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Se pot da douæ tipuri de ræspuns la aceastæ întrebare. Conform primului<br />

tip de ræspuns, <strong>idea</strong>lurile Solidaritæflii sînt legitime, dar sub presiunea circumstanflelor<br />

– contextul internaflional capitalist – miøcarea s-a aflat în imposibilitatea<br />

de a le pune în practicæ. S-a pierdut deci încæ o ocazie istoricæ pentru<br />

depæøirea aøa-numitei false contradicflii dintre capitalismul privat øi socialismul<br />

de stat.<br />

Conform celui de-al doilea tip de ræspuns, ceva nu-i în regulæ cu <strong>idea</strong>lurile<br />

însele, iar asta trebuie acceptat cu onestitate. Abia aøa putem stabili ce anume<br />

din moøtenirea Solidaritæflii mai poate fi continuat øi astæzi.<br />

Autorul acestui articol e de acord cu cel de-al doilea tip de ræspuns. Visul<br />

unei societæfli unitare, autonome fusese criticat încæ de la bun început chiar<br />

din interiorul miøcærii. Dezbaterea despre programul economic al Solidaritæflii<br />

a început deja la congresul din august 1981, dar criza politicæ din toamnæ,<br />

iar mai tîrziu puciul au scos-o de pe ordinea de zi. Însæ, în 1989, cea care<br />

a trebuit sæ formeze un guvern fusese deja Solidaritatea. Decizia a devenit<br />

inevitabilæ, iar guvernul <strong>format</strong> de Solidaritatea a luat-o înspre democraflia<br />

pluripartinicæ øi economia de piaflæ capitalistæ. Aceastæ opfliune nu reflectæ<br />

însæ numai presiunea circumstanflelor.<br />

Ne-ar plæcea sæ træim într-o lume în care oamenii îøi træiesc viafla conform<br />

propriei lor înflelegeri a lucrurilor. Dar atunci cînd indivizii urmæresc scopuri<br />

ce oglindesc dorinflele øi convingerile lor, conflictele sînt inevitabile. Acest<br />

lucru poate fi demascat numai dacæ se indicæ un flap ispæøitor, care trebuie<br />

eliminat din circuitul economic sau cæruia trebuie sæ i se ia bunurile, sau care<br />

trebuie biciuit cu impozite speciale, dupæ care tofli ne vom bucura de cornul<br />

abundenflei. Sæ numim aceastæ concepflie doctrina populistæ a solidaritæflii.<br />

Aparflinem cu toflii aceleiaøi familii – mai puflin comuniøtii, marii capitaliøti, evreii,<br />

imigranflii sau alflii.<br />

Deøi luptele de interese din cadrul societæflii sînt inevitabile, de ce n-ar putea<br />

fi ele coordonate oare pe baza asocierii libere a unor comunitæfli autodirijate?<br />

În ce-l priveøte, Karl Marx avusese o concepflie despre cum ar putea<br />

acorda între ele acfliunile indivizilor o economie lipsitæ de piaflæ, proprietate<br />

privatæ øi stat. Aceastæ concepflie avusese ocazia sæ fie dezbætutæ, dar ea n-a<br />

supraviefluit criticii teoretice. Nu e adeværat cæ numai præbuøirea sistemului<br />

sovietelor ar fi fæcut-o – færæ niciun alt motiv – dubioasæ. Erorile ei organice<br />

fuseseræ demonstrate încæ de pe vremea Uniunii Sovietice.<br />

Apærætorii de azi ai societæflii autodirijate nu spun însæ nimic despre cum ar<br />

coordona deciziile individuale o asociere a muncitorilor solidari. Pînæ cînd<br />

nu vor clarifica acest punct, cuvintele lor exprimæ doar sentimente pur personale<br />

øi nu descriu un model care ar putea fi supus dezbaterii publice.<br />

Nu putem spune deci cæ Solidaritatea ar fi pierdut pe terenul pæcii [sociale].<br />

