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verso: revoluflii în oglindæ (mirroring revolutions)<br />

piu, reuøesc într-adevær sæ evite consecinflele concurenflei: micøorarea salariului<br />

real; excelenfla „competitivæ“ la care se ajunge prin dezvoltarea<br />

tehnologicæ øi potenflarea intensitæflii muncii, prin prelungirea timpului de<br />

muncæ, prin „raflionalizæri“, reduceri, concedieri; competiflia cu muncitorii<br />

de la alte uzine, cærora le sînt opuøi ca proprietari øi investitori de capital,<br />

competiflia care stricæ întotdeauna øi poziflia relativæ a celorlalfli muncitori. Chiar<br />

dacæ e bine pentru muncitorii uzinei autodirijate, asta nu schimbæ mare lucru<br />

în privinfla situafliei generale a societæflii – færæ a mai vorbi de daunele pe care<br />

le produc iluziile.<br />

În împrejurærile capitalismului de stat birocratic-dictatorial, „thermidorian“<br />

– aøa cum aratæ øi exemplul sumbru al vechii Iugoslavii, cea titoistæ –,<br />

„autodirijarea“ contribuise numai la tulburarea apelor. Autodirijarea e probabil<br />

forma politicæ adecvatæ socialismului – dar în Iugoslavia naflional-boløevicæ<br />

de asta nu s-a ales øi nu s-a putut alege decît o palidæ descentralizare<br />

øi „autonomie a fabricilor“. Muncitorii (iar mai tîrziu, ideologic, „intelectualitatea<br />

progresistæ“) s-au folosit desigur de aceste posibilitæfli – pînæ cînd s-a<br />

putut – în numele unei libertæfli sporite, dar în tatonærile dintre „reformele<br />

de piaflæ“ øi „ortodoxia economiei planificate“, de regæsit în toate statele „socialismului<br />

real øi existent“, inovaflia øi-a dat obøtescul sfîrøit.<br />

fielurile socialismului sînt de douæ sute de ani neschimbate. În locul dominafliei<br />

de clasæ – o societate færæ clase; în loc de exploatare – o colaborare simetricæ<br />

(øi prin asta: egalitate); în locul muncii ca obligaflie – øtergerea diferenflei<br />

dintre muncæ øi creativitate liberæ (joc, artæ, exercifliu fizic); în locul<br />

rigidei diviziuni a muncii – activitate multistratificatæ øi diversæ;<br />

în locul statului øi al ierarhiei – an-arhie (adicæ: absenfla puterii);<br />

în locul diferenflelor naflionale, rasiale øi confesionale – internaflionalism;<br />

în locul religiei – øtiinflæ; în locul familiei patriarhale –<br />

emanciparea femeilor; suprimarea privilegiilor tradiflionale, culturale,<br />

generaflionale etc.; desfiinflarea armatei øi a celorlalte organizaflii<br />

bazate pe violenflæ armatæ; eliminarea ræzboaielor. Bineînfleles, toate astea<br />

nu sînt numai chestiuni de activism øi mobilizare politicæ, ci de metamorfozæ<br />

a valorii, a raporturilor de capital øi a schimbului. Forma lui politicæ nu poate<br />

fi alta decît autonomia, mai concret: autodirijarea tuturor comunitæflilor øi în<br />

primul rînd a acelora de producflie (consilii muncitoreøti); e niflel obscurizant<br />

sæ numim asta „democraflie directæ“, de vreme ce øi democraflia e o<br />

formæ de exercifliu al unei puteri, scopul însæ e desfiinflarea puterii.<br />

La urma urmei øi liberalismul se stræduieøte sæ obflinæ slæbirea, spiritualizarea,<br />

sublimarea (dupæ Bibó: „umanizarea“) puterii, dar el se opreøte de fiecare<br />

datæ la porflile uzinelor. Ipoteza absenflei relafliilor de putere în cadrul pieflei<br />

(ca opus conceptului de putere gîndit dupæ øablonul puterii statale: spontaneitate,<br />

haos creativ) ar putea fi corectæ dacæ am considera „actorii pieflei“,<br />

unul cîte unul, ca o singuræ entitate; pe cînd în cadrul unitæflilor economice<br />

existæ ierarhie øi dominaflie, iar în cadrul raporturilor contractuale, dupæ semnarea<br />

