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verso: revoluflii în oglindæ (mirroring revolutions)<br />

duce, în Republica Popularæ Chinezæ, la un glorios øi bun sfîrøit revoluflia burghezæ<br />

împlinitæ, îmbinînd dominaflia extremæ a capitalului cu dictatura de tip<br />

stalinist, care a ræmas aproape neschimbatæ. Nu asta au vrut nici sindicaliøtii<br />

catolici polonezi, nici flæranii revoluflionari chinezi.<br />

Ceea ce s-a întîmplat a avut loc nu fiindcæ aøa deciseseræ liderii Solidaritæflii,<br />

respectiv ai CAM øi CAS [Comitetul pentru Apærare Socialæ] – ei, la rîndul<br />

lor, øi-au dat seama de ce se petrece abia dupæ ce totul va fi fost deja decis<br />

–, ci fiindcæ forma aceasta risipitoare, rigidæ øi putredæ a capitalismului de stat<br />

poate fi la fel de puflin ræsturnatæ cu mijloace socialiste ca imperiile semifeudale:<br />

de pildæ, cel flarist, otoman sau habsburgic. E adeværat însæ cæ pentru<br />

regimul de azi, iubit de foarte puflini (øi pour cause!), poporul polonez n-ar<br />

fi adus sacrificiul imens pe care l-a adus. Prin ce a devenit Solidaritatea, cei<br />

mai de seamæ reprezentanfli ai poporului polonez nu numai cæ i-au tras pe<br />

sfoaræ pe adepflii lor, ci s-au amægit øi pe ei înøiøi. Lucrurile probabil cæ nu se<br />

puteau întîmpla altminteri. Numai cæ toate astea nu spun nimic – nici în sens<br />

pozitiv, nici în sens negativ – nici despre <strong>idea</strong>lul autodirijist øi nici despre celelalte<br />

<strong>idea</strong>luri puse în joc de Solidaritatea. Cred cæ întrebarea la care János<br />

Kis dæ ræspunsul dramatic pe care-l øtim e, de fapt, o pseudoîntrebare.<br />

Dramatismul ar fi totuøi justificat dacæ ar exista destui lideri ai Solidaritæflii øi<br />

intelectuali de opoziflie care sæ asume faptul cæ <strong>idea</strong>lurile pe care le-au dus<br />

în luptæ nu corespund politicii pe care au ajuns sæ o practice odatæ ajunøi la<br />

putere. În felul acesta, am mai fi avut poate ocazia sæ asistæm la cîteva tragedii<br />

morale – dacæ agreæm genul. Totuøi, aceastæ conexiune simplæ<br />

e ignoratæ de János Kis øi de aici provine aceastæ afirmaflie,<br />

dupæ mine monstruoasæ, din interesantul sæu eseu:<br />

„Am avut pufline træiri la fel de înælflætoare ca aceea pe care am<br />

simflit-o atunci cînd, în calitate de ministru al muncii, Jacek Kuron<br />

a explicat muncitorilor polonezi rafliunea restricfliilor [economice]“.<br />

Înælflætoare?<br />

Tragice, poate, sau de coømar. A înfrunta, în numele noii „realitæfli“, substanfla<br />

amarnicæ a unei viefli de luptæ, de eforturi, de sacrificii, de suferinflæ, de înfrîngeri<br />

suportate stoic øi de glorie acceptatæ cu modestie, færæ a læsa pe alflii sæ<br />

facæ treaba murdaræ: asta poate fi, într-un anume sens, onorabil, oricît de<br />

demoralizantæ øi de dramaticæ ar fi înfrîngerea. Dar înælflætor?<br />

Cititorului nu-i vine sæ-øi creadæ ochilor.<br />

Aproape toate felurile de înfrîngere pot fi stilizate øi trans<strong>format</strong>e în victorii,<br />

mai puflin înfrîngerea moralæ. E de înfleles cæ ne vine greu sæ privim senini<br />

eøecul prietenilor noøtri. Nu m-aø fi aøteptat însæ ca excelentul autor al Politicii<br />

ca problemæ moralæ sæ n-aibæ ochi pentru tragedia celor ce sînt cel mai<br />

aproape de el. Parcæ în frumosul necrolog pe care l-a scris la moartea lui<br />

Jacek Kuron (Magyar Hírlap), János Kis mai øtia cîte ceva despre asta.<br />

János Kis se apucæ de distrugerea postumæ a <strong>idea</strong>lurilor Solidaritæflii – pe care<br />

le prefluise øi el cîndva – fæcînd deosebirea dintre „solidaritatea“ în general<br />