Turnura din 1989 n-a fost nici mai puflin curajoasæ, nici mai puflin grandioasæ<br />

decît lupta ce a dus, în 1980, la înfiinflarea organizafliei. Am avut pufline træiri<br />

la fel de înælflætoare ca aceea pe care am simflit-o atunci cînd, în calitate de<br />

ministru al muncii, Jacek Kuron a explicat muncitorilor polonezi rafliunea<br />

restricfliilor [economice].<br />

Turnura din 1989 n-a fost o rupturæ radicalæ. Mult din utopia Solidaritæflii trebuia<br />

læsat în urmæ. E de regîndit pînæ øi principiul moral ce dæ numele ei. El<br />

trebuie însæ clarificat, øi nu respins.<br />

Atîta timp cît – conform concepfliei ei populiste – solidaritatea înseamnæ cæ<br />

pot fi acceptate numai reguli sau decizii statale care convin celor mulfli øi nu<br />

defavorizeazæ pe nimeni, ea e incompatibilæ cu ordinea libertæflii. Idealul libertæflii<br />

nu poate fi însæ despærflit de <strong>idea</strong>lul solidaritæflii. E important ca oamenii<br />

According to the second answer, there was something wrong with the <strong>idea</strong>ls<br />

themselves, and it is high time people honestly faced this. To do so is the only<br />

way to determine which parts of the Solidarity’s legacy are still viable.<br />

The author of this piece favors the second answer. The dream of a unitary, selfgoverning<br />

society was criticized from inside the movement from the very<br />

beginning. The debate, with arguments for and against the economic program<br />

of the Solidarity, reached its peak during the congress of August 1981, but the<br />

autumn political crisis and the coup d’État obscured the matter. Then in 1989,<br />

the Solidarity had to form the government. As such, it was forced to make a<br />

decision and chose parliamentary democracy and capitalist market economy.<br />

More than the constraint of circumstances alone governed this choice.<br />

We would like a world of people free to follow their own <strong>idea</strong>ls. Nevertheless,<br />

conflicts are quick to arise whenever individuals pursue aims that reflect their<br />

own wishes and convictions. This fact can only be masked by appointing a<br />

scapegoat – a factor that needs to be eradicated from the economic system,<br />

a group that should be depraved of its property or liable to pay extra taxes,<br />

the result being universal access to the horn of plenty. Let us term this<br />

approach the populist interpretation of solidarity. We all belong together,<br />

with the slight exception of communists, tycoons, Jews, immigrants, and<br />

a few other groups.<br />

Nevertheless, even if clashes of interests are unavoidable in a society, why not<br />

have the free association of self-managing communities coordinate them?<br />

Well, Karl Marx had a certain vision of an economy without a market, private<br />

property and state to coordinate the actions of individuals. This vision was<br />

submitted to debate, but it did not survive theoretical criticism. It is not true<br />

that only the collapse of the Soviet system has made it – without any other<br />

reason – dubious. Its imperfections were highlighted already during the time<br />

of the Soviet Union.<br />

However, present-day followers of the self-managing society have nothing to<br />

say about how an association of workers in solidarity would coordinate individual<br />

decisions. Until they shed light on this matter, their words remain but<br />

expressions of personal feelings, and fall very short of describing a model ripe<br />

for open debate.<br />

Consequently, we are not in a position to say the Solidarity lost peace.<br />

The turn effected in 1989 was nothing less in bravery and brilliance than the<br />

fight that had led to the 1980 birth of the organization. Few of my experiences<br />

live up to that of watching on television Jacek Kuron as minister of<br />

labor explain the meaning of [economic] restrictions to the Polish workers.<br />

Moreover, the 1989 turn was not a complete breach. Many elements of the<br />

Solidarity’s utopia had to be discarded. Even the moral principle behind the<br />

organization’s denomination needs reconsideration. Yet things must be redefined<br />

with more accuracy, not done away with.<br />

If – according to its populist conception – solidarity only allows the acceptance<br />

of state regulations or measures that are for the benefit of the many and<br />

discriminate against no one, then solidarity is incompatible with the general<br />

<strong>idea</strong> of freedom. In spite of this, the <strong>idea</strong> of freedom does go hand in hand<br />

with that of solidarity. It is important for people to be free to follow their own<br />

<strong>idea</strong>ls, but this is equally valid for each and every individual. Freedom and<br />

equality have the same root. Consequently, when society’s structure shifts,<br />

those who benefit must not show indifference to the fate of those who do not.<br />

The “winners” bear the responsibility of offering a humane existence to those<br />

at a disadvantage. This is the liberal <strong>idea</strong> of solidarity.<br />


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