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verso: revoluflii în oglindæ (mirroring revolutions)<br />

Mæ bucur însæ cæ tovaræøul meu de luptæ de odinioaræ, János Kis, îøi face griji<br />

pentru mine. Sper cæ voi putea sæ-i înseninez cît de puflin fruntea încreflitæ<br />

de norii acestei dezamægite compasiuni.<br />

Schimbarea de regim<br />

Duømanii sistemului capitalist n-au ce sæ deplîngæ pe marginea cæderii<br />

regimului de dinainte de 1989. Iar asta din mai multe motive. Mai întîi, „socialismul<br />

real øi existent“ (cum am avut ocazia de a o spune pe larg nu o datæ<br />

øi nu numai eu) fusese un sistem bazat pe munca salariatæ, salariu, producflia<br />

de mærfuri, ban, separarea dintre muncæ øi capital, diviziunea muncii, inegalitate<br />

øi privilegii sociale. A fost deci, sub mai multe aspecte, capitalism, de<br />

stat, bineînfleles. Adepflii vechiului regim, care se pot gæsi øi azi, se apæræ<br />

spunînd cæ a încetat totuøi deflinerea privatæ a mijloacelor de producflie. Læsînd<br />

la o parte faptul cæ pe teritoriul „blocului estic“ majoritatea mijloacelor de<br />

producflie, a unitæflilor de producflie moderne au luat naøtere în urma imboldurilor<br />

øi investifliilor statului, fiind înfiinflate de cætre stat, dispariflia proprietæflii<br />

private în flærile ce-au aplicat sistemul sovietic e puræ iluzie. Pe baza<br />

dreptului roman, a cærui valabilitate n-a încetat în niciuna dintre aøa-numitele<br />

flæri „socialiste“, proprietatea privatæ descrie caracterul absolut, de nedizolvat,<br />

al deflinerii de bunuri, în timp ce prin menflinerea în funcfliune a unei<br />

proprietæfli (muncæ) nimeni nu poate obfline certificate de proprietar autorizîndu-l<br />

sæ dispunæ de sau sæ alieneze bunul respectiv. Din punctul de vedere<br />

al muncitorilor, e indiferent cæ mijloacele de producflie se<br />

aflæ în proprietatea unei persoane private, a unui fond de investiflii<br />

sau de pensii, a unei bænci sau a statului stalinist. În aøa-numitul<br />

„socialism real øi existent“, faptul social fundamental al exploatærii<br />

se pæstreazæ.<br />

Øi asta încæ nu-i nimic.<br />

Nici nu mai trebuie spus – oamenii au rîs destul de asta: clasa muncitoare<br />

n-a devenit niciodatæ clasa dominantæ. Dacæ s-ar fi creat un sistem al consiliilor<br />

muncitoreøti, care ar fi acordat membrilor sæi certificate de proprietate<br />

(asta a numit Karl Korsch „socializare“), dacæ ar fi încetat separaflia dintre capital<br />

øi muncæ – ceea ce n-a fost cazul nici mæcar pentru o clipæ –, atunci poate<br />

cæ lucrurile ar fi putut sta øi altfel. E însæ greøit sæ credem cæ opoziflia dintre<br />

Plan øi Piaflæ e aceeaøi cu opoziflia dintre socialism øi capitalism. Færæ îndoialæ<br />

cæ vechiul regim n-a fost un sistem al pieflei, dar asta nu l-a fæcut încæ socialist,<br />

deøi træsæturi de piaflæ ascunse s-au ivit deja destul de devreme în cadrul<br />

lui, chiar dacæ ele n-au devenit determinante.<br />

Puterea absolutæ a statului planificator, teroarea din ce în ce mai accentuatæ,<br />

iar apoi ceva mai slabæ, obligaflia generalæ de a munci, interdicflia de a-fli avea<br />

interesele reprezentate, de a protesta øi de a propaga în mod deschis opinii<br />

opuse regimului, într-un cuvînt dictatura, poate fi væzutæ (øi) în distorsionarea<br />

sau absenfla pieflei. La urma urmei e caracteristica principalæ a capitalismului<br />

