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verso: revoluflii în oglindæ (mirroring revolutions)<br />

egalitate în cadrul socialismului lui G. M. T., ar trebui sæ ni se spunæ cîte ceva<br />

despre institufliile ce ar coordona, în cadrul acestei societæfli, acfliunile individuale.<br />

Asta susflinea articolul meu, ajuns obiect al discufliei de faflæ.<br />

G. M. T. nu vrea însæ sæ se pronunfle. „Cred cæ trebuie rezistat atmosferei generale<br />

care cere o utopie“, scrie el. „Publicul, de cum îøi primeøte porflia de<br />

utopie, zice: Dar asta-i utopie, n-are nimic realist! Æsta-i un joc færæ niciun sens.“<br />

Dragæ Gazsi, trebuie sæ mærturisesc cæ stau mirat în fafla acestei afirmaflii. Vrei<br />

sæ convingi oamenii sæ distrugæ ordinea lumii, dar nu le spui de dragul a ce<br />

sæ renunfle la tot, pentru cæ dacæ le-ai spune, atunci pur øi simplu te-ar hîøîi?<br />

De unde sæ øtie ei cæ socialismul tæu n-ar fi mai ræu decît cele mai rele versiuni<br />

ale capitalismului øi ale democrafliei? De unde sæ øtie ei cæ el ar fi mæcar<br />

cît negru sub unghie mai bun decît socialismul sovietic? Poate din faptul cæ<br />

tu ai optat pentru <strong>idea</strong>lul socialist tocmai fiindcæ refuzi toate formele de alienare,<br />

opresiune øi exploatare? Care curent de gîndire occidental øi contemporan<br />

preamæreøte opresiunea, care dintre ele e de acord cu exploatarea<br />

øi care cere încæ øi mai multæ alienare? Pentru a-fli diferenflia net poziflia, ar<br />

trebui sæ spui ce sæ înflelegem prin aceste lucruri rele øi de la ce ordine<br />

instituflionalæ sæ aøteptæm flinerea lor în frîu. Aceste douæ întrebæri se raporteazæ<br />

inseparabil una la cealaltæ, cæci, cum scrii øi tu, foarte corect, de altfel,<br />

nu se poate trasa o linie de demarcaflie claræ între „<strong>idea</strong>l øi realitate“.<br />

Te justifici spunînd cæ pînæ øi Marx a refuzat sæ descrie socialismul. „Teoria<br />

lui Marx e o teorie criticæ a istoriei“, spui. „Ea n-are propriu-zis nicio teorie<br />

despre cum ar trebui «coordonate» în general acfliunile individuale,<br />

în absenfla exploatærii, a alienærii øi a opresiunii.“<br />

Mæ-ndoiesc cæ asta stæ în picioare ca interpretare a lui Marx. Marx<br />

a refuzat într-adevær sæ inventeze detaliile tehnice ale funcflionærii<br />

socialismului, dar a avut o concepflie claræ despre liniile de bazæ ale<br />

acestui sistem social, øtiute de orice social-democrat la cotitura dintre<br />

secolele al XIX-lea øi al XX-lea. Fiecare social-democrat øtia cæ<br />

economia socialistæ va funcfliona ca o imensæ uzinæ; cæ toate nevoile<br />

se vor lua în calcul în naturæ, cæ toate cheltuielile se vor calcula<br />

în timp de muncæ, iar nevoile øi cheltuielile vor fi comparate de o instanflæ<br />

centralæ; cæ producflia øi redistribuflia [bogæfliei sociale] vor urma un plan: ele<br />

nu vor fi puse în acord de autoreglarea ulterioaræ, ca în cazul pieflei capitaliste;<br />

cæ toatæ lumea va participa la producflia de bunuri dupæ propriile posibilitæfli;<br />

la început fiecare va primi din produsul social o parte egalæ cu munca<br />

sa, iar mai tîrziu – odatæ cu abundenfla generalæ – va fi remunerat dupæ nevoile<br />

sale; cæ fiecare va îndeplini succesiv diverse sarcini – de producflie øi<br />

de dirijare –, prin urmare nu vor mai exista clase; cæ în felul acesta statul va<br />

dispærea ca organizaflie coercitivæ întreflinutæ de un aparat separat. Toate astea<br />

nu sînt planuri foarte elaborate, dar ele pot fi mæcar discutate, iar discufliile<br />

