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verso: revoluflii în oglindæ (mirroring revolutions)<br />

Occident. Ivirea libertæflii de exprimare øi încetarea cenzurii aplicate culturii<br />

øi concepfliilor despre lume au însemnat, în primul rînd, un progres enorm,<br />

øi ele sînt øi astæzi un izvor legitim de bucurie.<br />

Însæ promisiunea de reînnoire nu se epuizeazæ numai în atît. Am aparflinut<br />

øi eu unuia dintre grupurile democrate care au avut un oarecare rol în treburile<br />

publice øi am luat în serios promisiunile pe care le-am fæcut, la fel ca<br />

János Kis øi alflii. De ce? În primul rînd fiindcæ am crezut în ipoteza nedemonstratæ<br />

ce vedea piafla ca izvor al unui „individualism nobil“, al autonomiei<br />

umane (øi nu doar personale), al cæror prefl evident øi inevitabil este – credeam<br />

noi – inegalitatea øi alte asimetrii sociale, greu de suportat. Reînnoirea<br />

ar fi însemnat, aøadar, dacæ-mi este permis sæ preschimb înfocatele-mi discursuri<br />

øi scrierile-mi pasionate de odinioaræ în abstracflii seci, cæ economia<br />

lipsurilor bazatæ pe planificare va ceda locul bunæstærii generale, pasivitatea<br />

gri se va transforma în participare activæ, cinismul defensiv cauzat de opresiune<br />

va ceda în fafla „zgomotoasei øi revendicatoarei“ dezbateri politicosociale<br />

generale ø.a.m.d.<br />

În loc de asta, întregul bloc estic suferæ de un colaps economic færæ precedent,<br />

de scæderea drasticæ a nivelului de trai, de micøorarea veniturilor reale,<br />

de desfiinflarea cu miile a unitæflilor economice, reînnoirea vechilor anomii<br />

øi exacerbarea unora noi, pasivitate politicæ, lipsæ de legitimitate strigætoare<br />

la cer, putrezirea statelor, pierderea independenflelor naflionale, descompunerea<br />

potenflialului de rezistenflæ socialæ, slæbirea aøa-numitei „societæfli<br />

civile“, întærirea servilismului est-european amestecat cu mîrîieli<br />

înfundate øi uræ, declin cultural abrupt, ridicarea de ziduri între<br />

generaflii øi civilizaflii, rasism øi etnicism, demantelarea institufliilor<br />

ce meritæ respect øi autoritate, multiplicarea inegalitæflilor, ineficacitatea<br />

sistemului juridic – færæ a mai vorbi de brutala øi ordinara<br />

ræspîndire a ignoranflei, a lipsei de civilizaflie, a violenflei, de<br />

diferenflierea defavorizantæ a pæturii de cel mai de jos (acea underclass<br />

træind în „særæcie profundæ“), a raselor zise „de culoare“, a femeilor, a stræinilor,<br />

øi nici de segregarea øi ghetoizarea socialæ, rasial-etnicæ, regionalæ øi<br />

culturalæ.<br />

A participa (chiar dacæ neintenflionat øi involuntar) la crearea acestora, dragæ<br />

János, nu e înælflætor, ci tragic. Îl citezi pe Hegel: „Mærefliei nu-i datoræm<br />

compasiune, ci admiraflie“. Pe 27 noiembrie 1803 Goethe îi scrisese din<br />

Jena lui Schiller: „Hegel e o personalitate remarcabilæ; numai cæ o mulflime<br />

de lucruri se aflæ în contradicflie cu ce spune el“. Acesta e øi cazul tæu, János.<br />

Capitalism<br />

Capitalismul est-european de azi (a cærei istorie localæ nu e continuarea capitalismului<br />

retrograd, semifeudal øi „de atîrnare“ de dinainte de 1948 – din<br />

acest motiv Erzsébet Szalai vorbeøte, pe drept, de „neocapitalism“) înfæfliøeazæ<br />

træsæturi interesante chiar øi în straturile sale superficiale. Aceste træsæturi ideologice,<br />

de suprafaflæ sînt destul de diverse, dar versiunea lor maghiaræ e deja<br />

destul de tipicæ. Douæ subspecii ale sale se remarcæ azi cu pregnanflæ: elitismul<br />

