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verso: revoluflii în oglindæ (mirroring revolutions)<br />

Dupæ tine însæ, pare cæ dupæ atîtea decenii (øi secole) am fi ajuns iaræøi la<br />

înflelepciunea mandevillianæ, dragæ Adam Michnik. În opinia lui Mandeville<br />

(øi a unora dintre economiøtii liberali), acfliunile oamenilor sînt animate de<br />

motive rele (egoiste), dar rezultatul e binele public. Cui nu-i place asta, øi<br />

pe deasupra mai este øi redactorul-øef al celui mai vîndut ziar polonez, admirat<br />

øi særbætorit în lumea întreagæ, acela îøi poate permite sæ fie cinstit. De<br />

hobby. Asta e ce rezultæ din afirmaflia (dupæ mine) falsæ, conform cæreia „revoluflia<br />

democraticæ a învins“.<br />

Scrierea lui János Kis e mult mai profundæ øi mai coerentæ decît aøa ceva.<br />

El spune: „«Sindicatul independent, autodirijat» pornise ca o miøcare<br />

îmbræfliøînd întreaga societate. În schimb, dupæ 1989, s-a descompus în partide<br />

aflate în concurenflæ. El promisese cæ fiecare individ øi grup va fi protejat<br />

de comunitatea socialæ autonomæ, pentru a nu mai fi expus consecinflelor<br />

defavorizante ale deciziilor de stat. Dupæ 1989, guvernul Solidaritæflii a trebuit<br />

sæ execute una dintre cele mai dureroase operafliuni de stabilizare economicæ<br />

ale istoriei. Majoritatea conducætorilor øi membrilor Solidaritæflii<br />

visaseræ la o lume în care ordinea producfliei øi a redistribuirii se bazeazæ pe<br />

asocierea liberæ a unor unitæfli autonome – dupæ 1989, guvernul Solidaritæflii<br />

a trebuit sæ înceapæ trecerea la o economie de piaflæ capitalistæ. Ce s-a întîmplat<br />

cu <strong>idea</strong>lurile Solidaritæflii?“<br />

„Se pot da douæ tipuri de ræspuns la aceastæ întrebare“, continuæ János Kis.<br />

„Conform primului tip de ræspuns, <strong>idea</strong>lurile Solidaritæflii sînt legitime, dar sub<br />

presiunea circumstanflelor – contextul internaflional capitalist – miøcarea<br />

s-a aflat în imposibilitatea de a le pune în practicæ. S-a pierdut<br />

deci încæ o ocazie istoricæ pentru depæøirea aøa-numitei false<br />

contradicflii dintre capitalismul privat øi socialismul de stat.“<br />

Acesta e unul dintre ræspunsurile posibile, spune János Kis.<br />

„Conform celui de-al doilea tip de ræspuns, ceva nu-i în regulæ<br />

cu <strong>idea</strong>lurile însele, iar asta trebuie acceptat cu onestitate. Abia aøa putem<br />

stabili ce anume din moøtenirea Solidaritæflii mai poate fi continuat øi astæzi.<br />

Autorul acestui articol [respectiv János Kis] e de acord cu cel de-al doilea<br />

tip de ræspuns.“<br />

Asta-i o afirmaflie destul de stranie. Cel puflin dacæ interpretæm lucrurile –<br />

dar, cum vom vedea, asta nu e ceva necesar – în aøa fel încît sæ ajungem<br />

la concluzia cæ „nu e totul în regulæ“ cu <strong>idea</strong>lurile care, dintr-un motiv sau<br />

altul, n-ajung sæ fie puse în practicæ. Acceptarea øi validitatea unei afirmaflii<br />

(teze, teorii) sînt douæ lucruri diferite. Despre afirmaflia cæ „asta poate fi corect<br />

dintr-un punct de vedere teoretic, dar nu e valabil øi în practicæ“ deja Kant<br />

arætase cæ e de nesusflinut. Desigur, nu asta spune János Kis. Totodatæ însæ,<br />

chiar dacæ într-o altæ manieræ, mai interesantæ poate decît contrastul sec dintre<br />

„<strong>idea</strong>l“ øi „realitate“, el creeazæ impresia cæ opune „<strong>idea</strong>lul“ aøa-numitei<br />