ulterioare au demonstrat caracterul lor intenabil.<br />

„Pentru cæ nimeni n-a încercat vreodatæ sæ punæ în practicæ aceste <strong>idea</strong>luri,<br />

nu existæ argumente faptice de partea caracterului realizabil sau irealizabil<br />

al acestora“, scrie G. M. T. Nu înfleleg. De ce numai experienfla istoricæ ar<br />

putea demonstra cæ <strong>idea</strong>lul e irealizabil? Dacæ <strong>idea</strong>lurile noastre nu sînt lipsite<br />

de conflinut, atunci se pot aduce argumente împotriva lor. Discufliile pot<br />

aræta deci cæ nu are sens sæ încercæm punerea lor în practicæ. Iar argumentele<br />

trebuie respinse, færæ a li se nega din capul locului posibilitatea.<br />

E o chestiune complet diferitæ dacæ øi teorii eronate pot juca un rol istoric<br />

fecund sau nu. „Corespunde oare tiparelor modelului apt pentru dezbatere<br />

socialæ cartea lui Rousseau, Contractul social, care fusese, cum se øtie,<br />

liberals are followers of the market economy based on the primacy of parliamentary<br />

democracy and private property is quite telling with respect to the<br />

liberal interpretation of freedom and equality. In order to grasp clearly the<br />

meaning of freedom and equality in G. M. T.’s socialism, we should hear a few<br />

details on the types of institutions through which the socialist society would<br />

coordinate individual actions. This was the statement behind my article under<br />

debate.<br />

Nevertheless G. M. T. does not wish to make any statements in this respect.<br />

“I think we should resist the popular feeling that demands utopia”, he writes.<br />

“As soon as the public gets utopia, it starts complaining about its fictional<br />

character and lack of reality. This is a pointless game.”<br />

Dear Gazsi, I must confess this statement astonishes me. You expect people to<br />

change the world, but you will not tell them for the sake of what should they<br />

do that, because if you did, they were dissatisfied? How could they know your<br />

socialism would not be worse than the worst forms of capitalism and democracy?<br />

How could they know it would, even by a jot, be better than Soviet<br />

socialism? Because you choose the socialist <strong>idea</strong>l in rejection of all forms of<br />

alienation, oppression and exploitation? Exactly which contemporary ideology<br />

praises oppression, agrees to exploitation and demands greater alienation?<br />

For the sake of distinction, you should let us know what to believe about these<br />

evil things and point out the institutional order that will repel them. The two<br />

questions are closely related because, as you so promptly underline, there is<br />

no clear division between “<strong>idea</strong>l and reality”.<br />

You refer to Marx, who also refrained from describing socialism.<br />

“Marx’s theory is a critical theory of history”, you write. “He has no<br />

theory – because he simply had to deem any such theory incorrect –<br />

on the general way of ’coordinating’ individual actions in the<br />

absence of exploitation, alienation, and oppression.”<br />

As an interpretation to Marx, this will not do. Marx did indeed<br />

refrain from providing technical details on the actual functioning<br />

of socialism, nevertheless he did had a rather precise vision for the<br />

basic features of the system, a concept familiar to all social-democrats at the<br />

turn of the 19th and 20th century. Social-democrats knew the socialist economy<br />

was going to function like a huge factory; that all needs were going to be<br />

taken into account in nature and costs were going to be measured in terms<br />

of working time; that a central entity was going to compare needs and costs;<br />

that production and distribution was meant to follow previous plans instead<br />

of being harmonized by a process of subsequent self-regulation, as on the capitalist<br />

market; that everyone was going to contribute to production within the<br />

limits of their abilities and was going to benefit, in the beginning, from social<br />

products to a degree proportional with their work, and later, after general welfare<br />

set in, to a degree proportional with their needs; that everybody would, in<br />

an alternative manner, fulfill tasks both in production and in leadership, which<br />

would lead to the disappearance of social classes; and that in this process the<br />

state as an organization of coercion operated by a separate apparatus would<br />

disappear, too. This vision was indeed far from detailed but it was certainly apt<br />

for debate and debates proved its untenable nature.<br />

“As nobody has ever attempted to accomplish the said <strong>idea</strong>ls, there are practically<br />

no empirical arguments for or against their validity”, G. M. T. writes.<br />

Well, I do not understand. Why would historical experience be the only proof of<br />

the validity or the feasibility of a given <strong>idea</strong>l? Our <strong>idea</strong>ls will support arguments<br />

brought against them, provided that they have a clear content. The argument<br />


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