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Stimatæ Redacflie,<br />

Mæ numesc Südfeld Simon Miksa. M-am næscut øi træiesc la Budapesta, Ungaria.<br />

Înainte de toate, dafli-mi voie sæ væ spun cæ apreciem enorm eforturile dumneavoastræ de prezentare øi monitorizare a situafliei din România,<br />

ataøamentul dumneavoastræ necondiflionat faflæ de concret. Sîntefli o prezenflæ importantæ în peisajul românesc, stræinæ, într-adevær, mi se<br />

pare øi mie, oricærei transcendenfle instituflionalizate, precum øi de orice comisie transsubstanfliatæ, drept pentru care dorim sæ væ facem cunoscut<br />

un document primit de noi în ultima perioadæ de activitate.<br />

Sincer, avînd în vedere conflinutul sensibil al materialului, nu am øtiut exact cum sæ procedez. M-am consultat cu mai multe persoane interesate<br />

(øi cointeresate). Øi, în final, am considerat cæ numai judecata dumneavoastræ, stræinæ de estetismele de orice fel øi imunæ la ficfliunea interesatæ<br />

a neutralitæflii ideologice, poate da o bine-venitæ mînæ de ajutor în a sæpa øi a stræbate pînæ la temelia incintelor prea sacre ale miturilor<br />

fondatoare ale neamului românesc.<br />

În timp ce o parte a asociafliilor de profil din România au fost bulversate de intrigi generate de cercetærile din munflii Bucegi, reacflia lor aflîndu-se<br />

deocamdatæ paralizatæ, noi ne-am gîndit cæ este în interesul nostru, al tuturor, sæ væ trimitem acest document spre publicare neîntîrziatæ<br />

(dacæ vefli binevoi). Colegii mei au gæsit acest document în poøtæ øi am considerat cæ el trebuie fæcut public, aøa cum au intenflionat øi autorii<br />

prezentului raport. Conform declarafliilor colegului V. Rudan øi ale cercetætorilor Institutului Terra, cu concursul Armatei, speræm sæ obflinem<br />

o hartæ a României care sæ punæ în evidenflæ aceste zone muntoase ieøite din comun.<br />

Cu respect øi consideraflie,<br />

Südfeld Simon Miksa<br />

preøedinte<br />

S.I.P.F.A.L.S.<br />

Societatea pentru Investigaflii Paraspeologice, Fenomene Abisale øi Lumi Subterane<br />

WMDIC: Preliminary Report<br />

Dear Editorial Staff,<br />

My name is Südfeld Simon Miksa. I was born an I live in Budapest, Hungary.<br />

First of all, let me tell that we greatly appreciate your efforts to present and monitor the situation in Romania, your unconditioned attachment to the concrete.<br />

You are an important presence in the Romanian scene, alien, indeed, it seems to me, to any institutionalized transcendence, as well as to any trans-substantial<br />

committee. As a result, we’d like to let you know about a document we have recently received.<br />

Honestly, due to the sensible content of the material, I didn’t know exactly what to do. I consulted several persons – interested (and co-interested). And finally,<br />

I considered that only your judgment, alien to any kind of aestheticism and immune to the interested fiction of the ideological neutrality may give a welcomed helping<br />

hand in digging and going all the way to the foundation of the all too sacred halls of the Romanian people founding myths.<br />

While part of the Romanian organizations in the field have been shaken by intrigues generated by the Bucegi Mountains researches, their reaction being paralyzed<br />

for the moment, we thought it would be in our common interest to send you this document to be immediately publish (if you would be so kind). My colleagues found<br />

this document in our mailbox and we considered it had to be made public, as intended by the authors of the present report. According to our colleague V. Rudan<br />

and the Terra Institute researchers, by the instrumentality of the Army, we hope to get a map of Romania able to highlight these unusual mountain areas.<br />

With respect and consideration,<br />

Südfeld Simon Miksa<br />

President<br />

S.P.I.A.P.U.W.<br />

The Society for Paraspeological Investigations, Abyssal Phenomena and Underground Worlds<br />


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