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Acest fenomen e atît de pregnant astæzi, încît, încetul cu încetul, ceea ce place<br />

mulflimii devine sinonim cu „incorect“, iar asta într-o asemenea mæsuræ încît<br />

pînæ øi János Kis numeøte de-a dreptul „retrograde“ toate mæsurile de bunæstare<br />

socialæ considerate „progresiste“ øi egalizatoare, pur øi simplu pentru<br />

cæ ortodoxia economico-politicæ dominantæ obiønuieøte sæ-øi încrunte<br />

sprîncenele cînd aude de ele.<br />

În Ungaria de azi, elitiøtii liberali obiønuiesc sæ numeascæ orice pas înspre redistribuflia<br />

[socialæ a bogæfliei] „pomanæ“, de parcæ consiliile ce-øi asumæ asemenea<br />

paøi ar da „pomanæ“ din ce-i al lor, øi nu numai ar returna muncitorilor<br />

o micæ parte din plusvaloarea produsæ de aceøtia. Aceøti paøi pot fi desigur<br />

folositori øi lucizi sau pæguboøi øi færæ logicæ; imaginea „pomenii“ creeazæ însæ<br />

iluzia cæ un tatæ sever, dar bun – clasa dominantæ întreflesutæ cu statul – ar<br />

ceda revendicærilor isterice, nemæsurate øi ilegitime ale fiilor sæi risipitori øi<br />

ale fiicelor sale risipitoare. Nici simpatia generalæ, nici lipsa ei nu sînt criterii<br />

ale politicilor economice øi sociale corecte, dar ca democrafli ar trebui sæ<br />

avem grijæ cînd spunem cæ majoritatea cetæflenilor republicii pot gîndi, din<br />

principiu, numai eronat. În spiritul vechii vorbe a juriøtilor in dubio pro reo<br />

(în cazurile îndoielnice sæ aducem o decizie favorabilæ inculpatului), eu zic:<br />

in dubio pro plebe (în cazurile îndoielnice sæ aducem o decizie favorabilæ<br />

mulflimilor).<br />

Rædæcinile platonice ale elitismului liberal sînt evidente: problemele trebuie<br />

soluflionate de specialiøti, prin argumentare raflionalæ, iar opinia poporului<br />

(sau cum se zice azi extrem de øarmant în flara noastræ: „masei“) nu conteazæ<br />

– ea e numai o simplæ opinie øi, ca atare, este neîntemeiatæ. Asta e<br />

uneori adeværat, alteori nu. Simpla provenienflæ popularæ a unei viziuni nu<br />

e încæ un argument împotriva ei, mai e nevoie øi de altele. Ca-ntotdeauna,<br />

vederile elitiste dominante astæzi (la noi masiv iozefist-luministe, respectiv<br />

cu un iz de despotism luminat) au caracter de modæ øi sînt conformiste.<br />

Acum patruzeci, cincizeci de ani mai domnea încæ ortodoxia keynesianæ;<br />

lacunele comerciale øi bugetare, datoriile de stat øi inflaflia nu erau considerate<br />

ca fiind atît de grave ca azi, øi dacæ cineva s-ar fi îngrijorat din acest motiv,<br />

se spunea cæ progresul tehnologic, cererea extinsæ øi creøterile de populaflie<br />

vor rezolva, pe termen lung, aceste probleme, iar dacæ nu, in the long run<br />

we’re all dead, cum zicea Keynes, pe termen lung sîntem morfli cu toflii. Reglarea<br />

anticiclicæ a cererii (extinderea cererii) aratæ ca fiind corectæ sau incorectæ<br />

în funcflie de convingerile ce dominæ pe moment în „cercurile de<br />

influenflæ“ – la asta se adæugæ ulterior „argumentele raflionale“.<br />

În comparaflie cu elitismul, populismul (de la noi øi din alte flæri est-europene)<br />

nu e adeværat, nici credibil, nici autentic. Guvernul actual e pentru micøorarea<br />

impozitelor, antibirocratic øi împotriva politicii de partid (criticînd „ræzboiul<br />

de destabilizare“ dus de opoziflie) – împotriva acestei politici, opoziflia,<br />

etichetatæ drept „populistæ“, propune ca soluflii micøorarea impozitelor,<br />

scæderea numærului funcflionarilor øi spune adio „politicilor exclusive de partid“<br />

