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verso: revoluflii în oglindæ (mirroring revolutions)<br />

form cæruia conducerea partidului a încæput pe mîna unor liberali nemiloøi,<br />

specializafli în chinuirea poporului.<br />

Cum øtii, nu fac parte din electoratul MSZP. Îmi este însæ clar cæ destinul stîngii<br />

– socialiste øi liberale – maghiare poate fi decis pe decenii de ce se va întîmpla<br />

cu MSZP. Viitorul acestui partid atîrnæ de multæ vreme deja de-un fir de<br />

pær. Baza sa electoralæ îmbætrîneøte cu trecerea timpului, iar partea cea mai<br />

masivæ a acestui electorat e constituitæ, cu totul disproporflionat, de „bastioanele“<br />

marii industrii a perioadei Kádár. Un singur pas greøit poate elimina<br />

partidul pe veci. Uitæ-te la cazul Poloniei!<br />

Socialiøtii suferæ din cauza faptului cæ nu reuøesc sæ-øi creeze propriul lor Bad<br />

Godesberg. Astæzi, tu eøti megafonul elocvent al celor cærora li se face pærul<br />

mæciucæ atunci cînd se vorbeøte despre un Bad Godesberg maghiar.<br />

Mæ tem cæ, pentru asta, vei avea motive serioase sæ te cæieøti.<br />

În disputatul meu articol am scris pe tonul celui mai înalt respect despre faptul<br />

cæ, în calitate de ministru, Jacek Kuron a avut curajul de a asuma responsabilitatea<br />

personalæ pentru terapia de øoc prin care guvernul <strong>format</strong> de<br />

Solidaritatea a scos din crizæ economia polonezæ. Tu mi-ai ræspuns cæ n-am<br />

ochi pentru înfrîngerea moralæ a celor care-mi sînt cei mai apropiafli. Ce<br />

anume se poate numi, în acest caz, înfrîngere moralæ?<br />

Oare faptul cæ un socialist convins – cum fusese Jacek Kuron – sprijinise un<br />

program coerent cu logica funcflionærii capitalismului? E foarte adeværat cæ acest<br />

program nu pregæteøte crearea „societæflii comunale, nonautoritare øi bazate<br />

pe multitudinea de miøcæri de voluntari“. Cînd ai sprijinit însæ programul<br />

de o sutæ de zile al guvernului Medgyessy, pînæ øi tu subscriseseøi<br />

la un pachet de mæsuri ce n-au nimic de-a face cu utopia<br />

ta socialistæ – øi ai øi zis asta.<br />

Sæ flinæ oare înfrîngerea moralæ de faptul cæ în timp ce tu vezi,<br />

øi aræfli øi altora, diferenfla dintre scopul final øi cele pe termen scurt,<br />

liderii Solidaritæflii au acflionat – cum spui – din „falsæ conøtiinflæ“? Fiindcæ ei<br />

n-au înfleles cæ, în calitate de conducætori ai unei miøcæri muncitoreøti socialiste,<br />

realizeazæ flelurile unei revoluflii liberal-burgheze? „[…] S-au pæcælit<br />

pe ei înøiøi.“ Nu øtiu la cine te gîndeøti. Socialiøtii ræmaøi din Solidaritatea<br />

s-au opus în mod deschis cæii capitaliste, au condamnat terapia de øoc øi<br />

creaseræ un partid de stînga separat. Jacek nu li s-a alæturat, øi øtia foarte bine<br />

ce face.<br />

Ræmîne faptul cæ terapia de øoc, de partea cæreia s-a angajat Jacek, lua din<br />

buzunarele oamenilor, pe cînd statul bunæstærii le dæ. Acesta sæ fie motivul<br />

pentru care Jacek a fost sortit eøecului moral? A îmbunætæfli situaflia oamenilor<br />

e bine, a o face øi mai grea e ræu. Numai cæ nu întotdeauna putem<br />

îmbunætæfli ceva, sau mæcar sæ evitæm un ræu øi mai mare, în aøa fel încît sæ<br />

nu producem øi lucruri rele – cîteodatæ grave. Iar atunci cînd nu se poate,<br />

atunci cei ce îøi asumæ un rol public în politicæ nu îøi demonstreazæ flinuta<br />

moralæ prin faptul cæ nu se confruntæ cu costurile umane ale creærii binelui<br />

public, ci prin faptul cæ au curajul de a privi în ochi adeværul dureros øi acceptæ<br />

consecinflele sale practice.<br />

Jacek a privit în ochi adeværul. Asta nu e trist, ci înælflætor. „Mærefliei“, scrie<br />

