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verso: revoluflii în oglindæ (mirroring revolutions)<br />

(A susfline contrarul e o exagerare grosolanæ pînæ øi în condifliile capitalismului<br />

tîrziu.) Sistemele motivaflionale se schimbæ odatæ cu transformærile<br />

economice øi sociale, ele nu au nevoie de o prealabilæ reformæ eticæ – asta<br />

ar fi iluzoriu, „ideologic“ sau utopic. (Altruismul – voinfla de a aduce sacrificii<br />

– e un lucru înælflætor, dar cel mai adesea e doar un efect al naflionalismului,<br />

al fanatismului religios sau al mobilizærii politice exacerbate. În sine însuøi,<br />

el e nimic.)<br />

Politicæ de stînga<br />

Pentru prima oaræ în ultimii cincisprezece ani, într-o altæ scriere a sa, János<br />

Kis s-a declarat de stînga. Pentru prima oaræ în ultimii cincisprezece ani, János<br />

Kis scrisese detaliat øi convingætor despre catastrofa economicæ, socialæ, ecologicæ,<br />

moralæ øi culturalæ provocatæ de sistemul schimbærii de regim. János<br />

Kis declaræ ceremonios cæ doreøte o societate mai egalitaræ (egalæ). Cu toate<br />

astea, el e împotriva mæsurilor de redistribuire a bogæfliei sociale ce servesc<br />

tocmai egalitatea, iar privitor la Partidul Socialist Ungar – care nu are nicio<br />

facfliune care sæ fie publicul „meu“, asta e eronat – el vrea un nou „Bad Godesberg“,<br />

adicæ renunflarea la socialismul democratic. În Germania, rolul istoric<br />

al lui „Bad Godesberg“ s-a terminat prin constituirea Partidului de Stînga øi<br />

cu falimentul cancelarului Schröder. Partidul Socialist Ungar (MSZP) – ai cærui<br />

conducætori concureazæ dreapta în a obfline favorurile guvernului american<br />

celui mai reacflionar, imperialist, militarist øi fundamentalist de la sfîrøitul<br />

celui de al Doilea Ræzboi Mondial încoace – nu numai cæ øi-a<br />

încheiat deja demult „Bad Godesberg“-ul sæu, ci l-a øi depæøit<br />

deja cam de multiøor: el este adeptul necondiflionat al capitalismului.<br />

Bineînfleles, critica de stînga a MSZP e o datorie politicæ<br />

minimalæ, iar confruntarea sa cu tradiflia social-democratæ e o<br />

datorie intelectualæ minimalæ.<br />

Convingerea mea e cæ avem nevoie de o politicæ revoluflionaræ – adicæ de<br />

o politicæ vizînd depæøirea, pe cæi democratice, a capitalismului în direcflia libertæflii;<br />

nimic nu mæ poate opri sæ sprijin (împreunæ cu prietenii mei) programe<br />

„liberale de stînga“, adicæ egalitariste, øi mæsuri care îmbunætæflesc nivelul<br />

de trai al muncitorilor, al pensionarilor øi al studenflilor sau care se îndreaptæ<br />

împotriva discriminærii. Cu toate astea, øtiu prea bine cæ inegalitatea øi<br />

nedreptatea nu sînt cauze, ci consecinfle – consecinfle ale proprietæflii private,<br />

ale exploatærii øi ale societæflii bazate pe clase. Din acest motiv, e clar cæ<br />

logica statului (social al) bunæstærii este adesea stræinæ sistemului actual, iar<br />

din punctul de vedere al pieflei capitaliste ea pare mult prea des risipitoare,<br />

neeficace, pur birocraticæ; efectele sale sînt adesea „perverse“, adicæ ele pot<br />

crea rezultate care se opun intenfliei egalizærii. În plus, aceste rezultate – se<br />

vede cu ochiul liber – sînt uøor reversibile, ele pot fi trans<strong>format</strong>e oricînd<br />

în opusul lor. Sprijinul pe care-l acord acestui sistem e unul condiflionat øi defensiv.<br />