øi populismul. La noi, træsæturile eroice øi cele autochinuitoare, masochiste<br />

ale elitismului liberal se amestecæ. Elitistul liberal susfline eroic (øi færæ speranflæ)<br />

mæsurile care nu se bucuræ de simpatia generalæ a publicului. În ochii<br />

lui, mæsurile ce ameninflæ interesele majoritæflii, de pildæ cele de austeritate,<br />

sînt din capul locului corecte numai pentru cæ sînt legitimate de logica îngustæ,<br />

dar foarte educatæ øi rafinatæ, a experflilor, care nu cedeazæ pasiunilor,<br />

dorinflelor øi impulsurilor sælbatice, nearticulate øi negîndite ale celor mulfli.<br />

public affairs, and I took these promises quite seriously, just the way János Kis<br />

and others did. Why? First of all because I believed in the uncertain hypothesis<br />

– otherwise impossible to demonstrate – that considered the market to be<br />

a source of “noble individualism”, of human (and not merely personal) autonomy,<br />

the obvious, unavoidable price of which was – at least this is what we<br />

believed – inequality and other types of social asymmetry. The renewal would<br />

have meant – and let me switch from my past ardent rhetoric and passionate<br />

style of writing to dry abstraction – that the scarcity economy tightly related<br />

to state planning will give room to general welfare, that active participation<br />

will replace the grey passivity, that defensive cynicism fed on oppression<br />

will recede in the face of “loud and demanding” social and political debates;<br />

and so on.<br />

Instead, economic collapse of unprecedented proportions followed in each<br />

country of the Eastern bloc; the living standard relapsed, real income diminished,<br />

thousands of economic units were dissolved; old anomies reappeared<br />

and new ones started to spread, while the newly created situation was characterized<br />

by political indifference, a striking lack of legitimacy, the decay of the<br />

state, the loss of national sovereignties, the ruin of the potential for social<br />

resistance, the weakening of the so-called “civil society”, the consolidation<br />

of East European servility paired with silent grudge and hate, a fast process of<br />

cultural decay, the rise of walls between generations and civilizations, racism<br />

and ethnicism, the destruction of respectable and prestigious institutions,<br />

the multiplication of inequalities, the inefficiency of the legal<br />

system – not to mention crass and vulgar illiteracy, rudeness,<br />

the spread of violence, the appearance of an underclass living<br />

in the deepest state of squalor, the negative discrimination<br />

against “colored” races and women and foreigners, the <strong>format</strong>ion<br />

of social, racial-ethnic, regional and cultural segregation,<br />

and the emergence of ghettoes.<br />

Participating (even if in an unintended and involuntary way) in the creation<br />

of all this, dear János, is not a great experience, but a tragic one. You quote<br />

Hegel: “It is not compassion we owe greatness, but admiration.” Yet this is<br />

what Goethe wrote to Schiller from Jena on November 27, 1803: “Hegel’s personality<br />

is most outstanding; only that things quite often stand in sharp opposition<br />

to his statements.” The same applies to you, dear János.<br />

Capitalism<br />

Today’s East European capitalism (the local history of which is not continuous<br />

with the semi-feudal, “dependent” form of capitalism before 1948 – thus<br />

Erzsébet Szalai is quite right to talk about “new capitalism”) displays interesting<br />

features even on the surface. These superficial ideological features show<br />

certain variations; yet, their Hungarian version is rather typical. It has two<br />

main characteristics: elitism and populism. The heroic and masochistic features<br />

of liberal elitism have fused in Hungary. The liberal elitist heroically<br />

(and hopelessly) supports so-called “unpopular” measures. He considers<br />

measures imposed against the interest of the majority (e.g., economical measures)<br />

to be justified only because the narrow, highly trained, refined, thinking<br />

of the expert, never influenced by the wild, inarticulate, irrational impulses<br />

of the majority, justifies them. The phenomenon has evolved to a stage where<br />

“popular” is the synonym of “wrong”, to the extent where even János Kis considers<br />

the traditionally “progressive” welfare measures “retrograde”, simply<br />

because the ruling economic-political orthodoxy happens to resent them.<br />


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