øi reproøeazæ „ræzboiul de destabilizare“ dus de adversar, care distruge<br />

„unitatea naflionalæ“. Dreapta „populistæ“ est-europeanæ nu e populistæ, deøi<br />

– la fel ca adversarul ei – ea doreøte sæ cîøtige simpatia alegætorilor prin tot<br />

felul de gæselnifle propagandistice. Reprezentanflii marelui capital au decis cæ<br />

trebuie redus efectivul lucrætorilor publici øi al funcflionarilor, aøa cæ toate partidele<br />

s-au apucat sæ se îngrefloøeze de birocraflia de pe urma cærora træiesc.<br />

Totu-i o glumæ proastæ.<br />

Cu toate astea, rædæcina acestui elitism liberal færæ niciun duøman real e convingerea<br />

extrem de simplæ cæ schimbærile istorice ale naturii umane pot fi<br />

Liberal elitists in Hungary today have a habit of terming all re-distributive<br />

measures “handouts”, as if governments undertaking such measures would<br />

“hand out” their own goods and not just give part of the surplus value produced<br />

by laborers back to the people. These measures might obviously be<br />

feasible and rational, or unfeasible and irrational; nevertheless, the concept<br />

of “handout” as such makes things look as if the severe but benign father<br />

(the ruling class closely bound to the state) were making concessions to the<br />

unjustified, even measureless and hysterical demands of the prodigal sons<br />

(and daughters). “Popularity” and “unpopularity” are not criteria of proper<br />

economic and social politics; nevertheless, as democrats we refrain from saying<br />

that the majority of the citizens of the republic can only be wrong. In the<br />

spirit of the old saying: in dubio pro reo (to decide in favor of the accused in<br />

ambiguous cases) I’d say, in dubio pro plebe (to decide in favor of the people<br />

in ambiguous cases).<br />

The Platonic roots of liberal elitism are obvious: matters need to be settled<br />

through rational reasoning by professionals; the opinion of the people<br />

(or the “mob” as it is nowadays fashionable to say in Hungary) does not matter<br />

– being mere opinion and as such completely unfounded. This might apply at<br />

times, but not always. The popular origin of certain views is not a valid argument<br />

against them – further arguments are needed. Ruling elitist views on the<br />

other hand (in Hungary with Josephinist, enlightened imperialist touches) are<br />

– as always – fashionable and conformist. Forty or fifty years ago the ruling<br />

views were those of Keynesian orthodoxy, under which commercial and state<br />

budget deficits, state debt, and inflation were not considered as dramatic as<br />

they are today, and the worrying ones were told that technical development,<br />

increasing demand and growing population would fix the problem in the long<br />

run, or if not, in the long run we’re all dead, Keynes used to say. The anti-cyclical<br />

regulation of demand (extension of demand) seems to be appropriate<br />

or inappropriate, depending on the ruling view among “influential circles”<br />

– “rational arguments” are subsequently added to these views.<br />

Unlike elitism, Hungarian (and other East European) forms of populism are not<br />

authentic. Against the tax-reducing, anti-bureaucratic, and anti-party policy<br />

of the government (directed against the “subversive activities” of the opposition),<br />

the opposition, labeled “populist”, recommends the remedy of tax<br />

reduction, a staff cut-back in public offices, a farewell to “party policy”,<br />

resenting the “subversive activities” of the adversary because they “divide”<br />

the nation. The “populist” right wing in Eastern Europe is actually not populist,<br />

although – alike its adversary – it tries to win the graces of the electorate<br />

through all kinds of rhetorical means. The representatives of high finance<br />

declared the number of public servants and public officers needs to be<br />

reduced; consequently parties started hating the bureaucracy that supports<br />

them. It is a bad joke.<br />

Nevertheless, the genuine origins of liberal elitism that has no real adversary<br />

– and this is related to the simplified and slightly discolored Platonic heritage<br />

– is rooted in the extremely simple conviction that the historical changes of<br />

human nature can be disregarded, and thus it is possible to decide outside<br />

the historical-social context what is rational and what is not. The least problem<br />

with this is that it puts into brackets the development, which begins<br />

with Kant, of the philosophy of history and of the human and social sciences,<br />

as well as the entire sociology and anthropology.<br />

Rational decisions are thus decisions on market optimums, the silent condition<br />

to which is that state intervention not reduce profit among given limits in<br />


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