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doar de niøte <strong>idea</strong>lizæri. Aøadar, János Kis criticæ un principiu greøit, despre<br />

care toatæ lumea øtie cæ e aøa. Socialismul revoluflionar, marxian depæøeøte<br />

egalitarismul liberal (burghez), dar nu în direcflia sugeratæ de Kis. Una peste<br />

alta, dacæ ne facem cu amabilitate cæ uitæm de ocolul acesta referitor la „populism“,<br />

vom da peste afirmaflii ceva mai importante. Iatæ ce scrie excelentul<br />

gînditor liberal:<br />

„Ne-ar plæcea sæ træim într-o lume în care oamenii îøi træiesc viafla conform<br />

propriei lor înflelegeri a lucrurilor. Dar atunci cînd indivizii urmæresc scopuri<br />

ce oglindesc dorinflele øi convingerile lor, conflictele sînt inevitabile. […] Deøi<br />

luptele de interese din cadrul societæflii sînt inevitabile, de ce n-ar putea fi ele<br />

coordonate oare pe baza unei asocieri libere a unor comunitæfli autodirijate?<br />

În ce-l priveøte, Karl Marx avusese o concepflie despre cum ar putea acorda<br />

între ele acfliunile indivizilor o economie lipsitæ de piaflæ, proprietate privatæ<br />

øi stat. Aceastæ concepflie a avut ocazia sæ fie dezbætutæ, dar ea n-a supraviefluit<br />

criticii teoretice. Nu e adeværat cæ numai præbuøirea sistemului sovietelor<br />

ar fi fæcut-o – færæ niciun alt motiv – dubioasæ. Erorile ei organice fuseseræ<br />

demonstrate încæ de pe vremea Uniunii Sovietice“ (s. m. – G. M. T.).<br />

„Ne-ar plæcea sæ træim într-o lume în care oamenii îøi træiesc viafla conform<br />

propriei lor înflelegeri a lucrurilor“? Depinde. Mulfli øtiu cæ sînt øi eu, la rîndu-mi,<br />

adeptul toleranflei celei mai largi. Am vrea însæ o lume în care sæ fie<br />

prezente øi opresiunea, viziunea ierarhicæ, rasismul, sadismul, mercantilismul<br />

sec øi plictisul repetitiv? În nici într-un caz – mie, unuia, nu mi-ar displæcea deloc<br />

ca toate astea sæ piaræ færæ zarvæ. Poate cæ existæ totuøi ceva de genul a ceea<br />

ce Habermas a numit „interesul emancipator“. Asta ar putea ghida teoriile<br />

noastre etice. A avut oare Marx o concepflie despre acordarea acfliunilor individuale<br />

în absenfla unei piefle, a proprietæflii private øi a statului? Depinde.<br />

Nu mulfli øtiu cæ, împreunæ cu György Bence øi György Márkus, János Kis<br />

e autorul unei critici a lui Marx, importantæ din punct de vedere istoricoteoretic.<br />

Împreunæ cu Bence, ei încercaseræ deja în anii ’70–’80 sæ conceapæ<br />

o criticæ de stînga a sistemelor de tip sovietic pe baza unui marxism revizuit.<br />

(Ceva mai tîrziu, Márkus – de data asta în colaborare cu Ferenc Fehér øi<br />

Ágnes Heller – a produs o altæ versiune a acestei critici.) Criticarea, pornind<br />

de la Marx, a regimului øi critica marxismului au mers, aøadar, în paralel. János<br />

Kis, la fel ca prietenii øi colaboratorii sæi, fusese încæ marxist (critic), dar deja<br />

de opoziflie, iar mai tîrziu de opoziflie, færæ a mai fi marxist. Cînd l-a excomunicat,<br />

regimul „comunist“ a fæcut-o încæ pe motivul cæ ar fi marxist, un<br />

„marxism“ înfleles în termenii limitafli øi autoritari ai regimului. Aøadar, János<br />

Kis a fost savantul, de fapt, criticul savant al marxismului încæ de pe vremea<br />

cînd pentru mine acelaøi marxism fusese numai o componentæ a modernitæflii<br />

revoltate, øi nu mæ puteam læuda cæ l-aø fi cunoscut øi înfleles mai în adîncime.<br />