cæ aproprierea plusvalorii are loc tocmai în cadrul pieflei, øi nu prin coerciflie<br />

juridicæ sau fizicæ. Sistemul poststalinist, care a urmat celui de al XX-lea Congres<br />

al Partidului Comunist al Uniunii Sovietice (1956), poate fi considerat,<br />

sub acest aspect, ca fiind unul hibrid, deøi prevalenfla elementelor coercitive<br />

e evidentæ. Versiunea de piaflæ a aproprierii plusvalorii dicteazæ ca vînzætorul<br />

mærfii „forflæ de muncæ“ sæ intre (de bunævoie) într-un raport juridic<br />

simetric, contractual cu cumpærætorul (capitalistul). Parametrii acestui contract<br />

sînt stabilifli de raporturi de piaflæ (printre altele: raporturi de prefl): coerciflia<br />

fline de obligaflia socialæ, øi nu de aservirea faflæ de anumite persoane,<br />

The important issues here relate to things other than the intellectual or social<br />

position of the authors implied.<br />

I am yet overwhelmed by the concern my old fellow, János Kis, shows for me.<br />

This time perhaps I will chase the gray clouds of helpless sympathy from his<br />

brow.<br />

Regime Change<br />

The opponents of the capitalist system have nothing to mourn about the 1989<br />

fall of the previous regime, for more than one reason. First of all, as I had the<br />

occasion to explain many a time, “really existing socialism” used to be a system<br />

based on wage labor, on work wage, on the commodity production,<br />

on money, on the separation of capital and work, on the division of labor, on<br />

inequality, and on social privileges, consequently in many respects it was nothing<br />

else but capitalism, state capitalism, of course. Certain still avid followers<br />

of the previous regime emphasize that the private ownership of the means of<br />

production disappeared. Even if in the “Eastern bloc” the majority of modern<br />

means of production and economic units were results of state initiative, investment<br />

and founding, the disappearance of private property in the countries<br />

based on the Soviet system is a mere illusion. On the basis of Roman law, which<br />

remained valid in each “socialist” country, private property means the inalienable<br />

and absolute character of ownership, where keeping a property in motion<br />

(work) renders no rights of ownership (rights to possession and estrangement)<br />

to anyone. From the workers’ point of view, it is of no importance<br />

whether the means of production are “owned” by private<br />

persons, by investment or pension funds, by banks, or by the<br />

Stalinist state. In the so-called “really existing socialism”,<br />

the basic social fact of exploitation never disappeared.<br />

And there is yet more to it.<br />

Needless to say, since this was the laughingstock of many, the working class<br />

never became a ruling class. Had the system of workers’ councils with ownership<br />

rights come into being (Karl Korsch termed this socialization), had the<br />

distribution of work and capital ceased, which in fact has obviously never<br />

ceased, not even for a split second, things could have taken a different turn.<br />

Nevertheless it is deeply mistaken to consider the opposition between the<br />

Plan and the Market and the antagonism between socialism and capitalism<br />

synonymous. The old system was far from being a market system, yet this did<br />

not turn it into a socialist one, even though hidden market elements have<br />

appeared quite early within it, but without becoming decisive.<br />

The absolute power of the planning state, the tightening and loosening terror,<br />

the general obligation to work, the prohibition of representation of interest,<br />

of protest and of free speech – that is, dictatorship – roots back to a distortion<br />

or absence of the market (as well). Since it is the main feature of capitalism<br />

that the appropriation of surplus value takes place at the market and not<br />

under legal or physical constraint. In this respect, the post-Stalinist system<br />

after the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1956)<br />

passes for a hybrid, though the elements of constraint clearly prevail.<br />

The market version of the appropriation of surplus value requires the (voluntary)<br />

establishment of a legally symmetrical, contractual relation between the<br />

seller and the buyer (capitalist) of the labor-force commodity. Market relations<br />

(prices, among others) determine the parameters of the contract: the constraint<br />

is a social one; it does not belong to the group of individual duties as it<br />

did in pre-modern social systems. The price of the labor force and the working<br />


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