br />

IDEA artæ + societate #25, 2006<br />

20 RON<br />

IDEA artæ + societate #26, 2007<br />

20 RON

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