De asemenea, tot condiflionat øi defensiv sprijin øi forflele cu care colaborez<br />

la modul „fronturilor populare“ øi care, uneori, øi poate involuntar,<br />

prezintæ lucrurile de parcæ „globalizare“ øi „neoliberalism“ ar fi sinonimele<br />

capitalismului, iar în loc de clasæ dominantæ capitalistæ (burghezie) vorbesc<br />

de „elite economice“. Aceste eufemisme sînt bune pentru a crea flapi ispæøitori,<br />

ceea ce are ca rezultat disimularea luptei fundamentale, chiar dacæ în<br />

cazul pomenitelor forfle asta se întîmplæ neintenflionat. Nu de parcæ rolul catastrofal<br />

al globalizærii, al neoliberalismului sau al capitalului speculativ n-ar fi ceva<br />

real. Imaginaflia, ingeniozitatea, propunerile de reforme pe termen scurt sau<br />

lung ale noilor miøcæri sociale (miøcæri altermondialiste-anticapitaliste,<br />

solemnly confesses his wish for the creation of a more equalitarian society.<br />

But still, he is against equalitarian, re-distributive economic measures, and<br />

he urges a new “Bad Godesberg” with respect to the Hungarian Socialist Party<br />

(MSZP) – who, by the way, has no faction which would be my “audience”.<br />

Namely, he urges a break with democratic socialism. In Germany, “Bad<br />

Godesberg” ended with the foundation of the Left Wing Party and with the<br />

failure of Chancellor Schröder, and it has lost its historic significance.<br />

The MSZP, the leaders of which are competing with the right wing for gaining<br />

the graces of the most reactionary, imperialist, militarist, and fundamentalist<br />

US government since the Second World War, had already has its “Bad<br />

Godesberg”: it has become the unconditional follower of capitalism. The leftwing<br />

critique of the MSZP is obviously our minimal political duty, while our<br />

intellectual task is to confront this party with the social-democratic tradition.<br />

My conviction is that a revolutionary politics is necessary – that is, a politics<br />

that aims to surpass capitalism in a democratic manner and in the direction of<br />

freedom. There is no reason for me to not support (together with my friends)<br />

“bourgeois left-wing” equalitarian programs, that is, measures for the<br />

improvement of the living standards of workers, students and pensioners,<br />

although I know, or believe to know, that (as opposed to the views of the<br />

“bourgeois left-wing”) inequality and injustice are not causes but results,<br />

results of private property, exploitation and class society. This is why the logic<br />

of the welfare (social) state seems often alien to the current system, and from<br />

the viewpoint of the capitalist market system appears as<br />

squandering, inefficient, and bureaucratic; its results are<br />

sometimes “perverted,” i.e., they accomplish the opposite of<br />

their equalitarian intentions. The achievements of the welfare<br />

state are easy to withdraw and be turned into their own opposite.<br />

My support is thus conditional and defensive. Similarly<br />

conditional and defensive is my support of the forces with which I cooperate<br />

in the good old manner of “the people’s front”, forces that sometimes involuntarily<br />

make “globalization” and “neo-liberalism” seem synonyms to capitalism,<br />

and talk about “economic elite”, when they actually refer to the capitalist ruling<br />

class (bourgeoisie). These euphemisms are excellent for finding scapegoats,<br />

which is the sure way towards hiding the basic struggle at stake,<br />

although, in the case of the mentioned forces, this happens mostly involuntarily.<br />

However, the catastrophic role played by globalization, neo-liberalism,<br />

and speculative capital is still something real. The new social movements<br />

(anti-capitalist and anti-globalization movements, environmentalists and<br />

women’s rights movements, gay movements) display a powerful imagination<br />

and spontaneity, as well as a great stock of <strong>idea</strong>s and a genuine flood of<br />

reform-recommendations. Especially, <strong>idea</strong>s on the protection of the cyberspace<br />

and copyrights from the logic of the market are quite promising.<br />

Obviously, I do not want to wait for world-revolution without contributing<br />

– in accordance with my humble means – to the improvement of the East<br />

European laborers’ situation, although my ultra-leftist friends criticize me<br />

for this.<br />

Consequently, the unavoidable politics to develop is double, two-folded, and<br />

thus controversial. This politics is, in fact, a combination of revolution and<br />

reformism (and even if in the current mass-media “reforms” always refer to<br />

neo-liberal/neo-conservative reforms, here I have in view only social-democratic<br />

reforms). Such political struggle can avoid self-deceit and misguidance<br />

only if we constantly debate and reconsider it. My argument is obviously not<br />


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