Aøadar, ca începætor, ca nou-venit într-ale lui Marx, mæ întreb cu o<br />

oarecare pærtinire: e oare sigur cæ János Kis îøi aduce bine aminte de<br />

Marx?<br />

Ceea ce întreabæ el acum au mai întrebat øi alflii, de la Ludwig von Mises<br />

pînæ la Eugen Böhm-Bawerk, øi chiar înainte de „marxismul sovietic“ (expresia<br />

vine de la anticomunistul de stînga care a fost Herbert Marcuse). În lucrarea<br />

sa, cititæ øi astæzi, Ludwig von Mises spune: sæ nu ne pese cæ Marx a refuzat<br />

orice fel de schiflare utopicæ a unei societæfli viitoare; el trebuie, de fapt, criticat<br />

din perspectiva utopiei ce poate fi extrasæ indirect din operele lui. Critica<br />

formulatæ de von Mises mulfli o consideræ eronatæ. Teoria lui Marx e o<br />

teorie criticæ a istoriei. Ea n-are propriu-zis nicio teorie despre cum ar trebui<br />

„coordonate“ în general acfliunile individuale, în absenfla exploatærii, a<br />

exceeds liberal (bourgeois) equalitarianism indeed, but in a different respect.<br />

Nevertheless we are to come across quite important statements if we gallantly<br />

disregard the ill-fated comment on “populism”. These are the words of the<br />

excellent liberal thinker:<br />

“We would like a world of people free to follow their own <strong>idea</strong>ls. Nevertheless,<br />

conflicts are quick to arise whenever individuals pursue aims that reflect their<br />

own wishes and convictions. . . . Nevertheless, even if clashes of interests are<br />

unavoidable in a society, why not have the free association of self-managing<br />

communities coordinate them? Well, Karl Marx had a certain vision of an economy<br />

without a market, private property and state to coordinate the actions<br />

of individuals. This vision was submitted to debate, but it did not survive theoretical<br />

criticism. It is not true that only the collapse of the Soviet system has<br />

made it – without any other reason – dubious. Its imperfections were highlighted<br />

already during the time of the Soviet Union.”<br />

Would “we [really] like a world of people free to follow their own <strong>idea</strong>ls”?<br />

It depends. I am quite notorious for my adherence to the widest concept<br />

of tolerance. But would we like a world that allows repression, hierarchical<br />

views, racism, sadism, empty materialism and repetitive boredom to be<br />

spread at free will? Not quite; I would rather prefer these to dwindle silently<br />

away. There might exist something Jürgen Habermas termed “emancipatory<br />

interest”. This could constitute the basis for our ethical theories. Did Karl Marx<br />

actually develop a conception for the harmonisation of individual actions without<br />

any market, private property, and state? It depends.<br />

Not too many people know it, but János Kis – along with György Bence and<br />

György Márkus – is the author of a critique of Marx, which is still of considerable<br />

significance in the history of theory. As early as the ’70s–’80s, based<br />

on a sort of corrected Marxism, Kis and Bence attempted a left-wing criticism<br />

of the Soviet system. (A few years later Márkus, Ferenc Fehér, and Ágnes Heller<br />

provided a new version of the same attempt.) The critique of the system<br />

allegedly built upon Marx, and the critique of Marxism took parallel courses.<br />

János Kis and his friends and colleagues were still (critical) Marxists, while<br />

already being in opposition, and later they were in opposition without actually<br />

being Marxists any more. The “communist” system had expelled them while<br />

they still passed for Marxists, which from its narrow but peremptory point of<br />

view is understandable. Frankly, János Kis was already a learned critic of Marxism<br />

at a time when for me the latter was merely an element of rebellious modernism,<br />

and I could by no means boast a deep knowledge and understanding<br />

in the field. This is why, as a novice in Marxist matters, I ask myself with a certain<br />

amount of partiality: is it sure that János Kis recalls Marx accurately?<br />

The question he ventures was raised by Ludwig von Mises and Eugen Böhm-<br />

Bawerk even before the rise of “Soviet Marxism” (the term was coined by the<br />

anti-communist, left-wing thinker Herbert Marcuse). In his still widely read<br />

work, Ludwig von Mises advises us to overlook the fact that Marx has always<br />

rejected a utopian depiction of the future society, and to weigh Marx’s theory<br />

based on the utopia that can be reconstructed from his works. Many people<br />

consider Ludwig von Mises to have been wrong in his critique. Marx’s theory<br />

is a critical theory of history. He has no theory – because he simply had to<br />

deem any such theory incorrect – on the general way of “coordinating”<br />

individual actions in the absence of exploitation, alienation, and oppression.<br />

In a negative and pejorative way, Marxists usually regard such theories as<br />

“ideologies”. Jairus Banaji, the Indian Marxist historian, defines ideology<br />

as a system of beliefs/representations that naturalizes social relations, espe-<br />


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