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Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Europe, Oxford, 1985, pp. 214–222, aici p. 220. Pentru perioada în care apar primele proiecte ale unei<br />

revoluflii a cunoaøterii, vezi Wolfgang Krohn, Francis Bacon, München, 1987, p. 23 sq.<br />

4. Francis Bacon, Of the Proficiens and Advancement of Learning Divine and Human, in Works, vol. III (II, I, 3), 1857, p. 330. Vezi øi Francis Bacon,<br />

De Augmentis Scientiarum, in Works, vol. III, 1857, pp. 413–837, aici II, 2, p. 496; traducere germanæ de Johann Hermann Pfingsten, Über<br />

die Würde und den Fortgang der Wissenschaften, Pest, 1783 (retipærire fotomecanicæ, Darmstadt, 1966), p. 173.<br />

5. Pe la 1580, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Viena, colecfliile castelului Ambras, nr. inv. 8329.<br />

6. Roberto Zapperi, „Arrigo le Velu, Pietro le Fou, Amon le Nain et autres Bêtes: Autour d’un Tableau d’Agostino Carrache“, in Annales Économies<br />

Sociétés Civilisations, nr. 2, 1985, pp. 307–327.<br />

7. Ulisse Aldrovandi, Monstrorum Historia, Bologna, 1642, p. 16. Pentru interpretarea pe care o dæ Bacon monøtrilor, fundamental este studiul<br />

lui Katharine Park øi Lorraine J. Daston, „Unnatural Conceptions: The Study of Monsters in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century France and<br />

England“, in Past and Present, vol. 92, 1981, pp. 20–54, aici p. 43 sqq. Pentru un studiu recent despre monøtri, vezi William B. Ashworth Jr.,<br />

„Remarkable Humans and Singular Beasts“, in Joy Kenseth (ed.), The Age of Marvelous, Hanover (New Hampshire), Hood Museum of Art,<br />

Dartmouth College, 1991, pp. 113–144.<br />

8. Francis Bacon, Novum Organum, sive Indicia Vera de Interpretatione Naturae, in Works, vol. I (II, 29), 1857, p. 282 [Noul Organon, traducere<br />

de N. Petrescu øi M. Florian, Bucureøti, Editura Academiei, 1957, pp. 155–156].<br />

9. Ibid., p. 282 sq.; citat aici dupæ traducerea lui Anton Theobald Brück, Neues Organ der Wissenschaften, Leipzig, 1830 (retipærire fotomecanicæ,<br />

Darmstadt, 1974), p. 151 sq. [155].<br />

10. Aici Bacon reia forma anticæ a experimentului considerat ca o torturæ. Vezi Hartmut Böhme, „Gaia. Bilder der Erde von Hesiod bis James Lovelock“,<br />

in Terre – Repere – Terre / Erde – Zeichen – Erde [etc.], Hamburg, 1992, pp. 18–64, aici p. 40 sq.<br />

11. Francis Bacon, Of the Proficiens and Advancement of Learning Divine and Human, II, I, 6, p. 73: „For as a man’s disposition is never well known<br />

till he be crossed, nor Proteus ever changed shape till he was straitened and held fast; so the passages and variations of nature cannot appear<br />

so fully in the liberty of nature, as in the trials and vexations of art“. Vezi Francis Bacon, Novum Organum, I, 98, p. 203: „Occulta naturae magis<br />

se produnt per vexationes artium, quam cum cursu suo meant“ [p. 82].<br />

12. Francis Bacon, De Augmentis Scientiarum, II, 2, p. 496: „Artificialia a naturalibus non Forma aut Essentia, sed Efficiente solummodo, differe“.<br />

13. Ibid., p. 496: „Libenter autem Historiam Artium ut Historiae Naturalis speciem constituimus“.<br />

14. Ibid., p. 498: „Quod a miraculis naturae ad miracula artis expeditus sit transitus et pervius. Neque enim huic rei plus inest negotii, praeterquam<br />

ut naturae vestigia persequaris sagaciter, cum ipsa sponte aberret; ut hoc pacto postea, cum tibi libuerit, eam eodem loci deducere et compellere<br />

possis“.<br />

15. Vechiul Testament, Pildele lui Solomon, 8, 30–31: „Cum eo [= deo] eram, cuncta componens. / Et delectabar per singulos dies, / Ludens coram<br />

eo omni tempore, / Ludens in orbe terrarum; / Et deliciae meae cum filiis hominem“. [Biblia sau Sfînta Scripturæ, Bucureøti, 1997.]<br />