Hegel, „nu-i datoræm compasiune, ci admiraflie.“<br />

Pentru început ar fi de ajuns dacæ am cædea de acord în privinfla asta.<br />

Your audience today is a fraction in the membership of the Hungarian Socialist<br />

Party (MSZP) and the related intelligentsia, which rejects the modernization<br />

process of their party. A while ago you wrote that those who urge a left-wing<br />

turn within the MSZP have, in fact, a nationalist turn in mind. Obviously you<br />

have nothing to do with that. Nonetheless you have contributed to the rise of<br />

the present atmosphere, namely, to the fact that the leadership of the party is<br />

now trapped by heartless liberals specialized in exploiting the masses.<br />

As you well know, I do not belong to the MSZP’s voters. Nevertheless I am<br />

quite aware that the fate of the MSZP will determine the fate of the entire<br />

Hungarian left wing – both the socialist and the liberal one – for decades from<br />

now. The future of this party has been uncertain for quite some time. Its electorate<br />

gets older and older from one campaign to another, and it still relies<br />

disproportionately on the past industrial “towers” of the Kádár-regime.<br />

Stumbling may be fatal to it. Look at Poland!<br />

Among other reasons, socialists suffer because they never could have their own<br />

Bad Godesberg. You are the skilled speaker for those who object to a Hungarian<br />

Bad Godesberg to their last breath.<br />

You will truly resent it, I’m afraid.<br />

In my initial article, I have greatly appreciated Minister Jacek Kuron’s bravery<br />

in assuming personal responsibility for the shock therapy by which the Solidarity-government<br />

led the Polish economy out of its state of crisis. I have no eyes<br />

for the moral defeat of my friends – you replied. But where is the moral defeat<br />

in all of that?<br />

Is it perhaps in the fact that a convinced socialist – because<br />

Jacek remained one until his death – took the side of a program<br />

tuned into the logic of capitalism? Indeed, that program was<br />

not meant to prepare the creation of “a non-authoritarian, communal<br />

society liberated from power and built upon a multitude<br />

of voluntary movements”. Yet, by supporting the hundred days’ program of the<br />

Medgyessy-government, you sided with a package of measures that had very little<br />

to do with your socialist utopia – and you have even acknowledged the fact.<br />

Or does the moral defeat lie in the fact that while you are aware of the<br />

difference between the final aim and the short-term goals, and you make this<br />

difference clear to everybody, the leaders of the Solidarity – as you say – acted<br />

out of “false conscience”? They did not realize that, as leaders of a socialist<br />

labor movement, they were accomplishing the objectives of the bourgeois revolution.<br />

“They deceived themselves.” I do not know whom you mean by “they”.<br />

The socialists within the Solidarity have openly opposed the capitalist turn;<br />

they have attacked the shock therapy, and have founded an independent<br />

socialist party. Jacek did not follow them, and he knew what he did.<br />

The only alternative left is that shock therapy took something from people,<br />

while the welfare state usually offers them something. Is Jacek fated to moral<br />

defeat because of this? It is a good thing to improve people’s situation while it<br />

is a bad thing to spoil it. Only that improvements, or escapes from the worst,<br />

are not always done without certain – sometimes quite severe – negative<br />

effects. And when this is the case, those who undertake political tasks prove<br />

their untainted morals not by disregarding the human costs of pursuing general<br />

welfare, but by being brave enough to face the painful truth and to assume<br />

the empirical consequences of this process.<br />

Jacek looked reality in the face. This is an uplifting, not a distressful fact.<br />

“It is not compassion we owe greatness, but admiration”, Hegel wrote.<br />

For the beginning, it would suffice if we agreed upon this.<br />


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