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ecologiste, feministe, gay sau queer) sînt uluitoare. Sînt promiflætoare mai ales<br />

ideile – pe cale de a se materializa – legate de scoaterea de sub sfera de<br />

influenflæ a pieflei a cyberspafliului øi a drepturilor de autor.<br />

Evident, nu vreau sæ aøtept revoluflia mondialæ færæ a contribui, cît pot, la<br />

îmbunætæflirea condifliei maselor muncitoare din Europa de Est – lucru pe<br />

care prietenii mei de extremæ stîngæ nu-l privesc, de altminteri, cu ochi<br />

buni.<br />

Cu alte cuvinte, politica inevitabilæ – combinaflia revoluflionarismului øi a<br />

reformismului (chiar dacæ pentru presa de azi „reformæ“ înseamnæ numai<br />

reformele neoliberale-neoconservatoare, prin acest termen eu am în<br />

vedere numai reformismul social-democrat) – e dublæ. Ea presupune<br />

douæ straturi, deci e contradictorie. Ea nu poate evita autoiluzionarea øi inducerea<br />

în eroare decît dacæ este rediscutatæ øi reevaluatæ în permanenflæ. Evident,<br />

aceastæ discuflie nu poate fi nici mæcar propusæ celor care consideræ<br />

pînæ øi cele mai minimale mæsuri de bunæstare socialæ, antidiscriminatorii sau<br />

de protecflie a mediului ca fiind „pomanæ“, „risipæ“, „dædæcealæ“, „demagogie“<br />

– în stilul elitist øi antidemocratic obiønuit, adicæ disprefluind poporul.<br />

Fireøte, øtiu cæ aceastæ politicæ dublæ, agravatæ de uøorul grotesc al regæsirii<br />

perspectivelor radicale în zone reacflionare, e o întreprindere riscantæ. Pe<br />

de o parte, ea poate læsa impresia cæ strædanii cît se poate de concrete sînt<br />

numai pur <strong>idea</strong>lism, iar, pe de alta, ea poate fi pur øi simplu topitæ în uzina<br />

culturalæ.<br />

Horkheimer øi Adorno scriu în Dialectica iluminismului (1944/’47): „În<br />

sfera publicæ a zilelor noastre nu poate fi lansatæ nicio nemulflumire în al cærei<br />

ton cei subtili sæ nu fi desluøit deja posibilitatea de a ajunge la un compromis<br />

cu cel revoltat“. Existæ însæ øi imagini mai directe ale acestei stæri de fapt.<br />

Walter Benjamin spune: „Radicalismul de stînga e o atitudine care nu mai<br />

corespunde niciunei acfliuni politice. El se aflæ la stînga nu faflæ de cutare sau<br />

cutare orientare politicæ, ci, în general, faflæ de tot ce e posibil. Iar asta fiindcæ<br />

de la bun început el se stræduieøte sæ se bucure de sine însuøi într-un calm<br />

negativist. Transformarea luptei politice din modalitate a obflinerii, prin presiune,<br />

a unei decizii într-un obiect al delectærii, din mijloc de producflie în<br />

obiect de consum – iatæ ultimul ølagær al acestei literaturi“ („Melancolie de<br />

stînga“, 1931). Aceastæ soartæ înfricoøætoare trebuie deci evitatæ. În Europa<br />

de Est, unica modalitate de a face acest lucru trece prin solidaritatea<br />

condiflionatæ faflæ de reformele egalitariste, participarea la munca realæ a sindicatelor<br />

øi sprijinirea noilor miøcæri sociale. Doamne iartæ-mæ, dar aici intræ<br />

øi dialogul critic cu social-democraflii de dreapta. Nu gustul radical e interesant,<br />

ci programul radical.<br />

Temerilor reale formulate de cei care îøi fac griji în privinfla echilibrului bugetar<br />

øi, în general, a stabilitæflii li se pot opune douæ gînduri foarte serioase.<br />

Primul e doar o întrebare: stabilitate – pentru cine? János Kis pare sæ audæ<br />

aici „rîsetul batjocoritor demn de Marx“, dar eu nu sînt atît de senin. Nu<br />

avem motive de exaltare cînd spunem ræspicat: stabilitatea, din multe<br />

puncte de vedere dezirabilæ, nu serveøte în mod egal interesele tuturor, pentru<br />

a formula lucrurile doar pe øoptite øi cu precauflie. Calea de ieøire din<br />

criza mondialæ – care are ca una dintre cauzele ei principale exploatarea<br />

„Lumii a Treia“ øi rezistenfla împotriva acestei exploatæri – nu e neapærat<br />

pæzirea feroce, dar færæ speranflæ, a stabilitæflii economice europene (claustrarea<br />