16. Beda Venerabilis, Super Parabolas Salomonis Allegorica Exposito, in Patrologia Latina [Migne], vol. XCI, col. 966 b. Despre textul ebraic, vezi<br />

Othmar Keel, Die Weisheit spielt vor Gott, Freiburg-Göttingen, 1974, pp. 29 sq., 69 sq.<br />

17. Platon, Legile, 803 c, 804 b.<br />

18. Kaspar Schott, Magia Optica, das ist: geheime doch naturmässige Gesicht- und Augen-Lehr, Bamberg, 1671, p. 153; vezi Hans Stöcklein, Leitbilder<br />

der Technik. Biblische Tradition und technischer Fortschritt, München, 1969, p. 85.<br />

19. Plinius cel Bætrîn, Naturalis Historiae, ediflie øi traducere de Roderich König øi Gerhard Winkler, ediflia Tusculum, vol. VII, 1975, p. 32 (VII, II,<br />

32): „Haes atque talia ex homunium genere ludibria sibi, nobis miracula ingeniosa fecit natura“. Vezi øi vol. IX, 1979, p. 78 (IX, XXXIII, 102);<br />

vol. XXI/XXII, 1985 (XXI, I, 1). Vezi Paula Findlen, „Jokes of Nature and Jokes of Knowledge: The Playfulness of Scientific Discourse in Early<br />

Modern Europe“, in Renaissance Quarterly, vol. XLIII, nr. 2, 1990, pp. 292–331, aici p. 196. Linné mai vorbeøte încæ despre monøtri ca de<br />

o „glumæ“ a naturii (Wolf Lepenies, Das Ende der Naturgeschichte. Wandel kultureller Selbstverständlichkeiten in den Wissenschaften des 18. und<br />

19. Jahrhunderts, Frankfurt am Main, 1978, pp. 70, 173).<br />

20. Leone Battista Alberti, On Painting and on Sculpture – The Latin Texts of De Pictura and De Statua, ediflie de Cecil Grayson, Oxford, 1972, § 1,<br />

p. 120. Vezi Horst Woldemar Janson, „The «Image Made by Chance» in Renaissance Thought“, in Millard Meiss (ed.), De Artibus Opuscula<br />

XL. Essays in Honor of Erwin Panofsky, vol. I, New York, 1961, pp. 254–266 øi Jurgis Baltrušaitis, Imaginäre Realitäten. Fiktion und Illusion als<br />

produktive Kraft, Köln, 1984, p. 55 sqq., care porneøte de la remarca analogæ a lui Leonardo da Vinci referitoare la imaginile <strong>format</strong>e de hazard<br />

pe ziduri.<br />

21. Platon, Parmenide, 137 b. Despre influenfla jocurilor contemporane, vezi Wolfgang Breidert, „Rhythmomachie und Globusspiel. Bemerkungen<br />

zu zwei mittelalterlichen Lehrspielen“, in Mitteilungen und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft, vol. 10, 1973, pp. 155–171.<br />

22. Nikolaus von Kues (Nicolaus Cusanus), Vom Globusspiel, traducere de Gerda von Bredow, Hamburg, 1978, 2, p. 1.<br />

23. Ibid., 45, p. 34.<br />

24. Carolyn Merchant, Der Tod der Natur. Ökologie, Frauen und neuzeitliche Naturwissenschaft, München, 1987, p. 189 sq.; vezi punctul de vedere<br />

advers la Frances A. Yates, Aufklärung im Zeichen des Rosenkreuzes, Stuttgart, 1975, p. 129 sqq. [Iluminismul rozicrucian, traducere de Petru<br />

Creflia, Bucureøti, Humanitas, 1997, pp. 142 sqq.] øi Wolfgang Krohn, Francis Bacon, pp. 135 sqq., 173 despre caracterul metodic fragmentar<br />

øi færæ progresie liniaræ al revolufliei øtiinflifice propuse de Bacon, iar p. 165 sq. despre responsabilitatea eticæ a cercetætorilor „Noii Atlantide“.<br />

25. Francis Bacon, Novum Organum, II, 31, p. 286 [159]: „Rursus, inter Ingenia et Manus Hominis, non prorsus contemmenda sunt praestigiae<br />

et jocularia. Nonulla enim ex istis, licet sint usu levia et ludicra, tamen in<strong>format</strong>ione valida esse possunt“.<br />


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