„de bunævoie“ a contractului, nu existæ nici libertate, nici egalitate. Cînd<br />

ideea libertæflii pæøeøte dincolo de porflile fabricilor (iar asta e valabil øi pentru<br />

porflile simbolice ale firmelor de software), iluzia libertæflii pieflei se<br />

evaporæ într-o clipitæ. Munca, øtim bine, e o corvoadæ (nu existæ lozincæ mai<br />

hilaræ decît: „am reacordat muncii demnitatea ei“ – a avut ea cîndva aøa ceva?).<br />

Societatea umanæ e umanæ numai în mæsura în care poate scædea radical<br />

procentul de timp øi de importanflæ ce-i revine muncii.<br />

Nu mæ deranjeazæ deloc sæ repet aceste idei (fleluri) seculare, numai cæ acum<br />

mi se poate reproøa – øi asta am vrut, de fapt, sæ evit – cæ sînt „utopic“, cæ<br />

“progressive intellectuals”) obviously benefited from this for as long as it was<br />

possible, trying to achieve a greater degree of freedom; nevertheless the<br />

whole endeavor got lost in the bargain between “market reforms” and<br />

“planned economy” so characteristic of “really existing socialist” states.<br />

The objectives of socialism have been the same for the last two centuries:<br />

classless society instead of class domination; symmetrical cooperation instead<br />

of exploitation (consequently: equality); the annihilation of the difference<br />

between work and free creativity (games, arts, sports) instead of compulsory<br />

labor; varied and multi-level activities instead of the rigid division of labor;<br />

anarchy (the complete lack of power) instead of state and hierarchy; internationalism<br />

instead of national, racial, and confessional adversity; science<br />

instead of religion; the emancipation of women instead of patriarchal family<br />

models; the disposal of traditional, cultural, generational, and other privileges;<br />

the abolition of the army and of similar organizations based on institutionalized<br />

violence; the elimination of war. Obviously, this is not merely a question of<br />

activism and political mobilization, but one dependent on a trans<strong>format</strong>ion of<br />

values, relations of capital, and exchange. Its political form is that of autonomy;<br />

or more precisely, the self-government of all types of communities, first of all<br />

the communities of production (workers’ councils). Yet, it is misleading to call<br />

this “direct democracy”, since democracy is also a form of practicing power,<br />

while the chief objective here is to do away with any form of power.<br />

In fact, liberalism also aims at the weakening, spiritualization, and sublimation<br />

(humanization, according to Bibó) of power; in spite<br />

of this, it always stops at factory gates. The hypothesis of the<br />

non-authoritarianism of the market (spontaneity and fertile<br />

chaos in opposition to the concept of state power) is only correct<br />

if we consider the so-called actors on the market as independent<br />

units; yet hierarchy and domination are inherent<br />

features of economic units. Within contractual relations, after the “voluntary”<br />

signing of the contract, there is neither freedom nor equality. If the concept<br />

of freedom crosses the factory gates (even the imaginary gate of a software<br />

company) the illusion of market freedom vanishes. As it is known, work equals<br />

hardship; what a hilarious slogan: “we restore the dignity of work!” – why,<br />

did it have any? Human society is humane only to the extent to which it is<br />

capable of radically reducing the proportions of work in terms of time and significance.<br />

I am quite at ease with repeating these secular <strong>idea</strong>s (aims), even if now there<br />

is a ground for readers to say that my text is “utopian” and I am talking “nonsense”<br />

– I intended to avoid this. These are the goals of socialism; nevertheless,<br />

Marx was not a utopian thinker and the Marxists are not utopian, either.<br />

According to The German Ideology, socialism is “the real movement itself”<br />

(which shows that Bernstein was not a bad Marxist). Yet the interesting issues<br />

are still to come. The decisive step is the correct judgment of the capitalist<br />

reality. From an economic and structural viewpoint, the working class exists<br />

just as it did a hundred and fifty years ago, nevertheless in what pertains to<br />

“hegemony” (that is, in terms of politics and culture) it does not exist anymore.<br />

It exists as a class, but it hardly exists as an “order” (in the Weberian sense<br />

of the term). The structural characteristic of class society is class struggle, the<br />

antagonism between social classes – which has nothing to do with the “conscience”<br />

of the proletariat. Yet, when the ruling ideology can successfully<br />

deny the issue of social classes, we should be alarmed. Marx said: “the <strong>idea</strong>s<br />

of the ruling class are the ruling <strong>idea</strong>s” – this is true, but the issue cannot be<br />


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