în grotescul microcosmos al ortodoxismului pieflei øi al xenofobiei<br />

terorizate de invazia stræinilor). În Occident øi în „Lumea a Treia“, existæ mulfli<br />

care væd deja asta; politiceøte vorbind, acesta e motivul reînvierii de proporflii<br />

with those who term each slightly progressive, welfare, anti-discriminative, or<br />

environmental measure “handout”, “paternalism”, or “demagogy” in a deeply<br />

cynical, elitist, and antidemocratic manner.<br />

Of course, I am quite aware of the risks of this double politics, paired with the<br />

slightly grotesque image of a radical viewpoint in a reactionary area. On the<br />

one hand, such politics could present real endeavors as being mere illusions,<br />

while on the other it can simply melt into the great cultural industry.<br />

Horkheimer and Adorno wrote in The Dialectic of the Enlightenment (1944/47):<br />

“In the public sphere of present-day society there is no room for complains in<br />

which the politicians of great subtlety would not identify the elements that can<br />

make the protesters arrive at a compromise with them.” But one can see things<br />

even darker. According to Walter Benjamin (“Left-Wing Melancholy”, 1931):<br />

“Left-wing radicalism is an attitude no longer compatible with any political<br />

action. It is not left of this or that political trend; it is left of anything possible.<br />

From the very beginning it has been doing nothing but bathing in negativistic<br />

complacency. The trans<strong>format</strong>ion of political struggle from a means for forcing<br />

decisions, into an object of entertainment, from means of production into commodity<br />

– this is the last refrain of this type of literature.” Well, this is the terrifying<br />

fate we must avoid; in Central-Eastern-Europe, the only way of doing this is<br />

the conditional solidarity with equalitarian reforms, the participation in the<br />

activity of the trade unions, the support of new social movements, and, God<br />

forbid, even the critical dialogue with the right-wing social democrats. Not the<br />

radical taste is interesting, but the radical programs.<br />

There are two grave things that can be opposed to those rightly concerned<br />

about budgetary balance and stability in general. One of them is a question:<br />

stability – for whom? János Kis seems to hear “the fleer worthy of Karl Marx”,<br />

yet I am far less merry than that. There is no reason for triumph; especially<br />

if we consider that stability – necessary in many respects – is not in the best<br />

interest of everyone, to put things carefully. The way out of the global crisis<br />

– triggered by the exploitation of the “Third World” and the revolt against this<br />

exploitation – is not the otherwise hopeless defense of the European economic<br />

stability (which is a refuge into the hideous microcosm of market orthodoxy<br />

and terrified xenophobia). The number of those in the West and in the “Third<br />

World” who recognize this fact constantly grows; this is the political reason<br />

behind the spectacular (especially cultural and scientific) resurrection of<br />

Marxism in Europe, Latin America, India, Japan, and (semi-legally, of course)<br />

in China. (This is a collective enterprise; Marxism is not “my” whim; its results<br />

are nowadays very significant, even if only a few seem to notice this in Hungary.)<br />

The other thing: the situation must change. The dilemma is not whether heedless<br />

agitators (like me) can disturb the (inexistent) idyllic peace of the heaven<br />

of market-capitalist orthodoxy. The dilemma is whether the dissatisfied society<br />

(its class interest and in its national pride injured) will choose a way out<br />

through revolutionary, or counter-revolutionary politics. Let us face the truth:<br />

the revolt against the present, unbearable situation (cf. “the economy does<br />

great!”) fuels the energies of the right in Eastern Europe (and here only).<br />

See the situation in Slovakia, the triumph of the Kaczynski twins, the rise of<br />

clericalism and chauvinism in Central Europe and the Balkans, and the most<br />

dangerous of all: on the entire territory of the former Soviet Union. The chief<br />

conflict here is not between the status quo and the equalitarian reforms, even<br />

if this is perhaps regrettable; the question is whether the movements that<br />

point to the way out from the capitalist system will take the direction of emancipation<br />

or that of dictatorship.<br />


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