„realitæfli“ – deøi atari opuneri: <strong>idea</strong>l øi realitate, teorie øi practicæ, intelect øi<br />

rafliune, politicæ øi moralitate, politicæ øi economie sînt, cu toatele, particularitæfli<br />

ale societæflii burgheze, deci ele nu pot explica societatea burghezæ. În opinia<br />

lui János Kis, Solidaritatea (în parte explicit, în parte tacit) promisese cæ „ordinea<br />

producfliei øi a redistribuirii [bogæfliei sociale] se [va baza] pe asocierea<br />

liberæ a unor unitæfli autonome“. Dacæ aøa stau lucrurile, atunci Solidaritatea<br />

øi-a încælcat promisiunea, chiar dacæ deliberarea colectivæ a organizafliei în<br />

privinfla acestor aspecte a fost stopatæ de puciul lui Jaruzelski din decembrie<br />

1981. În 1989, Solidaritatea, scrie János Kis, „[…] a luat-o înspre democraflia<br />

pluripartinicæ øi economia de piaflæ capitalistæ. Aceastæ opfliune nu reflectæ<br />

însæ numai presiunea circumstanflelor“.<br />

(and centuries) we bump again into Mandeville’s wise words? According<br />

to Mandeville (and to certain liberal economists) people’s actions are driven<br />

by evil (selfish) impulses, the result being public benefit. Those who dislike the<br />

situation, especially if they are the world-famous editors-in-chief of the most<br />

marketable Polish newspaper, can cultivate honesty instead. In other words,<br />

honesty as a hobby. This stance might emerge as the outcome of the – in my<br />

opinion – mistaken statement “the democratic revolution was victorious.”<br />

The article by János Kis is a deeper and more coherent piece of writing.<br />

He writes: “The ’independent, self-governing trade union’ emerged as a genuine<br />

social movement, but after 1989, fragmented into a host of competing<br />

parties. It promised, as a self-organized social community, to protect each<br />

group and individual against the negative effects of state measures; nevertheless,<br />

after 1989 its own government performed one of the most painful operations<br />

of economic stabilization in history. Its leaders and the majority of its<br />

members dreamed of a system wherein the order of production and redistribution<br />

[of social wealth] were built upon the free association of self-managing<br />

units; yet, after 1989 its own government initiated the shift towards a capitalist<br />

market economy. What had happened to the <strong>idea</strong>ls of the Solidarity?<br />

There are two possible answers to this question [János Kis continues]. According<br />

to the first, the said <strong>idea</strong>ls are still valid, but under the circumstances –<br />

the pressure of the international capitalist environment – the movement could<br />

not sustain them. Thus, another historical chance for overcoming the so-called<br />

false opposition between private capitalism and state socialism<br />

was lost.”<br />

According to János Kis, this is one of the possible answers.<br />

“According to the second answer, there was something wrong<br />

with the <strong>idea</strong>ls themselves, and it is high time people honestly<br />

faced this. To do so is the only way to determine which parts of<br />

the Solidarity’s legacy are still viable.<br />

The author of this piece [namely, János Kis] favors the second answer.”<br />

This is a rather strange statement, at least if we interpret it – and as we shall<br />

see, we are not compelled to do that – as a suggestion that “there is<br />

something wrong” with unfulfilled <strong>idea</strong>ls. The acceptance and the validity<br />

of a certain statement (thesis, theory) are two completely different matters.<br />

Kant already demonstrated the impossibility of the statement “this might hold<br />

in theory but will never work in practice.” János Kis says nothing like that.<br />

Nonetheless, he still seems to oppose “the <strong>idea</strong>l” to the so-called “reality”<br />

– although these contrasting pairs, <strong>idea</strong>l and reality, theory and practice,<br />

intellect and feeling, politics and morality, politics and economy are characteristics<br />

of bourgeois society, thus they cannot explain bourgeois society – even<br />

if he does so in a more interesting manner than simply contrasting “<strong>idea</strong>l” and<br />

“reality”. In his view, (in a partly overt and partly concealed manner) the<br />

Solidarity has promised “the order of production and redistribution [of social<br />

wealth]” would be based on “the free association of self-managing units”.<br />

If this be true, the Solidarity failed to keep its promise, irrespective of the setback<br />

in the organization’s collective way of thinking effected by the 1981<br />

December Jaruzelski-coup. All the same, writes János Kis, the Solidarity<br />

in 1989 “. . . chose parliamentary democracy and capitalist market economy.<br />

More than the constraint of circumstances alone governed this choice.”<br />

Whatever had happened in seven years, the Solidarity did not make the radical<br />

change in its political <strong>idea</strong>ls and plans explicit (if the story told by János<br />

Kis reflects the facts, which in order to keep things simple I now accept).<br />


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