øi versiunea ei „populistæ“. Pe aceasta din urmæ o supune unei critici devastatoare.<br />

El zice: „Atîta timp cît – conform concepfliei ei populiste – solidaritatea<br />

înseamnæ cæ pot fi acceptate numai reguli sau decizii statale care<br />

convin celor mulfli øi nu defavorizeazæ pe nimeni, ea e incompatibilæ cu<br />

ordinea libertæflii“. Chiar dacæ expresia „ordinea libertæflii“ e uøor obscuræ,<br />

fraza ar putea fi totuøi acceptatæ. Singura problemæ e cæ punctul de vedere<br />

cæruia i se opune, pe drept, János Kis nu e revendicat de nimeni. Nu gæsim<br />

niciunde un egalitarism atît de radical – poate doar în scrierea mea anarhosindicalistæ,<br />

Ochiul øi mîna (samizdat, 1983), dar chiar øi acolo a fost vorba<br />

Events transpired this way not because of a decision made by the Solidarity<br />

and the leaders of CSS [the Committee for Social Self-Protection] and CPW<br />

– everything had been settled by the time they became aware of it – but<br />

because this squandering, rigid and rotten form of state capitalism could be<br />

overthrown by socialist means just as much as the semi-feudal Tsarist, the<br />

Ottoman, or the Habsburg empires. Nevertheless, the Polish people would<br />

have not made the huge sacrifice they did had they known it was today’s<br />

rightly unpopular political system at stake. Leading the lines of the Solidarity,<br />

the greatest of the Polish people deceived not their adherents, but first of all<br />

themselves above all others. There was probably no other way for things to<br />

happen. All this says nothing of the <strong>idea</strong>ls of self-management, neither in<br />

a positive, nor a negative respect. I believe János Kis provides a dramatic<br />

answer to what is a pseudo-question.<br />

A tragic approach would not entirely be inappropriate here, had there been<br />

more Solidarity leaders and oppositionist intellectuals aware of the fact that<br />

the politics they were to lead after gaining political power did not at all match<br />

the <strong>idea</strong>ls that had triggered the entire struggle. For those who enjoy the<br />

genre, this would have been a perfect occasion for moral tragedy. János Kis<br />

happens to overlook this simple correspondence, and this is the fountainhead<br />

for the following (in my view, horrific) sentence in his interesting essay:<br />

“Few of my experiences live up to that of watching on television Jacek Kuron<br />

as minister of labor explain the meaning of [economic] restrictions to the<br />

Polish workers.”<br />

What was so uplifting here?<br />

It might have been tragic, perhaps infernal, but uplifting?<br />

To confront, under the sign of the new “reality”, the substance<br />

of a life full of the most arduous, self-abnegating suffering, stoically<br />

born defeat, and humbly endured victory, by not leaving<br />

the “dirty work” to be done by someone else: in certain respects, this is an<br />

honourable endeavour, despite the tragic, afflictive defeat behind. But what is<br />

uplifting in that?<br />

The reader is lost in bewilderment.<br />

Rhetoric can turn almost every kind of defeat into a victory – but not the<br />

moral one. This is why it is so unpleasant to witness our friends fail. I did not<br />

expect to discover that the eye of the excellent author of A politika mint erkölcsi<br />

probléma [Politics as a moral question] is insensitive to the tragedy of his<br />

closest fellows. Although in the fine obituary he wrote on Jacek Kuron (Magyar<br />

Hírlap), János Kis seemed to have sensed this tragedy.<br />

János Kis proceeds to demolish posthumously the <strong>idea</strong>ls of the Solidarity<br />

– which he himself held dear some time ago – by differentiating the “populist”<br />

version of the <strong>idea</strong>l of “solidarity” (as a general <strong>idea</strong>) and providing its<br />

destructive critique. Thus: “If – according to its populist conception – solidarity<br />

only allows the acceptance of state regulations or measures that are for the<br />

benefit of the many and discriminate against no one, then solidarity is incompatible<br />

with the general <strong>idea</strong> of freedom.” Although the expression “general<br />

<strong>idea</strong> of freedom” is somewhat obscure, one could almost accept this sentence.<br />

The problem here is that nobody claims the position János Kis rightfully criticizes.<br />

There is simply no case of such radical equalitarianism on the face of<br />

earth – except perhaps my anarcho-syndicalist piece, A szem és a kéz [The eye<br />

and the hand] (samizdat, 1983), which is nothing but an <strong>idea</strong>lization – consequently<br />

János Kis confutes an argument that is incorrect on one hand, while,<br />

on the other, everybody knows it is so. Revolutionary Marxist socialism<br />


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